Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 32 Would you like to try it?

Battle is always the best teacher of the Rubik's Cube. This sentence is indeed the most correct. Only in continuous battles can you understand yourself. The last competition was the maiden battle after Ike became the Rubik's Cube. Although he was a little injured, it is indeed a little insignificant compared with the harvest. As long as there are people, If there is a fight, as long as there is a fight, there will be casualties, which Ike has always had a deep understanding.

The cultivation of the original peak has also become more solid after the baptism of this battle. If it weren't for the last let-going move that made him go crazy, it may be unknown that he could break through into the realm of both sides in one fell swoop.

I was speechless all night. The next morning, Linda came to the medical room early. The appearance of Ike's battle yesterday is still imprinted in her mind. In the past, she felt that Caesar had changed a lot after she lost her memory. Now it seems that he is still the same. He was as crazy as the battle, completely ignoring his own body. Body.

"You wake up and eat some millet porridge. Your body has just recovered. It's best to eat this." Linda said as she took out a bowl from the food basket, and then took out several kinds of food.

The porridge was as white as snow jade, crystal clear, and floated out a seductive fragrance of rice. Ike was really hungry after practicing all night. He picked up the millet porridge and took a sip, and melted in his mouth. A sweetness flowed into his stomach along his throat, warming people's spleen. "Thank you, Linda."

Ike has wanted to say this thank you for a long time, not only thanking her bowl of porridge, but also for a woman who can give up the game to accompany herself, Ike really doesn't know what to say except this thank you, but such a simple sentence is enough to fill a girl's heart. This is the first time he called my name. I'm so happy. What Linda cares about is not the sentence "thank you", but just that Ike called her name. This is a hope that maybe one day she can go further, no longer just a name, but a friendly name "darling", "baby", "wife" or something. ?

Looking at the appearance of their concubine, Bilian felt very unhappy. He kept losing to Eick. Lying here and watching him and a beautiful woman fall in love with me was really unbearable. "Isn't it just a thank you? As for being so happy," Bilian muttered in his heart. He When I looked up again, I happened to meet Linda's eyes. "She won't hear it, will she? Did I accidentally say it just now?"

"Hello, you didn't have breakfast either, right? I also brought you one." Linda said and took out the same breakfast from the food basket. It seems that it has been prepared for a long time. Of course, she won't have any idea about Bilian. She just felt that the other party and Caesar were also injured in the martial arts competition. She brought him a breakfast by herself. I hope Enough to make up for the relationship between the two sides, Caesar's previous enemies are many, and it is really not appropriate to stand up the enemy randomly.

"Thank you, Sister Linda. You are so kind. It's really lucky for him to marry you in the future." Birian took the breakfast and boasted, completely forgetting the criticism in his heart just now.

Linda can be regarded as a flower in the college. Although she is not as good as the four beauties in the college, she is only slightly worse in temperament. After all, gentle and quiet women are at a disadvantage in this regard. Whether it is the iceberg queen, a fairy in the world, or a lively Loli, she can satisfy a little perverted psychology of men to a certain extent, and the neighbors My sister is like a potential stock. She has to hold it for a long time to give full play to her advantages. Although Linda's temperament is slightly inferior, her appearance is extremely beautiful, and her popularity is also quite high, so she is not surprised that this little brother can call out her name. With a faint smile, he thought that if a cruel person could have such an idea, he would be willing to let her die.

After breakfast, Linda left the medical room and only left a message. In the afternoon, it was a match between Ike and No. 1087. The other party was just a Rubik's Cube who had just entered a realm. He was very ordinary and even a little behind. After all, like Elon Soco At the highest university in the country, ordinary students have entered the realm of one side early at this time, and even outstanding figures like Ike and Birian have already reached the realm of one side.

After breakfast, Ike continued his practice and didn't stop until after noon. Linda was like a competent nanny, preparing their lunch on time, but Ike had been practicing, so she didn't disturb him. She just suffered Bian, a tall man of 1.8 meters with strong digestive ability. Amazingly, the food he ate in the morning has long turned into a pile of waste. Looking at the food basket brought by Linda, he didn't know whether it was because of the beautiful woman or the food brought by Linda was really delicious. After eating it once, he didn't want to go to the canteen to eat those big pot of rice, but Linda didn't say anything at all. It seems that I was really a A person who has no father's love and no mother's love, Birian complained again in his heart.

