Chongzhen Fengshen

208 Hunan military slave, the best slave!

After looking at Dorgun Mongolia fiercely, Zeng Guofan said to Huang Taiji, "The breeze blows the bright moon, this is the number of days! The demon who took away Zhu Yujian's cultivation is not as good as me. How can he violate it!? Your Majesty, why worry!?"

Then Zeng Guofan's mind and felt the emperor and Taiji: "Your Majesty, my bloodfather will arrive soon. He is the embodiment of the four hundred years of heaven and humanity, not to mention the demon who took away Zhu Youjian, even the gods and Buddhas, are not his opponents! I also want to be killed by him! His Majesty is determined to complete the number of days when the breeze blows the bright moon, and because he is the embodiment of this 400-year-old heaven and humanity, killing the demon who took Zhu Youjian is not afraid of cause and effect at all! Your Majesty, don't worry!"

After Zeng Guofan conveyed his thoughts, he looked at the expressionless Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan and King Kong not bad Buddha with contemptuous eyes, as if he laughed at the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan and King Kong not bad Buddha.

"This slave is too arrogant!" Dorgun and Mongolia Ertai saw that Zeng Guofan were so arrogant that they even looked down on their backers, the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan and King Kong not bad Buddha. The two were about to attack, but the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan and King Kong not bad Buddha looked at each other and laughed loudly, which made Dorgun and Mongolia Ertai inexplicably, and they still endured it!

Although Huang Taiji knew that he had to rely on Zeng Guofan to suppress the ambitious Dorgon and Mongolia, he also felt that Zeng Guofan slaughtered countless Han people in order to condense the body, which was also unfavorable to Manchuria, so he had to communicate with Zeng Guofan with his mind: "Zeng Guofan, I also know that you absorbed the flesh and blood essence of the Han people to condense the body. The body is also helpless, but Manchuria has had a truce with the Ming Dynasty, and it is not easy for Han slaves to come by. Zeng Guofan loves Qing. If there are few Manchu people and all the people are not soldiers, how can they compete with the Han people? Since the Manchus want all the people to be soldiers, they naturally need Han slaves to work and farm for them. If there are no Han slaves, how can the Manchu nobles live? I know that Zeng Guofan's Aiqing's body has not been completely condensed, but can it be condensed with * people's flesh and blood? Or after a while, wait to catch some new Han slaves?

Zeng Guofan laughed and recruited countless Hunan troops and shouted, "The slave Xiang army still doesn't serve the Manchu master!" Hurry up!" Those Xiang army, who were two feet tall, shook in the wind and instantly became how tall they were. They raised horses, farmed the land, served the masters, and could do everything! It only made the masters of Manchuria smile. Although this slave Xiang army is a puppet, it is much easier to use than Han slaves! Moreover, the slaves and Xiangjun are all yellow scarf wrestlers. They don't need to eat and sleep, but they are more economical than Han slaves!

Dolkan frowned: "Sweat! Although this slave Xiangjun is more useful than ordinary Han slaves, after all, it is a yellow scarf wrestler. Once Zeng Guofan accidentally gets out of control, isn't it..." Although Dorgunmeng said that once Zeng Guofan accidentally got out of control, he actually narrowed his eyes at Zeng Guofan. Naturally, he suspected that Zeng Guofan first paralyzed the Manchurian nobles and then used puppets to make trouble together! How can the Manchurian nobles resist the Xiang army, a slave of the Yellow Turban Reishi? Although Huang Taiji regarded Zeng Guofan as his confidant, after all, Manchu and Han were different, and his face also showed hesitation!

Zeng Guofan saw the hesitation on Huang Taiji's face and suddenly panicked and smiled at Huang Taiji, "You don't have to worry about it. The slave Xiang army is not an ordinary yellow scarf wrestler! They are all controlled by my Zeng Guofan's thoughts! Although he is fierce to the Han people, he is very loyal to the master of Manchuria. Even if he is killed, he will not resist!"

Mongoertai is a reckless man, but he suspects Zeng Guofan, so he said to Xiangjun, a slave who was feeding him horses, "Kneel down, I'm going to whip you!" Mongolia Tai was still suspicious, but he found that although the slave Xiangjun who was feeding his horse had magical power, he did not dare to resist at all. He knelt down and kowtow to thank him: "The slave Xiang army thanked the Manchurian master for the reward. The Manchurian master beat me and scolded me as a reward. It is a blessing that the slaves have cultivated for several generations! Please give me a whip!"

Mongoliatai couldn't stand her cheapness. He pulled out a tall pine tree and beat Xiangjun, the slave who knelt on the ground: "You are too cheap. It's disgusting. I won't be disgusting if I kill you!" But there was a burst of chaos, beating the slave Xiangjun who was kneeling on the ground, but the slave Xiangjun who was feeding him a horse still kept shouting:

"Thank you for the reward of the master of Manchuria, thank you for the reward of the master of Manchuria!"

Mary's next door! This is too evil. Mongolia Tai was scared by the slave Xiangjun who knelt on the ground. What kind of monster is this? Even kittens and puppies know it's good! What is this so-called slave Xiangjun? Crazy fool or what kind of wrongdoer? He simply took out his waist knife and cut off the head of the slave Xiang army who knelt on the ground! The head and body of the slave Xiang army splashed blood from his neck and spread all over the ground. The head and body of the slave Xiang army were separated and rolled on the ground for a while. He actually said:

"The slave Xiangjun thanked the master of Manchuria. The master of Manchuria beat me and scolded me as a reward. It was a blessing for the cultivation of slaves for several generations! Killing me with one knife is a blessing for hundreds of generations of slaves! Please give me thousands of knives! Then my blessing will be even greater!"

Mongoertai sat on the ground in horror and looked at the head of the slave Xiang army rewarded by the master of Manchuria with a pale face. He couldn't say a word! The surrounding slave Xiangjun also shouted enviously: "I was stabbed by the master of Manchuria. This is a blessing for hundreds of generations of slaves!" Manchuria master, kill me, kill me!"

However, although the slave Xiang army is very obedient and there is no problem with loyalty, Huang Taiji frowned and said, "Zeng Guofan Aiqing, this slave Xiang army is really obedient, but the slave Xiang army is so obedient and has no blood. Can it really go to kill the enemy? Let's raise horses in the rear to farm!"

Zeng Guofan hurriedly defended: "Your Majesty, don't look at the slave Xiang army being more docile than the sheep in front of the master of Manchuria, but more fierce than the hungry wolf in front of the Han people! If you don't have enough blood, you can eat Han people alive, so you can keep fighting! It's just that this slave Xiang army can't reproduce, so the Han people still have to keep seeds. I suggest that except for the Han people who keep seeds, all the rest of the Han people will be killed and become slaves of the Xiang army, so that the Qing Dynasty can live for thousands of generations!

Manchu nobles are all dumbfounded. Although Zeng Guofan is a Han man, he is more ruthless than the Manchurian master to Han slaves!

Mongolia tooktay sat on the ground and heard that Zeng Guofan wanted to make most of the Han people into puppets like the Hunan army, and he didn't know whether he was boasting or scolding: "Zeng Guofan, how unlucky it is that Han was born to you!? There are a few more Han people like you. We Manchu aristocrats are not in the world, which can only be inferior to our intelligent pigs!"

Because of the arrival of Zeng Guofan, the fragile balance between Emperor Taiji in Dorgun Mongolia is once again out of balance, and Manchuria and Daming are ready to go to war again!