Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 22 Another Master

Ike's efforts have not been in vain. Although he suffered a serious injury, he finally broke through. He is now a real magician, and from then on he has embarked on the road of becoming a peerless strong man. Although the road is narrow and full of thorns, Ike is fearlessly stuck on this crowded path.

Linda has been guarding this teenager in practice. Every time he practices, she is always not allowed to approach herself. If she is an ordinary girl, she will definitely ask why, but Linda never asks. She feels that it is already a kind of happiness to be with Caesar. He does not let herself disturb his practice. Then just don't disturb him and guard him silently. Even if he has any secrets hidden from her, Linda won't mind. No one has a little secret. If everything has to be explored clearly and clearly understood and then break the current relationship, this is definitely not the result that Linda hopes. It can be said that this is also an alternative wisdom.

Outside a small attic in Qingxin Garden, Linda waited anxiously. In the past, Caesar would come out for more than half an hour, but today more than an hour has passed, and Caesar hasn't appeared. Linda gradually worried and unconsciously rubbed her skirt. "Maybe he is breaking through. I can't go in and disturb him. I'm still here to protect his law. Don't let others break in. ," Linda comforted herself.

In Qingxin Garden, Ike finally broke through into a magic cube after repeated stubborn impact, but after happiness, he was extremely tired. The spit out mouthful of blood seemed to take away all his spirit and fell to the ground.

The gray fog filled the whole sky, and the squeezed Ike couldn't breathe. Then a gust of wind blew. Ike's clothes grinned, and the fog pushed it into the distance, revealing a large area. The sun also took this rare opportunity to shed a little shine, as if it just to prove its existence.

Ike appeared there against the man in front of him when the fog was blown away, without any abrupt feeling, as if he should be there. The man was in his thirties, his long black hair was windless, and a pair of sword eyebrows on his face looked heroic, but his small eyes were endless. Yao Ye seemed to see through people's hearts, and seemed to see through the world, smiling at the corners of his mouth and fixedly looking at Ike.

"Are you a stone statue in the college?" No wonder Ike asked, the man in front of him is really exactly the same as the stone statue at the Elonso Academy of Sciences that Ike saw at the beginning, and he can't find any difference except for the difference in temperament.

The man thought for a moment and said, "My name is Elonzoko, and I should be the person you call the stone statue."

Ike was shocked. He has been in the Elonso Academy of Sciences for more than half a year and has a deep understanding of this college. It has a history of more than 3,000 years. If the man in front of him is really the original founder, wouldn't he be more than 3,000 years old?

The man seemed to know Ike's thoughts and smiled and said, "A demigod can live for a long time. You will gradually learn about this, but I am a person who has died a long time ago. Now what you see is just a wisp of divine thoughts left at the beginning."

Ike doesn't understand the meaning of these words demigod and divine thoughts, but he cleverly chose to be silent. Until now, he has not figured out the situation. Where is this place? What is this man looking for himself? This depends on his not-so-smart brain to think about it.

Elonsotko doesn't seem to be used to this way of chatting. He is the only one talking, while the other party only occasionally gives a few surprises, doubts and other expressions, but he has no choice but to ask himself first, "If you have any questions to ask me, you can ask me. I don't have much time. You will never see me again."

Since the other party said so, Ike naturally doesn't have to worry about thinking. He is pretentious and throws out the question he is thinking about: "Where is this? What do you want to bring me here? How can I go back?

Alonsoco raised his eyebrows slightly. If it had been more than 3,000 years ago, who would have seen him tremble fearfully, but now he is just a broken ghost that will be extinguished at any time, and he will no longer pay attention to it. He still patiently answered the question raised by Ike: "It's not brought you here. Yes, you came in by yourself, because this is in your mind. In other words, you are actually dreaming now, but I am real in the dream. As for how to go back, you will naturally go back when you wake up from your dream. Elonso's tone paused, as if he didn't want to talk too much about such boring questions. He asked bluntly, "Would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

According to the records in the college, Elonsoco is definitely a six-sided Rubik's Cube, and he is also the top of the six sides. Should he worship such a legendary figure and worship him as a god? And this god-like figure wants to take himself as an apprentice. It's really a good thing that pie falls from the sky. Anyone who sleeps has to wake up with a smile.

