Chongzhen Fengshen

129 The most beautiful angel, the Lord's ruling

16 years later, Ilo, who had both holy power and blood power, was killed back. The blood princes were frightened to find that their blood power hardly worked, and they could only slightly hurt Ilo's skin with all their strength! The last few blood princes were sucked away by Ilo and became mummified bodies! And Ilo's father knew that he was invincible, closed his eyes and waited to die. In the end, he received two slaps in the face.

Yilo's life can also be the protagonist of an online novel, but unlike online novels, Ilo is a dual-soul existence. As he grows older, human life expectancy is exhausted, and he can only use the power of the blood clan to maintain his body from collapsing. As a result, Ilo's blood power and the sacred power of human beings are not Although the conflict between the crazy believers Ilo and the blood clan Ilo tried their best to suppress it, but as their bodies became more and more serious, their bodies wanted to be torn in half every day, and there were faint signs of collapse!

Ilo had no choice but to disperse all his blood power and the sacred power of human beings and suppress it as much as possible. In the end, he became more and more like an ordinary person, and he did not dare to stay in that chaotic place in Europe. He could only go to Manila to survive. A month ago, Ilo met a self-proclaimed round oriental monk, that A self-proclaimed round oriental monk relieved Ilo's troubles!

Ilo originally looked down on oriental monks. It took hundreds or even thousands of years to and the archbishop's cultivation strength seemed that he did not use the power of God. It was said that it was to achieve immortality. Unfortunately, how many immortals there were? The number of disasters in the Eastern cultivation world is no less than that in the West, and there are even disasters similar to the dusk of the Western and Nordic gods and the fall of the ancient Greek gods! How many degrees have passed? It's still good to reincarnate mortals who can't live, and the annihilation of ashes and God's punishment are also everywhere! How can it compare to the carefree enjoyment in the Garden of Eden!

But later Ilo realized that although the Eastern monks practiced slowly, many smart skills were unmatched in the West! It is this self-proclaimed oriental monk who teaches himself the incarnation on the condition of collecting the flesh and blood of overseas Chinese to make blood beads is unparalleled. The blood clan Ilo finally separated from the crazy believer Ilo and has his own independent body, and although the blood clan Ilo and the crazy believer Ilo are separated, they have no Inconceive telepathy! And as long as they are completely practiced, the blood clan Ilo and the crazy believer Ilo will be separated and no longer have the power left by the other party. The mad believer Ilo can fly to the Garden of Eden, and the blood clan Ilo can impact the legendary lord realm of the blood clan!

Yilo didn't think of it. When he was just about to sit at home, the disaster came from the sky. Although Zhu Youjian, a freak, was only a bishop, his strength was very strange. His brother's two dozen pairs of transformations were no opponents. He wanted to escape and met the perverted descendant of Joan of Joan of Arc! In the end, it fell into the hands of Zhu Youjian!

The relationship between the blood clan Ilo and the mad believer Ilo brothers is not ordinary. They can live and die together. How can the mad believer Ilo watch the blood clan Ilo fly away and annihilate? He had to pull out the erect eyes of his eyebrows specially used to release the great protection technique and throw them to Ilo, a blood clan that was about to be annihilated, and prepared to save his brother's life with the power of his centuries of faith collected.

At this time, the sacred silver gate suddenly appeared! The sacred silver gate actually changed from half-open and half-closed to gradually open. Dozens of destroying angels filed out, and the joy of welcoming the saints turned into a strong murderous atmosphere! Dozens of angels of destruction guard the sacred silver gate, and in the middle of the sacred silver gate is like a brand-new little sun, and infinite holy power bursts out! Zhu Youjian, the Ilo brothers, and the knights of Joan of Arc's descendants were suppressed by this infinite holy light and did not dare to open their eyes at all. Even those singing little angels and beautiful female angels also knelt on the ground to greet them. Only those robot-like destruction angels were unmoved and stood speechless.

Finally, the light dissipated, and a beautiful female angel appeared. Her body emitted countless soft holy lights, which made people calm down, as if she had returned to her mother's arms. ** The perfect hot figure was hidden in a wide robe. Her skin color was like ivory without any flaws. , give people unlimited **. However, her extremely beautiful big eyes are completely disappearing. In her extremely beautiful eyes, what can be faintly seen are the stars. The owner of her extremely beautiful eyes is also like the stars of the sky, looking down at mortals, with four pairs of white wings behind her emitting soft holy light and four pairs of white wings. There are about four pairs of translucent light wings emitting the breath of destroying all evil. This breath of destroying all evil is very similar to the power of destroying angels. Of course, it is a difference between mass and quantity!

Zhu Youjian naturally knows who this beautiful female angel is. Naturally, she is Michael, the legendary first angel under God! I just didn't expect Michael to be so beautiful, even his two wives, Zhu Nianbing and Kong Lingwen, but even excluding energy bonuses and temperament, but in terms of appearance, even if they blow the black whistle hard, they have to admit that Zhu Nianbing and Kong Lingwen are comparable to Michael, and they are also beautiful women in the mountain village! I can't help but stand for a while. Fortunately, after enjoying Michael's stunning appearance, I noticed that Michael was indeed a "beauty"! It's two meters high to remove the wings! Uh-huh, this "beauty" is really not something that ordinary men can stand!

Michael smiled gently at Zhu Youjian, and there were all kinds of amorous feelings. Zhu Youjian couldn't help but be stunned for a while. After a long time, a small balance appeared in Michael's hand. On that day, he emitted endless holy light and suppressed all magical powers, and even the heart of resistance could not appear!

Michael turned to the Ilo brothers, and all kinds of amorous feelings disappeared without a smile. He whispered, "Brother Ilo, you have a great sin of blasphemy against God! You see, this fairest sacred golden balance has tilted to such a point! Ilo, a mad believer! All the glory given to you by the Lord does not belong to you, it belongs to the Lord! The Lord can give because of the Lord's generosity, and the Lord can also take it back because of the Lord's majesty! Blood clan Ilo, you have the great sin of deblaspheming the Pope of Donghuating. The Pope of Donghuating is a good friend of the Lord, so the Pope of Donghuating should come to judge in person! Ilo brothers, a pair of sinners! Accept the Lord's ruling!"