Chongzhen Fengshen

135 family dead, Zhilong summons

Zhu Youjian smiled grimly and was about to strangle the bricklayer in the late Ming Dynasty. The two sons brought by the middle-aged Confucian student, but one daughter rushed up. The two sons punched and kicked Zhu Youjian. The daughter pinched and bit Zhu Youjian. Zhu Youjian just ignored it, but the middle-aged Confucian student gradually turned pale. Zi, it turned out that Zhu Youjian actually decided not to use magic power to strangle the middle-aged Confucian life to death!

The two sons of middle-aged Confucian students knew that they were weak. Zhu Youjian was not only an adult, but also had magical powers. If his brother went on like this, he could only see his father being strangled to death. So the two sons winked at each other. The two beautiful children said in unison, "Zhu Youjian, you are a traitor who turned into a barbarians. How dare you kill my father as a loyal minister! If you don't let go of my father, our brothers and sisters will publicize everywhere, so that as the prince of the Ming Dynasty, you will know what kind of pseudo-pope of Donghua court! The mouth of the world can't be sealed!"

Zhu Youjian listened to the two sons of the middle-aged Confucian student and his father. As expected, he let go of the middle-aged Confucian student and threw him on the ground like a bag of garbage. He fell dizzy and lost half of his life! The middle-aged Confucian student didn't care that his body had broken a leg by Zhu Youjian, dragged his broken leg, half walked and half crawled, and was soft for the first time: "Your Highness King Xin! If you are really a good man, just kill me. My child is still young. You shouldn't abuse scholars.

The middle-aged Confucian student looked at Zhu Youjian's cold face and blood-red eyes and finally gave in: "Your Highness King Xin! If you really want to kill, kill my daughter! There is only one root in the single biography of the three generations of our old Chen family! I beg you... His Royal Highness!"

Although the middle-aged Confucian daughter is still young, she is a beautiful embryo, with picturesque eyebrows, like a jade doll, but she has the aura of women. She not only did not beg for mercy, but rushed to her father and hugged the middle-aged Confucian: "Father, my daughter will do filial piety under the nine springs. The father is Loyal minister, you will definitely be reincarnated as a good family in the next life, and your daughter is willing to be your daughter again!" But he didn't even cry. A pair of big black and white eyes stared at Zhu Youjian, full of hatred.

Zhu Youjian finally sneered: "Hey, I finally understood that it doesn't matter if those Chinese people who were made into blood beads died. Your son died and cut off the three generations of your old Chen family's single transmission, which is to abuse scholars!"

The middle-aged Confucian student finally became scared and trembling all over to beg for mercy, but he didn't know what to say. Zhu Youjian would not allow this bricklayer to talk about the beast and roared loudly: "An old brickman called the beast with a small brickman to call the beast. He became a righteous traitor. Do you still want the remnants poison to spread? Damn it all! I'm not the first emperor, but I only know how to burn books and cheat Confucianism! Kill the whole family! It's clean!"

Zhu Youjian didn't need magic power. He pinched the two middle-aged Confucian sons and bumped them against the wall with hatred. At first, the two children were silent. After being hit by Zhu Youjian's head full of blood, they cried, but they still refused to beg for mercy! He was hit several times by Zhu Youjian and gradually lost his voice. Zhu Youjian incarnated as Shura and threw the bodies of his two sons of middle-aged Confucian students on the middle-aged Confucian! The middle-aged Confucian student was already stupid. He didn't even know that the two dead sons' brains had entered his mouth. He whispered to himself, "Three generations of single transmission, three generations of single transmission, and the end of the deceased. Does the old Chen family really want to get into his son-law to continue the incense?"

Zhu Youjian was also tired. He carried out the magic power of the witch clan and punched the middle-aged Confucian daughter in her heart. Instead, she did not suffer many living crimes like her two poor brothers. As soon as the middle-aged Confucian student saw his son and grandson, he was bowing his head and crying loudly, but he was raised to his forehead by Zhu Youjian's hateful foot and hit the wall. There was a big opening on his head and blood flowed his face. The middle-aged Confucian student who made his blood flowed like a layer of blood fog on his eyes found that Zhu Youjian was holding three in his hand. The fragile white soul, the three poor white souls are clearly on the top, which is their two sons and one daughter!

The middle-aged Confucian student looked at Zhu Youjian, who was murderous, and finally understood what Zhu Youjian was going to do. He couldn't help cursing: "Zhu Youjian, you beast. Since ancient times, even the emperor of the world can only kill the body, and refining the soul is the work of the devil! Zhu Youjian said coldly, "Do you also know that refining the soul is the work of the devil? What is Ilo, who is made into all-blooded beads? Well, aren't you going to be a loyal minister? Then let's do it for Ilo's death! And it's the kind that has died for the whole family!"

Zhu Youqi carried out the unbreakable magic power of the witch and took the two sons of the middle-aged Confucian and a daughter! The white soul smashed the ashes and disappeared! Another punch smashed the body of middle-aged Confucian students, and another punch completely smashed the soul of middle-aged Confucian students! It's just that the middle-aged Confucian student didn't completely disappear!

It turned out that the middle-aged Confucian student had a strong will and created a unique view that traitor was also a loyal minister. If he had come into contact with the secret method of Confucianism to practice qi and absorb the power of faith, he would have become a great scholar like Gu Xiancheng! Naturally, there will be a crystal nucleus. Although his own body, spirit and memory are all extinguished, his ideas can be formed into a crystal nucleus, find heirs, and spread forever!

Unfortunately, the will should have formed a crystal nucleus, which has been passed down for hundreds of generations. The middle-aged Confucian student who became a worshiped master met Zhu Youjian. Zhu Youjian originally wanted to use the unbreakable magic power of the witch clan to smash the crystal nucleus formed by the middle-aged Confucian will, but found that it was ineffective! Immediately understand that the magic power of the witch is unbreakable, but the crystal nucleus formed by this will is even more spiritual between spirit and matter, which is naturally ineffective!

Zhu Youjian was anxious, but in the sea of his consciousness, he automatically sent out a Pangu axe and hit the crystal nucleus formed by the middle-aged Confucian will fiercely in the air!

The two collided fiercely, and the crystal nucleus formed by the will of middle-aged Confucianism finally exploded, and the ashes and smoke disappeared. A halo came out in the sky and disappeared in a long time. Today, more people in Manila were surprised than their lives. They thought it was a miracle and hurriedly knelt down and prayed devoutly!

Zhu Youjian could not manage these mess. It turned out that Zheng Zhilong arrived breathlessly. Zhu Youjian still had a good impression of Zheng Zhilong. He fought against Yiluo. Zheng Zhilong was not hot-blooded to add chaos. He was about to comfort Zheng Zhilong, but he heard an important news in Zheng Zhilong's air!