Chongzhen Fengshen

164 Wencheng committed suicide, and the disaster came

These Ming Dynasty civil servants Nali thought that they were beaten up because they refused to abuse Fan Wencheng's Yuanying and offend Zhu Youjian. As a result, Fan Wencheng's Yuanying not only did not agree with them, but also devouring them in an evil way? Under Fan Wencheng's big mouth devoured. These Ming Dynasty civil officials cried loudly, but they begged for mercy, scolded the street, wanted to be loyal, and sounded in a messy voice:

"Fan Wencheng, you don't want us to be beaten up because we refused to abuse Fan Wencheng's Yuanying! How can you avenge your kindness!?

"Lord Fan Wencheng! I also secretly turned to the Qing Dynasty! Loyalty to the emperor is too sweating! It's our own! Misunderstanding! It's different from these Ming Dynasty civil servants! Let me go!"

"Fan Wencheng, as a Confucian believer, you devour your fellow sect. Aren't you afraid of flying up and being punished by Confucius in the future? You can't have a good end if you abuse people from Confucianism like Zhu Youjian!"

"Lord Fan Wencheng! I am willing to turn to the Qing Dynasty! Loyal to the emperor, I just want you to give me a life!"

However, no matter how these Ming Dynasty civil servants cried, begged for mercy and scolded the street, Fan Wencheng ignored the milk-like appearance of these Ming Dynasty civil servants and sucked them all into his stomach, turning his Yuanying into a fat fat man, and unexpectedly he could see behind him transparently! Poor Fengquan and Sun Zhiying, two people who wanted to be traitors, were finally eaten by Fan Wencheng like these Ming Dynasty civil servants! As for the pity for Fan Wencheng, these Ming Dynasty civil servants at both ends of the first mouse were naturally refined and eaten by Fan Wencheng's Yuanying.

. This was all a momentary thing. After Zhu Youjian reacted, the first thing was to shout. The power of the witch clan in his body was released and covered all the Yuanying of Fan Wencheng. Fan Wencheng's Yuanying absorbed the essence of these Ming Dynasty civil servants. Although the power became extremely unstable, it was also promoted to the immortal position!

Fan Wencheng's Yuanying absorbed too much power, and countless internal forces stirred with each other again. Yuanying's originally white and flawless skin appeared small pimples and big bags from time to time, and was suppressed by Fan Wencheng's Yuanying, and the color suddenly turned red and purple, which was obviously extremely unstable and reached the edge of self-explosion. !

Fan Wencheng's Yuanying was also dull-eyed, moved her steps with difficulty, and muttered to herself: "A group of unfaithful and unjust people are loyal to the emperor's great sweat. For the great cause of the emperor's great sweat, it is to turn into animal ashes, and the evil spirits will die! This is true loyalty! Zhu Youjian, you are negligent, but you know that you are going to die in the hands of Fan Wencheng! Haha!" It seems to be crazy!

"Fan Wencheng, you can't hurt me even if you blow yourself up! I practice witch skills, and my body is indestructible, that is, the half-step Buddha like the Buddha! If you can't hurt me easily, how can you, a Yuanying with a fairy class, help me! Be careful that after your Yuanying self-detonation, the real spirit will not exist in my hand, and the ashes will disappear!"

Fan Wencheng's half-crazy appearance scared Zhu Youjian! Fan Wencheng's Yuanying absorbed these Yuanying of Ming Dynasty civil servants too fast. Zhu Youjian was caught off guard and didn't know what Fan Wencheng was! However, Zhu Youjian also knows that Fan Wencheng can't seriously injure his physical body even if he explodes. Fan Wencheng is not a fool. It must be a spiritual impact. Xuanyuan Sword and Pangu Giant Axe Shadow have just got out of trouble. I'm afraid that the mental impact is quite troublesome, so he has to calmly concentrate on welcoming Fan Wencheng's Yuanying's self-detonation!

"Hey hey, Zhu Youjian! Aren't you going to eat me, a traitor? Just eat it! The emperor sweats a lot! For your great cause, I have disappeared! Slavery is a pity! You can no longer be your slave in the afterlife! Huang Tai is extremely sweating. You must carry out the number of days when the breeze blows the bright moon and complete the great cause! Zhu Youjian! Go to hell!"

Sure enough, Yuan Ying, who was expected by Zhu Youjian, blew herself up! It's still not that Zhu Youjian expected that Fan Wencheng's Yuanying's self-explosion was not directly impacted by body! However, beyond Zhu Youjian's expectation, Fan Wencheng actually used his self-explosive power to sacrifice himself and raised himself to the blood sacrifice of the souls of these engulfed Ming Dynasty civil servants contained in the Yuanying of Tianxianye, turning them into the purest aura!

This pure aura is so dense that it actually turned into a warm aura rain. This white aura raindrop contains extremely powerful aura. Although the officials in the court scolded Fan Wencheng for being crazy and sick, they came over while scolding, and even squeezed away others with their buttocks. , a lot of aura rain! Some people even don't want to be ashamed. While others are not paying attention, they open their mouths to swallow the aura rain!

Are you kidding? What is your face in the face of decades of cultivation? The life expectancy after Jindan is 500 years! The life expectancy of Jindan is at most 150 years!

Zhu Youjian, who was in the center of the aura rain, could not avoid it. Most of the aura rain entered his body, and his cultivation through the disaster was fiercely improved! Zhu Youjian immediately understood that Fan Wencheng's Yuanying's self-explosion into an aura rain actually wanted to cross the disaster directly. Anyway, he turned against the sky and reversed the number of days when the breeze blew the bright moon. The disaster would be extremely fierce. If Haotian God did his hands again, it would be possible for him to disappear!

Zhu Youjian wanted to suppress his cultivation and improvement, but Fan Wencheng's Yuanying's self-exploded aura was extremely fierce and could not be suppressed at all! And I have a feeling that my own disaster has arrived! It's the end of the world! Zhu Youjian couldn't help smiling bitterly. He almost killed the four immortals in Shile's Buddha country. In a blink of an eye, the doomsday disaster bombed himself in thousands of worlds, which was also a retribution!

These Ming Dynasty civil servants who were absorbing the aura rain to improve themselves also felt it and had no need to pick up cheapness. They were so scared that they crowded and fled for their lives like women hiding from the rain in the vegetable market! Because the doomsday disaster is coming!

This real doomsday disaster is different from the doomsday disaster simulated by Zhu Youjian. A blood-red vertical eye appeared directly in the air. The blood-red standing eyes looked at Zhu Youjian with contemptuous eyes like people looking at ants, and a blood light fell from the sky and covered Zhu Youjian! Naturally, this is the space locked with the doomsday disaster!

"Evil, you rebel against the sky, reverse the number of days when the breeze blows the moon, and even want the fairy road to exist! Provoking the end of the disaster of immortals, the heavenly court is the leader of heaven, and naturally it will punish you! You can't be reincarnated again in 300 years!" The majestic memory of a middle-aged man made all the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty awe in their hearts. Even in the eunuch, except for Wei Zhongxian, who still gritted his teeth and bent his knees without kneeling, only Zhu Youjianhai stood!