Ike is a disrespectful farmer. The strong will cultivated from childhood suffering is not a strong man, so he asked on the principle of profit-seeming: "What can you give me as a teacher?"

"Of course, it is to help you become the strongest in the world. I want to read a lot of books. The secrets of the human race have almost made me read it. I have participated in thousands of battles, whether it is a melee or a one-on-on-one challenge. With my experience, I have summed up an unrivaled secret book - "Chaotic Creation Decision", and after so many years of my son After careful deliberation, it has been perfect. This will be a road to God, and you will have the opportunity to embark on this road to God." When it comes to your proudest work, it will always be exaggerated.

Ike has been moved by what he said. As the other party, there is no need to deceive himself as a magic cube who has just reached one side. He can't get any benefit at all, and even if it is not as exaggerated as he said, as long as he can reach six sides, it doesn't need much ambition (in fact, ambition is enough) Powerful). But he still thought of his father's teaching. No one will give you benefits for no reason. The greater the benefits, the more you will lose in the future. This is a quote from a businessman teaching his son.

"Do you want it? As long as you worship me as your teacher, I will teach you," Elonsoco continued.

Ike still has a little talent for business and asked, "If I want to learn, will you teach me?" What don't you need me to do for you?"

"You are very smart." I don't know whether to praise or laugh at himself. Elon Soko's eyes dimmed and he said, "In fact, I also wanted to accept an apprentice, and there was also a talented student who was willing to worship me as a teacher, but I have always focused on creating "chaotic creation" and didn't care about him. Gu, I just want to create this divine scripture first. Even if I can't become a god, I have to create a god with my own hands."

God-making is simply an exaggerated Haikou, but the speaker has a calm face, and the person who listens to it also has a calm face, just like the most ordinary thing. As soon as he hears it, it seems to be taken for granted.

"One day, I found a treasure, which was exactly the same as the legendary demon's one-horn, emitting a strong atmosphere. Even I had to do my best to catch it. Later, the king of Warcraft "Kurosawa" also appeared. We fought, and finally lost both sides, and even the treasure was divided into two. He and I got one, and then I was killed, and the treasure should also be taken by the people behind the scenes. At that time, I was in a hurry to hide the last wisp of God in the stone statue and fell asleep until you appeared. As long as you promised to avenge me, I will pass on the chaos creation to you, and you can still get half a treasure. If you can grab the other half of Kurosawa's hand*, you can form a complete treasure, at least the existence of an artifact." Elon Soko looked at Ike fixedly. He was already like a dream bubble, and his last extravagant hope could only be faked at this young man he had just met.

You don't have to think about the treasure. In his heyday, Elonzoko could only get half of it, and Ike didn't have to think about grabbing the other half from the Warcraft that was comparable to him, but the chaotic creation that took his life's energy was worth his risk. Ike is a nobody. He doesn't need to make things flawless. Of course, he can't do it. He just knows one thing. He wants it, and the other party is willing to give it. As for the future troubles, of course, it is left to himself in the future. Now he just wants to solve his troubles first. If he can practice this law I believe that I will be more confident to deal with Caesar in the future.

"I'm willing to be your disciple, and I will help you avenge your revenge, but when I have the ability to avenge you," Ike also played a narrow eye. He would not be so stupid to rush up without strength.

Alonsoco seemed to see his trick, but he didn't care and said cheerfully, "Yes." In fact, he can't help but agree. He is just a wisp of ghost, which is about to disappear forever between heaven and earth. How can he control his apprentice? It's not up to him whether to avenge or not.

Ike was also straightforward. He knelt down three times and knocked nine times, and a master came out brightly.

Since he accepted the apprentice, it is natural to give some benefits. Elonzoko disappeared as soon as he flashed, but left a green book printed with the "Chaotic Creation Book" in place.

Maybe after waiting for more than 3,000 years, a lonely soul has long been tired of the world and can't wait to turn into dust, leaving only a few words.

"There is a green dragon tattoo on the right arm of the person who killed me. This is the only clue, and you have to live well, apprentice."