Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 13 Creation

If a man stays with a woman, even if he is just a little fond of each other, then time will pass quickly. Well, in the middle of laughter, the sun has risen to the sky.

"Gulu" and "Gulu" sounded at the same time. Ike has been hanging a kind of energy solution for the past two days, which can ensure the normal function of the human body. When he woke up, he didn't hang up, while Kleeya didn't eat for two days, but she is a double-sided magic cube, and half of her body's function has It is maintained by the absorbed energy, so you won't be hungry if you don't eat for many days. It is said that you don't have to sleep when you practice to a higher level.

The two reported to the teacher in the medical room. He checked it and made sure that Ike was all right. After telling him to be careful about his practice, he let them go.

When the two came to the canteen, it was very late. Most people had already eaten, and only a few people who practiced so hard that they forgot to eat ate alone.

Ike took out the card that Camille once gave to him. It not only represents the identity of each student, but also the voucher for major chambers of commerce to store money. Ike doesn't know how much money is in it, but the money for eating must be enough. The dignified Reinhardt family will never do such a shameful thing. After all, He is now the "Young Master" of their family.

After having two lunches, he and Kelia found a corner to sit down. The two of them ate slowly, feeling like a little couple.

"Let's go to uncle's place after dinner. We agreed to surprise you in three days. Today is the third day," Cleya said absent-mindedly, stirring in the licorice soup with a spoon.

Ike didn't pay attention to her. He was hungry and ate desperately for fear that he would be robbed if he ate late. He vaguely heard what Klee said, with rice in his mouth, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"I said you know how to eat, you pig," Klee said angrily.


Clya really had no choice but to repeat it. This time, Ike heard it clearly and thought about it. Ike said, "Well, I'll go after eating. I don't know what good things Uncle Da will give me." Ike looked forward to it while eating.

Soon, Ike finished a lunch and licked his tongue, looking unfinished. Looking up and seeing that Kelia's food had hardly moved, Ike asked, "Why don't you eat it?"

"I'm full. You think they all eat so much like you, and you're not afraid to die." Girls originally eat little, not to mention a double-sided magic cube. Even if they eat so little, it's enough for Cleya to continue to stay two or three days without eating.

"The food here is of good quality and quantity, which is great. I can still eat, but if I eat another portion, I will be a little full. My father said that I should eat seven minutes full and leave some space for my stomach to digest. He also said that food should not be wasted. Our family..." He said that he forgot that he was Caesar now. He was not the poor boy in the mountain village before, and quickly stopped. The car didn't go on.

Clya didn't hear anything wrong. Although the food in the college was not bad, it was enough for the young master of a large family to praise him so much, only as their family's tutor. She looked at Ike staring at her unfinished lunch and drooling. She pushed her share forward and said, "Since you don't waste it, you can help me eat it."

Ike is not so particular about it, and Cleya is so beautiful. Ike doesn't dislike her. After grabbing the food, she crackles and eats it.

Cliah didn't expect that he would really eat the rest of his food in front of him, and suddenly blushed.

After lunch, Kleeya and Ike planned to go to Uncle Da's place, but this time Kleeya did not pull Ike anymore, as if she had changed. She didn't want to get too close to Ike, and even walked two or three steps behind.

When they entered the house, they saw Uncle Da lying on the table. The air was filled with the fragrance of alcohol, and there were several empty wine jars on it. Klea saw at a glance that it was the jar of Xinghai wine she gave to Uncle Da. Usually, Uncle Da tasted it little by little and couldn't bear to drink more. How can he store all of it today? The Xinghai wine has been drunk.

"Uncle Da, Uncle Da, wake up, wake up quickly." Cleya tried to shake Uncle Da's arm and tried to wake him up, but he didn't wake up. Finally, Cleya simply recited a magic spell and imprinted his hands. A water balloon quickly formed on Uncle Da's head and drenched his face.

Uncle Da shook his head, and the focus appeared in his eyes. Slowly, he saw who the person was coming.

"Come and pull," Uncle Da said with a smile.