After eating a love lunch, Ike got up and went to the field. Although he knew that his game was in the afternoon, he was not sure when it was. It depends on the situation today's game.

"Oh, don't go, I'll go with you." Birian is very big, but he eats slowly. In his eyes, the delicious food is like a beautiful woman, and he has to be treated gently, so when Ike and the others left, he ate more than half of it. He hurriedly sucked the seaweed hanging on his mouth into his mouth and grabbed the soup bowl fiercely. He took a big breath and gave up. Before leaving, he grabbed a steamed bun in each hand. As for the dishes, there would naturally be an aunt to clean up the dishes.

When the three came to the venue, the afternoon game had begun. Ike leaned under a big tree and smoked while watching the battle on the stage.

"What is that?" Bian is very much like a child. He has no complicated thoughts. If he likes it, he likes it. If he knows it, he will be curious to see something he has never seen before. Maybe his body has absorbed all the nutrients, so that his brain has no chance to be polluted by this society. .

"Do you want to try the pipe?" Although the two have fought desperately, it was on the stage. The two have different positions. Everyone wants to win, but now they are under the stage. Ike doesn't hate this little guy. Although they are about the same age, in Ike's eyes, the simple-minded Birian is just A child rarely raised a trace of teasing thoughts. Lanxi grass is very strong. Generally, only old smokers or poor men can get used to that kind of question.

"Do you still have it? Give me one, I'll taste it." Billy's mind is simple. Since he can smoke, I can also smoke, but I won't smoke the one in his hand. It's all saliva.

Ike also heard what he meant, smiled and put his hand into his arms, but he took out a similar pipe from the space ring, but this time it was ordinary bronze, not the golden one in Ike's hand.

"Uh, scared, scared", Bian also took a big breath like Ike, and felt that a thick smoke was like a skeleton holding a sickle, whistling across his throat and rolling in the alveoli, which was squeezing out of his body little by little.

"Hahaha", looking at his appearance of making a fool of himself, Ike laughed loudly. He hadn't been so happy for a long time, and even Linda was giggled by his appearance.

"You lied to me, this is simply poison, something harmful," Birian asked angrily.

A child is a child. Don't you know that curiosity kills a cat? I didn't lie to you. I just asked you if you want to try it. It's your own. What does it have to do with me?" Ike asked back, paused and then continued, "Moreover, I gave you something for free. You haven't thanked me yet, and you questioned me in turn."

Birian's face turned red and he was a little embarrassed. In retrospect, it was indeed like this. Looking at him smoking and seemed to be very happy, he wanted to take a breath to see what it was like, but he didn't expect it to be so spicy and pungent. It's really not to blame him if he was not psychologically prepared. Although he is immature, this is also an advantage. At least he can correct his mistakes and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry, and thank you for your pipe. Can you give this to me?"

Ike didn't expect that he would make such a request. After all, he just choked him lightly. In his opinion, he should never want to touch it again. However, since he made such a request, Ike also made a favor. This thing is not worth much money, and he will give it away, so He said, "I'll give it to you if you want, but what do you want it for?" Didn't you choke enough just now?" Although the things were sent, Ike still didn't forget to sarcastic the other party.

"I just didn't prepare, and I won't be like this next time," Birian argued.

Looking at the child holding the pipe with hatred and the fighting spirit in his eyes, Ike knew that he was going back to be proficient in this thing. He was really a competitive kid.

With the passage of time, it was finally time for Ike to appear. After the referee announced the player's name, the two went to the field one after another.

"Hey, you're going to win. That guy is terrible. If you haven't even played him, I will definitely kill you." Just when Ike played, Bilian suddenly said such a word to Ike.

Although I really want to ask why it is so serious, I don't have time, so I have to ask him after the game.

"Come on, you can do it." Linda cheered for Ike. Although she knew that there should be no threat to the strength of the other party, there was still an inevitable worry in her heart.