Chongzhen Fengshen

137 Tianzhao will, Wu Sheng's power

Tokugawa Ieyasu smiled bitterly when he heard it: "It seems that you really don't know the secret of Tianye Yunjian! Tianye Yunjian is divided into Tianjian and Yunjian. Tianjian is ten times more powerful than Yunjian, but it is restrained by Yunjian. Shimazu Yoshihiro has a cloud sword in his hand, and my hand is naturally Tianjian!"

Zhu Youjian remembered the power of the cloud sword in the hands of Yoshihiro Shimazu, whom he had come into contact with, and the nine heavenly dragons of Kunlun Taishang Elder Yuanyuan Taoist, which sent out endless chaotic power to simulate the magic weapon Jiulong God Fire Mask, and couldn't help but be more puzzled: "General Tokugawa Jiakang, the nine Tianlongs of Kunlun Taishang Elder Yuanyuan Taoist The power of endless chaos is actually just imitation! The source of power is the nine dragons themselves. Not to mention that the power of the sword is ten times that of the cloud sword, even the power of the cloud sword itself can definitely persist until the power of the nine dragons is exhausted! What's more, without Tianye Cloud Sword, there are also a lot of immortals in your country! The nine dragons together may not be able to protect the self-roundness of Kunlun Taishang Elder Yuanyuan Taoist, who has suffered great damage to the strength of the Kyushu boundary! Your Highness Tokugawa Ieyasu, you don't think the siege is honorable. You don't want to do it!"

In order to eliminate Toyotomi's blood, Tokugawa Ieyasu twice called on the princes of the world to besiege Osaka. This is the winter battle in Japanese history, Osaka summer battle! If he feels that the siege is not honorable, it is the sun coming out from the west! Zhu Youjian's distrust made Tokugawa Ieyasu smile bitterly: "Your Highness, the siege is also a tactic. Why is it not glorious? It's just that Guo Kan, a Mongolian martial saint, is guarding the elder Yuanyuan Taoist in Kunlun. Who dares to sneak attack!? But we Japanese warriors are not afraid of death! It's just that His Royal Highness Tianye Yunjian refused to take action at that time. I'm afraid it will be more troublesome if I don't agree to Kunlun Taishang Elder Yuanyuan Taoist!"

Zhu Youjian took a breath of cold air when he heard it: Doesn't Tianye Yunjian refuse to take action, doesn't it mean that Tianzhao God himself advocates supporting Tianye Yunjian to settle the Kyushu dragon vein!? Tianzhao God is supreme in Japan. Once the Japanese princes know that Tianye Yunjian refused to take action at that time and believe that Tianzhao God advocates Japanese invasion of China, the Japanese princes who are crazy about Tianzhao God will immediately invade China and will die without regret! It is the difference between heaven and earth and Toyotomi Hideyoshi's period. Manchuria and Japan's strength, how can Zhu Youjian resist this strength! Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan's expedition to Europe and Asia destroyed countless countries. I'm afraid that his strength will not only not be greatly damaged, but even increased! Anyway, there is a secret method, which is not unexpected!

Zhu Youjian figured this out and knew that Tokugawa Ieyasu had blocked a great disaster for himself, but he had all kinds of doubts. He suddenly felt ashamed and couldn't help saying gratefully, "Thank you, General Tokugawa Ieyasu, for China this time..."

Tokugawa Ieyasu interrupted Zhu Yujian: "I, Tokugawa Ieyasu, did this for the sake of Japan. Your Highness, this is full of ruins of the governor's mansion, not a place to talk. Let's go to the seaside and talk about everything, okay?" But they took Zhu Youjian's hand and flew to the sea!

Tokugawa Ieyasu sighed deeply: "Your Highness, I know your soul comes from the future! I also know that the breeze blows the bright moon, and the Tianye cloud sword cross star morning staff locks the Kyushu dragon vein. This is a fixed number, and I even calculated the holy emperor's British move! It's just that your soul comes from the era of the future, and what is the world like? Can you tell me?"

Zhu Youjian is not good at hiding it: "My soul comes from the Holy Emperor for a hundred years! There are no more immortals in that world! India's bubble economy burst! The country is torn apart and has no end for decades. European countries have accumulated 300 years of wealth and been eaten by lazy descendants. New immigrants and local people are in chaos, which is no different from now! North America, once a powerful country, erupted in Yellowstone Volcano, and the country was torn apart, and white and black Mexicans were killed! However, Japan is not bad. After the Yellowstone volcano erupted in the United States, Japan signed the Sino-Japanese Security and Protection Agreement with China, which is still rich and healthy! Although our country is the strongest in the world, it is a fair trade. It does not arbitrarily squeeze other countries and then raise a group of lazy people in its own country!"

Tokugawa Ieyasu couldn't help applaud: "It's worthy of the Middle-earth Heavenly Dynasty, and it is indeed the kingdom of the king! It's just that after your country is weakened, I'm afraid that our parliament will think that its fate is imminent, and it will be small and broad. I'm afraid that the means will be too radical and have done something that will be infuriated by heaven and people! Even if it is the kingdom of the king of the Middle-earth Dynasty, it is because the time is too far away to retaliate against our country! Isn't it?"

Zhu Youjian did not expect that Tokugawa Ieyasu had such a deep understanding of the national character of Japan: the Japanese have repeatedly succeeded in their adventures in China. After tasting the sweetness, their brains were hot and the whole people went crazy. The Nanjing Massacre and the Black Sun 731 were indeed public indignant! If it hadn't been a hundred years, I'm afraid that the Japanese would really be retaliated!

So Zhu Youjian nodded gently, but Tokugawa Ieyasu nodded: "Your Highness, Tokugawa Ieyasu is not opposed to the Japanese killing of small clans. Some small clans are weak and kill people to take land, which is a great future trouble. For example, Ezo in Hokkaido can only feud against ethnic massacres comparable to their own strength, such as * For people whose strength is much higher than that of Japan, such as China, slaughtering is playing with fire! However, Tokugawa Ieyasu's ability is limited, and the supreme god Tianzhao has to play with fire and take the Japanese as a bet! The Japanese are willing to, how can I control it! Tianzhao God is also confused. How long has the ancient demon court been destroyed by the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor and still can't let his descendants die?"

The more Tokugawa Ieyasu said it, the more he became, and the words disrespectful to the god of Tianzhao came out! Obviously, the Tianjian, which lost the Tianye Cloud Sword, lost its protective charm, but also lacked a Tianzhao god to monitor his eyes and ears! Moreover, it is not felt by the local Tianzhao God in Japan. Once Tokugawa Ieyasu's dissatisfaction with the Tianzhao God opens an opening, it is like the embankment being washed down by the flood and is endless!

Tokugawa Ieyasu was venting his dissatisfaction with the god of Tianzhao, but was interrupted by a loud male voice: "General Tokugawa Ieyasu! As the shogunate general of His Majesty the Emperor, you should not be so disrespectful to His Majesty's ancestors! Don't forget General Chuan Jiakang. After you fly to the plateau, you have to recognize Dongzhao's power and be an official of Tianzhao God! Why are you so bold! Don't retreat!"

The one who dares to scold Tokugawa Jiakang so much is the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan! Although Tokugawa Ieyasu clenched his fists angrily, he still had a scruples. He bowed to the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan and turned around and retreated!