Chongzhen Fengshen

198 go crazy, hot hands destroy flowers

Although Wang Xianren is the head of Xuantian Shenglongdao, Wang Yangming's direct descendant is extremely cultivated. The beasts who were closed by Zhu Youjian also made him unhappy and shook his head slightly: "Your Highness Zhu Youjian, why do you hurt people? Are they all outstanding monks from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, not goblins? Your shut-mouthed beast is too much! It's the temperament of a prince of Ming who should apologize!"

Where does Xinwang Zhu Youjian pay attention to these? For these so-called Confucian Buddhist monks who are as virtuous as ruffians, he has no respect in his heart, only endless contempt and contempt! So he replied, "I don't think these goblins are as good as beasts!" A good dog knows how to get in the way! These people in the way are not as good as good dogs! Ah? Mr. Wang Xianren? Do you think they are not goblins, but people? But who the hell are they?"

Wang Xianren scolded in his heart: You obviously pretended to be crazy! You, a man who survived the disaster period, has a humane sword holding a Xuanyuan sword. Unless you are as strange as a demon ape, how dare you touch you!? What's more, you can't even see whether you are a human or a demon!

It's just that Wang Xianren's kungfu has been extremely good. Although he is angry and despises Zhu Youjian to the extreme, his face is a kind look of elders educating naughty juniors. He stroked his beard and gently shook his head: "Your Highness Zhu Youjian, these are not only people, but also monks of Confucian Buddhism and Buddhism. Man, take a closer look!?

Zhu Youjian's face sank: "I don't see how tall it is. A few short are similar to winter melons! Besides, it doesn't matter whether he is tall or short. My question is whether these guys are Ming people!? If so, can there be a guide in the state or county? If not, get out of here immediately, or the barbarians will be killed!"

Mary's next door! Wang Xianren was choked so that he couldn't speak! Originally, Zhu Youjian was just an upstart and had no political brain. Even the court struggle could only rely on Wei Zhongxian, a despicable eunger, and he became dirty when he met him! He seemed brainless. How could he think that Zhu Youjian just let himself speak in his tone? As a result, the people could not stand the tyrant's arrogation and came to reason with him, but they became a collusion with overseas barbarians! Become a traitor who is killed by everyone! This man is extremely cunning!

Wang Xianren came forward to answer the conversation, but was borrowed by Xinwang Zhu Youjian to talk about the nationality issue, so he had to explain: "Your Highness Xinwang Zhu Youjian, here are basically the people of the Ming Dynasty, but by chance, several overseas Chinese descendants came to visit their friends. His Royal Highness Xinwang Zhu Youjian happened to meet them, and His Royal Highness Xinwang Zhu Youjian also People who practice can naturally understand that people who practice can be like ordinary people? What is the road guide for the state and county where it is located? Aren't you kidding?" This time, Wang Xianren knew that it was extremely difficult for Wang Zhu Youjian to deal with, so he did not dare to show the kindness of the deputy elder to educate the naughty juniors!

Zhu Youjian, the king of Xin, sneered: "So these Confucian Buddhist and Taoist monks are basically Ming people? I believe in Mr. Wang Xianren's character, and I don't believe in the rest of the cats and dogs, and I don't want to pay attention to them! Mr. Wang Xianren, do you dare to guarantee?

Wang Xianren felt that Zhu Youjian just wanted to show his prestige this time, but he was cautious and quickly sensed the people with his soul. Knowing that he had not been tampered with Zhu Youjian, he nodded and said, "These Confucian Buddhist and Taoist monks are basically Ming people. I, Wang Xianren, can indeed be a guarantee! I just don't know if His Royal Highness Zhu Youjian still has any questions!?"

Xinwang Zhu Youjian laughed at the sky, making Wang Xianren puzzled and nervous. He didn't know what conspiracy Xinwang Zhu Youjian had. Xinwang Zhu Youjian finally finished laughing and asked loudly:

"Mr. Wang Xianren, are you sure that these Confucian Buddhist monks and Taoist monks are basically Ming people?

"Your Highness, Wang Xianren, can guarantee it! These Confucian Buddhist monks are basically the people of the Ming Dynasty!"

"That's great. The Western Yi people around the Ming Dynasty, Manchuria and Japan are ready to invade the Ming Dynasty! Since these Confucian Buddhist and Taoist monks are basically Ming people and have magical power, Mr. Wang Xianren will lead these basically all Ming and Confucian Buddhist and Taoist monks to fight against the Tata! When I trust Mr. Wang Xianren the most, I accept Mr. Wang Xianren as the general soldier of Daming Denglai to guard against Japanese pirates and Manchurian tareds! Mr. Wang Xianren, go to office!"

"Zhu Youjian! You, you! You are a scoundrel! Cunning! Shameless!" How did Wang Xianren think it would be like this? Zhu Youjian's thinking was like a sky. After a few times, he was surrounded by Zhu Youjian and brought into the pit! What's more annoying is that I wanted to refute afterwards, but I found that the other party's logic was impeccable, and I couldn't help it! But I was trembling with anger!

The most angry thing is that Wang Zhu Youjian actually reached out and touched Wang Xianren's head, like touching a pet: "Mr. Wang Xianren, don't cry! If you have something to say, you can say it! If Mr. Wang Xianren is unwilling to lead these Buddhist and Taoist monks, who are basically Ming people, to fight against the people of the people, it would be better to change people. Is it angry like this? Well, Mr. Wang Xianren, I know you are afraid of death, so just don't go, right? People who are quite timid are not small.

Mary's next door! Wang Xianren was shudled by Wang Zhu's inspection, and his face turned red. Finally, he couldn't even hang in the air. He fell straight down from the sky, and his breath was in a mess. Obviously, he was on the verge of going crazy! Fortunately, it was picked up by Wang Xianren's disciples, otherwise it would be hard to say what Wang Xianren's ending would be!

Wang Xianren did not know whether he was alive or not. A handsome man who was fed grapes by a gentle and beautiful maid turned his mouth to mouth, but he was angry and kicked out the gentle maid who was serving his master. The gentle and beautiful maid was just a foundation to build a tripod for the master. How could he stand the master's He hit with all his strength, spit blood, was kicked away three feet away, and fell to the ground, but there was no breath!

When many other princes saw it, they couldn't help shouting that it was a pity. It turned out that this poor maid was actually beautiful and immortalized. Except for this cruel prince, even that man should be regarded as a treasure and loved for a lifetime! But he was kicked away by his master like garbage, and Xiang Xiaoyu was killed! It can only make people sigh that the beauty is lifeless!

The gorgeous man who destroyed flowers with hot hands looked contemptuously at the beautiful woman who disappeared and said disdainfully, "It looks okay, but his brain will not cater to the master's will! Damn stupid slave!"

Then he said proudly to Zhu Youjian in the air, "Zhu Youjian! Do you know who I am? Dare to take my money? Today, you immediately waste the food as one, otherwise you don't want to leave!?"