"Master, have you encountered anything annoying? You can tell us that although we may not be able to help you, you will feel better when you say it." Ike didn't know what happened to Uncle Da and felt uncomfortable looking at his master's forced smile.

"Nothing. It's been three days. It's agreed that I'll give you a surprise. Come with me and Xiaoya stay," Uncle Da said in an ordered tone.

Clea knew that this must be about the alchemist, so Uncle Da, who had always spoiled her, asked her to stay, which symbolized a kind of inheritance, so she stayed sens sensible.

Ike followed Uncle Da into the secret room, and the door of the secret room slowly closed. Ike felt unusual. Sure enough, Uncle Da said with a straight face, "Don't worry, no one can hear the conversation between us after the door is closed. What I want to tell you next, I hope you don't tell anyone, even Klee Ya, don't tell her either."

Uncle Da called Kelia's name this time, instead of calling her Xiaoya as usual, which shows the seriousness of the matter, and even his closest people can't tell her. Ike did not hesitate and nodded heavily and said, "Master, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Uncle Da nodded with satisfaction. Maybe if Ike hesitated, he wouldn't tell him this, but he didn't. Uncle Da was very relieved and said slowly, "There are many factions, roughly divided into: magicians, swordsmen, alchemists, and pharmacists. Of course, swordsmen do not refer to magic cubes who use swords, but to all those who don't need them. To use magic spells, all abilities come from their own magic cubes are called Rubik Swordsmen, while magicians use their own energy to connect with the energy in nature to use external energy. Each faction has an alliance, a swordsman alliance, a magician alliance, a pharmacist alliance, and our alchemists. Alliance. These alliances are not commanded by anyone and have no restrictions. They are just an organization that facilitates everyone's communication. Even people in the Warcraft Empire can join. My teacher, an elder of an alchemist, passed away the day before yesterday, that's why I did this.

Ike didn't know how to comfort Uncle Da, so he didn't say anything, just became a listening audience.

"Before he died, I once told him about you, and he was also very happy and specially ordered someone to send a gift, which was also the surprise I told you." Uncle Da said, wiped his hand on the ring and took out something.

Ike has known from Cleya that this is a space ring. She has one. This is a magical alchemy prop that can only be made by the greatest alchemist. Only the top characters in the world can have it. Cleya's is still her father's and was later given to her. Uncle Da is originally an alchemist, and he just said that his master is the elder of the Alchemist Alliance, so it is normal for him to have a space ring.

Ike looked at the object in Uncle Da's hand. It was a belt, which was wide, narrow on both sides, and had a dark texture. It looked very ordinary. There were six round depressions on it, which seemed to be used to inlay some objects.

"All alchemy items are divided into six grades, from one to five grades, and the six-grade alchemy items have a special name "Holy Artifact". There is also a noble "Artifact" on top of the sacred artifact, which only exists in legends. No one has seen what the artifact looks like, so the most powerful one in the world is "Holy objects" are extraordinary and have incredible ability. Every item has the power to turn mountains and seas. This creation is the heirloom of our alchemist. It should have been passed on to me a hundred years later by my teacher, but I discussed it with the teacher and decided to give it to you, because Because it is completely compatible with your ability, only you can use it in the world," Uncle Da said and handed over the sacred artifact "Creation" to Ike.

Ike holds the "Creation" in his hands, which is as solemn as taking over a planet. This is not only an item, but also an inheritance. For them, there is nothing more meaningful than passing on to the next generation of an object worth studying for a lifetime. Alchemy requires personal continuous Trying and constantly innovating, it is not enough to just inherit knowledge. If there is a continuous reference to an alchemy item at the highest level, the benefits are undoubtedly huge for an alchemist. He knows that Uncle Da also needs this item, but they give it to themselves. They have never paid anything, but they have got the most precious. Ike didn't want to refuse the expensive thing. He couldn't refuse it. After Uncle Da told him the real use of this "Genesis", he knew that it would belong to him and could only belong to him.

"As for the guilt of my vein, I will fill it with my actions in the future. I will become the greatest alchemist. I will make the legendary artifact to make our vein bloom forever," Ike shouted in his heart.