Chongzhen Fengshen

242 Jingwei fell, and there is a crisis!

The true spirit of Jingwei and Yinglong has been detached from thousands of changes and countless time and space in an instant. However, the real fire of the last disaster controlled by Liu Zhiping is ubiquitous and omnipotent, but it has crossed countless time and space and captured the true spirit of Jingwei and Yinglong from the long river of time!

Pinched in the palm of his hand like two dragon and bird dolls, Yinglong was tough and hummed: "If you want to refine my true spirit, it's up to you! Just be careful that the mantis pounces on the cicada and the yellow finch behind! The true spirit of Jingwei and I are close to the level of the Twelve Golden Immortals! If you refine with all your strength, I'm afraid you won't have time to take care of the fire of the last disaster you control! "I'm on other people's way!"

Jingwei and Yinglong are different. They stared at Yinglong fiercely and cried and begged, "Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, I have nothing to do with this fool! Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, I am willing to abandon all magical powers and reincarnate to the afterlife of the immortal disaster! Just want to preserve all ideas and be an ordinary person! Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, spare your life! I know the power of Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, and I don't dare to do it anymore! I don't dare anymore!" The real Liu Zhiping did not answer, but sighed slightly.

Jingwei and Yinglong had an ominous premonition. Yinglong's proud bones were not broken, closed their eyes and waited to die. Jingwei still wanted to find a way to make a living for himself in the end, shouting:

"Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, your calculation is far above me and Yinglong. Yinglong and I have calculated that if you try your best to refine us with the fire of the last disaster, you will temporarily lose the magic power of the fire of the last disaster and cannot be used! And as long as you can't use the fire of the last disaster for a while, there will be a great crisis immediately! And as long as you let us go, the fire of the end of the disaster will cooperate with the power of your bright red faith!" Jingwei Zhenling stretched out the bird's claws to the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan, Hongfa Shengde Buddha Ba Siba and Miaoyin Jialan, Jingshi Buddha Shile and Princess Begonia, and the demon ape Ba continuously pointed to:

"He and he are all going to die! Xuanyuan Holy Emperor, give us a break! The first line of heaven gives people a way to live is to give themselves a way to live! You are unparalleled in calculation. You have long been humane and humane. You will not leave a glimmer of life, give people a way to life, and make yourself in such a great danger, right? Right! Kill them and spare me and Yinglong. This is the number of days!" After saying all this, Jing Wei looked at the real Liu Zhiping with tears in his eyes, hoping that he could change his mind!

The real Liu Zhiping nodded, closed his eyes, and sighed: "Jingwei and Yinglong, since I started to catch your true spirit, I know that under the way of heaven, you plan others, others will naturally plan for you! I calculate more clearly than you and Yinglong. As long as I try my best to refine you with the fire of the last disaster, as long as I lose the magic power of the fire of the last disaster in an instant, there will be a falling doom! However, what makes me strange is that the number of my own fall is actually related to the demon clan, but the ancient demon clan has long been powerless!? And as long as I let you and Yinglong go, there will be no more, hehe..."

Jingwei didn't expect that the real Liu Zhiping knew more about its strength than him. Finally, he relaxed and smiled easily and said, "It's worthy of being far above me and Yinglong. He has been known the number of days for a long time, so he asked Xuanyuan to let me and Yinglong go. We will definitely abandon all the magic power and turn To the afterlife of the end of the immortal disaster! Just want to preserve all your thoughts and be an ordinary person. You don't dare to be right with the Holy Emperor Xuanyuan anymore!"

But at this time, the real Liu Zhiping sank his face and said harshly, "It's just that I'm determined to launch the end of the immortal disaster, and I have long put my life and death aside! Under the end of the disaster of immortals, if all the immortals fall, I will not fall, and I won't even take the risk of falling? How can this immortal disaster succeed? How can this world enter the era of the end of the immortals?"

As soon as the real Liu Zhiping finished speaking, he fully exerted the magic power of the fire of the last disaster he controlled. Unexpectedly, he tried his best to refine the elite guard and Yinglong with the fire of the last disaster! Although Jingwei and Yinglong only have a little real spirit left, they are trying their best to resist. Obviously, the longer they resist, the greater the number of real Liu Zhiping's fall. It is to give people a way to make a living, that is, to give themselves a way to live. If they don't leave a line, they will face a great counterattack! However, as the real Liu Zhiping said, he is not even willing to take the risk of falling? How can this immortal disaster succeed? The real Liu Zhiping is intensifying refining.

The world's first dragon Yinglong and the last Jingwei, who represented the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, died in the earth-shaking hero when the Holy Emperor stepped on the British move 300 years later, but fell into the end of the disaster of the immortals, and did not even leave a true spiritual memory...

When the real Liu Zhiping tried his best to refine the true spirit of Jingwei and Yinglong, Guo Kan knew that the real Liu Zhiping could not move at this time. Suddenly, he burned his soul and body, bleeding, and countless fragile blood vessels collapsed. The whole person became a bloody man and issued a earth-shaking knife!

Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan actually sent out the price of an earth-shaking knife. In fact, he also drained all the power of the faith of the soldiers, and even sacrificed Zhang Hongfan Shi Tianze, who was hidden in the small world of his soldiers! Only then did he send out a earth-shaking knife. This earth-shaking knife and the power of the Vientiane broken magic knife faintly resonated. If the knife is close to the body, even the figure close to the level of the Twelve Golden Immortals will disappear and have to be reincarnated!

Guo Kan, a Mongolian martial saint, has been loved. His beautiful wife Huang Rongrong, his lovely daughter Guo Fu, and his real friend Kunlun sent the elder round Taoist. They all fell in the end of the disaster of the immortals and did not even leave a true spiritual memory. After the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan issued an earth-shaking knife, he naturally had no magical power. , becoming an ordinary person, and he won't live long, but the Mongolian martial arts saint Guo Kan can't care about this, so he issued an earth-shaking knife containing all his grudges and hatred!

However, although the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan's power is powerful, there is no strong power of faith, just like a heavy weapon with strong strength but insufficient accuracy, there is no threat! The real Liu Zhiping snorted coldly. Although he tried his best to refine Jingwei and Yinglong with the fire of the end of the disaster, the magic power of the end of the disaster could no longer be used, but the power of bright red faith was a continuous impact, which made the Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan's earth-shaking knife and flew all over the void! Mongolian martial saint Guo Kan flew into the void with an earth-shaking knife, tore a big hole in the void, and then didn't know which time space he flew to!