Chongzhen Fengshen

201 guilty and meritorious deeds

How can you think of Mr. Wang Yangming's kindness in exchange for the loud curses of three lifeless Fushe Confucian students:

"Wang Yangming, you collude with Zhu Youjian, the devil, which is simply a scum!"

"Wang Yangming, did you plot to betray Confucianism by plotted Confucius Mencius and Zhuzi!"

"Wang Yangming, if you are willing to kowtow to Zhu Youjian, kowtow to yourself! We are Fushe Confucian students, representing the righteousness of heaven and earth. How can we get together with Zhu Youjian, the devil?

Wang Yangming was trembling with anger by these three lifeless Fushe Confucian students. Obviously, it was Confucius Menzi and Zhu Zi who was unwilling to participate in order not to get involved with cause and effect. He was summoned by Wang Xianren's bloodline that he had to come! Unexpectedly, it was slandered like this! No matter how angry and human the book on Wang Yangming's body is, he has to take action!

Wang Yangming stretched out his left hand and gently pinched the curses of the three unknown Fushe Confucian students and stopped abruptly, turning into three green smokes. The small injuries were in the air, and the ashes and smoke disappeared!

The Confucian and Taoist Buddhist monks who laid the Xiaguang array of the three sects finally knew the power, so they knelt down respectfully and kowtowed, but shouted, "The younger generation *** has met Liu Zhiping, the senior master, and wish Liu Zhiping a long life!" However, he did not admit that he was Zhu Youjian, the king of the Ming Dynasty, and left an excuse!

Zhu Youjian laughed at Wang Yangming: "Mr. Wang Yangming, look at those three immortal Confucian scholars, and then look at the so-called Confucian Buddhist monks who openly sacrificed their disciples and their families. You can see the degree of depravity of the monks in the world! I also guessed the meaning of Mr. Wang Yangming's lower world, but I want to ask Mr. Wang Yangming, do you think these so-called Confucian and Taoist Buddhist monks should still raise them in the Ming Dynasty?

Those Confucian Buddhist monks kneeling on the ground looked at Wang Yangming and saw how Wang Yangming answered. Wang Yangming also frowned and whispered, "Liu Zhiping's Taoist friends are not unreasonable!" It's just that this official gentry is free of grain, and Buddhism and Taoism are ancestral systems. How can they all be abolished for a moment and cause turmoil! Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, I don't think it's as good as this. This year, the official gentry and Buddhism will pay a layer of grain tax first, and add one layer a year in the next ten years. Ten years later, the official gentry, Buddhism and Taoism will be the same as a whole! Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, do you think it's okay?"

Zhu Youjian laughed: "Mr. Wang Yangming, you are fooling me again! What ancestral system? I hold Xuanyuan Sword and Xuanyuan Sword Yuanshen. Naturally, I know that in the era of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, the official gentry and Buddhism were tax-free, but the practitioners of that era were no matter which monk of Confucianism and Buddhism? They all have to obey the deployment of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, and with Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor's army to fight against the barbarians and resist demons and monsters! You have to abide by the law of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor! By the way, according to the law of Xuanyuan Huangdi, these Confucian and Taoist monks openly sacrificed their disciples with blood and should be wiped out! Mr. Wang Yangming opened his mouth and closed the ancestral system. Why didn't he talk about the ancestral system!? Is it academic impure or deliberately lying to me!?

Wang Yangming was choked by Zhu Youjian and couldn't speak for a long time. Finally, he reluctantly smiled and said, "Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend said the same! It's just that in the era of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor is the real earth emperor, human emperor, and naturally has so many rights! Since Xia Yu turned the world into private, the emperors of later generations have been for their own selfishness. How can they let the monks serve him? If there are monks who serve the king personally, wouldn't the ferocious emperors be able to enslave the people forever! How is it appropriate? Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, do you think it is not?"

Zhu Youjian listened and sneered: "As a member of Confucianism, Mr. Wang Yangming will not think that the sunset of Yashan is also for his own selfishness! However, in the disaster of the sunset on the cliff mountain, there are fewer traitors in the Confucian sect. Among the Taoist Buddhism, in order to complete the number of days, there are not many people who follow the opportunity to fight against the Song Dynasty! I wonder if Lu Xiufu, who jumped into the sea with the little emperor in his arms, committed suicide with the little emperor for the self-interest of the little emperor!? Mr. Wang Yangming, it's really high! I admire you!

Wang Yangming was blushed by Zhu Youjian and said loudly, "Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, the era of cliff mountain sunset is naturally different! At the sunset of the cliff mountain disaster, among the Confucian monks, in order to maintain the holy road, hundreds of Confucian students in the disaster period did not fly to the heaven. As a result, there were no bones in the disaster! Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, you are generalized! It's pure leverage! Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, you are too degraded!"

Zhu Youjian was surprised: "Mr. Wang Yangming, you said I would generalize! It's pure leverage! Good! You have dealt with all the accomplices who colluded with Meng Yuan, subverted the rivers and mountains of the Song Dynasty, and destroyed the holy way of Confucianism! The rest of the Confucian and Taoist Buddhist monks. I will continue to be exempted from the obligation of receiving food as one, which is not a generalization by Zhu Youjian! It's just a big fight!"

Wang Yangming is helpless. It turns out that the sunset of this cliff mountain is as fixed as the clear wind and the bright moon. At that time, the descendants of Genghis Khan themselves are immortals who are proficient in the way of killing, and there are Ba Siba, which is a powerful force of faith. Guo Kan can kill the immortals in seconds. Confucian Buddhist monks who dare to resist are almost All of them were destroyed, and the rest were naturally aware of the current affairs, following the number of days! These Confucian and Taoist Buddhist monks who knew the current affairs had to take Zhu Yuanzhang and asked him not to liquidate the old accounts. This is the origin of Zhu Yuanzhang later ordered Liu Bowen to cut off the spiritual vein occupied by the practitioners!

It's just that the law does not blame the public. If Wang Yangming really knows the current affairs and helps the Confucian and Taoist Buddhist monks of the Song Dynasty to destroy the Song Dynasty, he will only have one of the monks here!

Wang Yangming had no choice but to smile awkwardly at Zhu Youjian: "Liu Zhiping's Taoist friend, the law does not blame the public, not to mention the ancestral teacher, it is not appropriate to let their disciples carry it, right? Please be flexible!" What a joke, the contradiction between the Buddhist monks of Confucianism and Taoism is just temporary. If the legal system in the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor period is really restored, the monks and mortals are equal, and they want to resist the lives of ant-like mortals, that will be the end of the practitioners!

Zhu Youjian is easy to talk this time: "Mr. Wang Yangming said the same. Look forward and don't follow up! Well, after the sunset disaster on Yashan, the disaster of the breeze blowing the moon will happen again! I don't blame the past this time! Let Mr. Wang Yangming listen to the instructions of the court and kill the harmas! Is this okay!? Mr. Wang Yangming, I, Zhu Youjian, have given you enough face this time!"

Wang Yangming didn't expect to be bypassed by Zhu Youjian again, and he couldn't speak for a long time!