Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 19 Duel

There are many areas in the arena. Ike and others came to an area similar to the ancient Roman duel field. The two entered the field one after another, and the side stands were the brothers who followed Lin Ao.

Only when you reach the magic in one side of the Rubik's body can you operate freely. At that time, you can see which profession you are more suitable for. Whether you are more suitable for the magic or the swordsman profession can only be seen after one side, so everyone will exercise properly before reaching one side. It's good to be prepared that you can only be a swordsman.

Lin Ao walked into the field, lifted his robe and pulled a long sword from his belt. It turned out that the scabbard was tied to his thigh, so Ike didn't notice it before. The sword pointed to Ike, and Lin Ao said, "Pull pull out your sword. I'm going to knock you down today."

No one can release the Rubik's Cube without repairing one side. Everyone competes by relying on physical strength and talking with fists, so Lin Ao asked Ike to draw his sword. Ike smiled bitterly. He didn't have a sword at all. There were only some alchemy weapons given by Uncle Da in his space ring. He could not take them out at all against people like Lin Ao, because the other party could not resist their power at all. At that time, he would have survived if he accidentally killed Lin Ao, so those weapons were absolutely I can't take it out, but I didn't prepare a sword. Ike can only spread his hands and tell the truth, "I don't have a sword."

"Gang", the sword is inserted into the stone seam, three points into the ground, and the tail of the sword is still shaking. Although it seems that it can't cause too much damage to the other party with his fist, he will never take advantage of the other party. This is his principle, otherwise he would have surrounded Ike with his brother.

"Well, it's okay now"


The two put on a good posture and stared at each other. In the end, Lin Ao launched the first attack. A tiger fist hit Ike's chest, which was fast and fast. Ike had not received systematic learning, but with a squat with his previous experience of fighting, he narrowly avoided this punch. Lin Ao's first attack failed. She turned to smash and hit his elbow hard on Ike's back. Ike was in pain and was about to fall down. He quickly hugged Lin Ao's waist and pushed Lin Ao forward with this force.

Lin Ao smashed three or four times in a row, but he didn't see Ike let go. He tripped back and fell to the ground. Ike first got up and sat on Lin Ao's body. His fist fell like raindrops. Ike has been engaged in physical labor all year round and his strength is relatively large. Coupled with this practice of time, his body is moistened by energy and his strength is stronger. After a few punches, he will blind Lin Ao. At least he is also a young master of a large family. He used to fight with the guards of his family. How dare they do anything? They thought they were strong enough. This time, he wanted to humiliate the other party while Caesar was not strong enough to avenge his sister. These punches completely woke him up.

Regardless of how good-looking and ugly, Lin Ao turned around and pressed Ike under his body. He also punched him with both fists, one punch on the left and one punch on the right, and all the fists greeted his head.

Children who grew up in the mountains are better than these normally highly educated children in fighting. Although Lin Ao punched a lot, all of them were blocked by Ike's arms, and there was only one punch in the face.

Ike bent his legs, put his knees on Lin Ao's back, hit him straight forward and lay down, and his whole face came into close contact with the earth.

Ike quickly got up, grabbed Lin Ao's feet with his backhand, sat directly on his buttocks, and put his hands hard. He really pulled Lin Ao into a "poisonous scorpion", and he screamed in pain.

"Are you convinced?" It seems that he went back to his childhood. Although he was full of scars, he didn't feel much pain and his heart was happy. Ike didn't want to embarrass him much. After all, Caesar did something wrong first.

"I don't accept it", Lin is arrogant.

This move is Ike's "unknown's" skill. Once he was invincible by this move, and no one in the village could escape from him. Now Lin Ao is the same. His body is on the ground, and his hand can be hooked to Ike, but he can't use any strength at all, and it is difficult to hurt him.

"I let Lin Ao go"

" Let him go"

"Otherwise, you won't have a good fruit to eat." The group of people in the stands shouted, but no one was willing to come down to stop it. There is also a judge next to them, who can't tolerate them to make trouble. If they rush up today, they are afraid they will be punished by the college.

"As long as you promise not to bother me again, I'll let you go." Although Ike is not afraid of them, he doesn't want to offend so many people. If everyone has to trouble himself, he is afraid that all his time will be used to deal with them. How can he practice at ease?

"Impossible, I won't let you go if you do that to my sister. If you have the ability, you have been oppressing me like this." Lin proudly said that children always have a good face and would rather suffer losses than bow their heads.

Ike was not in a hurry, and pulled fiercely, and tortured Lin Ao bitterly, but he always gritted his teeth and refused to surrender. Ike also did not break down. Not to mention the identity of the other party, he said that he actually had no hatred with himself. He had beaten the other party and could not be killed him. Just let it go? That's even worse. According to the boy's character, I'm afraid that he will fight against him as soon as he is released. Now he has precautions. It's not so easy to subdue him. Maybe it's impossible to be knocked down by him at that time.

"Well, how about we make an appointment?"


"You see, it's not a way for us to consume like this. Why don't I let you go and you? You can challenge me again, but if you lose again, you have to be my little brother for a period of time, and you don't have to do anything. If someone challenges me again, how about you take action first? This gives you a free opportunity to exercise."

"Why should I promise you? I see how long you can hold out. There is a time limit for this duel field. After an hour, the referee will come to separate us. At that time, I can still challenge you again." Lin Ao was fearless.

Ike really didn't know that there was such a rule, because there has never been such a situation between them. Which one who comes to fight is not a life or a life, and it won't be long before he will end up with one or both sides being injured. However, he didn't say that one person subdued the other person and talked about the conditions, but Ike also grabbed the other party and thought To challenge this as a breakthrough, he said, "You can challenge me, but I can't accept your challenge. What else can you do to me?"

Lin Ao was stunned. Indeed, if the other party has been in the college, he really can't do anything to him. The college prohibits fighting privately, let alone beating a person with a group of people. This needs to let the college know. I'm afraid that his family will be unlucky, even if it is the royal family. Members may not dare to offend the authority of the college.

Ike followed the good advice: "As long as you agree to my terms, we will fight every six months in the future, and the loser will be the other party's younger brother for half a year." Finally, he said, "You're not afraid of losing to me all the time, are you?"

"I'm afraid of losing? Joke, I promise you that I won't bother you again." Lin Ao has his own considerations. He feels that the reason why he lost this time is that he has no experience in fighting, and no one is a Rubik's Cube. After half a year, he can definitely reach the realm of a magician at his cultivation speed. At that time, he can completely bombard Caesar with magic. This is definitely a very cool thing. Not only did she avenge her sister, but she also had a little brother. Lin Ao felt relieved when she thought of trampling her enemy under her feet, and finally laughed.

Lin Ao is full of thinking about how to bully Caesar after becoming a magician half a year later, but she did not expect that not only he was practicing, but also Isaac was also practicing, and his qualifications were no worse than anyone else, even stronger than anyone else. As long as he had enough money to support his cultivation, then his cultivation speed would be It's no slower than anyone. God only knows who will be stronger in half a year.

"Give me my brother, Caesar, please let my brother go. If there is anything, you can come to me," a green figure said and rushed to the arena.

Ike was still sitting on Lin Ao's buttocks and did not come down, which made the rushing people mistakenly think that it was bad for Lin Ao.

Looking up, not far away was stopped by a woman in a green dress with a tall figure. Under the bent eyebrows of Liu Ye were a pair of watery eyes. Tears were spinning inside. Her small nose twitched and twitched, which was lovely. Her black hair was coiled into a bun and a cloud-patterned golden hairpin inserted in the middle. , dignified and beautiful, especially if you don't apply powder.

This is a woman worthy of love. She is Linda, Lin Ao's sister. Ike can't help but fall in love with an asshole like Caesar. No man like such a woman has to cherish with his own life.

"Please, Caesar, even if you don't like me, please let my brother go. I promise he won't bother you again in the future," Linda said weakly.

"Sister, don't beg him, I will definitely defeat him and avenge you," Lin roared eagerly.

Ike didn't say anything. In the face of such a woman, Ike didn't know what to say. He couldn't give any explanation and could only silently let go of Lin Ao.

"Thank you", Linda is such a gentle woman. She knows that Ike has no strength now. With her identity as a three-faced magician, she can raise her hand to destroy him, but she still expresses her gratitude to Ike. This has nothing to do with love. She doesn't like violence. Even if she learns magic, it is because of the needs of the family. She used all her courage to confess to Caesar. After being rejected, she no longer had the courage to see him again, but for the sake of her brother, she stood in front of Caesar again.