Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 26 Cliff

Ike roared and didn't catch No. 6, which made him feel extremely angry and punched out as if to break the sky.

No. 6 has an unspeakable bitterness in his heart. This is the first time he came out to accept the task. In the past, the wall of the training ground isolated his world, like heaven and hell, only one step away, and he will always live in the suffering of hell.

People living in heaven can't understand his pain, so he kept training, killing people and getting injured until he became No. 6. He finally stood above the head of that group of people. He had self-confidence. He did not believe that people in the outside world could defeat him. After all, he suffered endlessly. It's only been a few days since I came to this stage.

He is too confident, so today he suffered a loss and his arms were broken, but he will no longer be arrogant. He has to use all means. Only by killing Ike can he survive. Otherwise, there is only one way to die if the task fails.

His hand was broken, but he still had legs. He kicked out, and the wind and clouds suddenly rose, just like a dragon kicking out of the water and hit Ike's fist.

Ike was kicked back, but he didn't feel any pain and continued to rush up.

Another punch came out. This punch was sharper and more domineering than the previous one. There was only one punch left in heaven and earth. It enveloped No. 6's whole body, leaving him nowhere to hide.

No. 6 was cruel and used his unique move, which was his invincible move. He raised his right foot fiercely and then smashed it heavily. Ike was still some distance away from him. Of course, his foot could not kick Ike, but his unique move was more than that.

A white light flashed, and the toes of No. 6 can be released. If Ike is awake at this time, he will be shocked. You know, the human body is the most fragile. Once it exceeds a certain limit, it will be hurt, so the Rubik's Cube can only rely on weapons to release the atmosphere. .

Magicians also need a wand to perform magic. Of course, some magic that only needs a little energy can be performed without a wand.

No. 6 can actually release energy with his feet. Such a strange move is really beyond Ike's expectation.

Of course, Ike is not conscious now, so he will not feel anything. The white light flashed and came to his eyes at once. Ike's combat consciousness dominated his body, his body flashed purple light, and the magic gold body automatically appeared.


The white light hit Ike's chest. Although the magic gold body offset part of the energy, the remaining energy still exploded a blood hole in his chest.

No. 6 was stunned and didn't expect that his must-kill move did not kill the other party. What on earth is that layer of purple light? It can not only resist physical attacks, but also resist the fighting spirit.

Ike took advantage of No. 6's stunnedgong fu to bully him and slapped No. 6's head fiercely. No. 6 was knocked to the ground like a sack and rolled several times before stopping.

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, this is the most basic common sense of the beast. Ike naturally carried it to the end, turned around and rushed up.

Ike is now in a state of madness. The power of this palm is so great that he directly knocked No. 6 into a coma. After Ike bullied him, he directly stepped on his stomach heavily.


No. 6 screamed, and both eyes were almost squeezed out.

Ike was indifferent to his cry, raised his foot again and stepped down.

As soon as No. 6 woke up from the pain, he saw Ike's big foot pressed down. He didn't have time to think about it. He rolled over and dodged.

Ike stepped on the ground and shook out a deep footprint. His blood-red eyes looked at him and did not step on his goal. He saw No. 6 turn aside. Naturally, he would not give up like this and step over again.

No. 6 lay on the ground and didn't have time to get up. He could only lie on the ground and kicked out the same, but he kicked out a white light and released his fighting spirit.

Ike stepped on the white light, and his shoes were first blown up by energy, and then the soles of his feet were blown up. Fortunately, Ike used the magic gold body in time, and his feet were not blown up.

It's still the foot. Although it was injured, Ike did not intend to take it back. Anyway, it was already injured. Even if it was taken back, it was useless to take it back. He simply stepped out directly.


It's like the sound of breaking a balloon. Ike kicked through No. 6's stomach, but No. 6 was also hard. He didn't shout and shook off two broken arms and grabbed Ike.

Ike's foot was still in his body, kicked it out directly, threw his body out, and hit a big tree with a "bang" and fell down heavily.

No. 6 spit blood and blew a cool breeze from the hole in his chest, which blew directly into his mind. He recalled a lot and finally just smiled sadly. It turned out that this was his life.

Ike walked over and looked at the body of No. 6. His blood-red eyes changed, turned black and white, and then returned to blood red. With the change of the color of his eyes, Ike often covered his head. Obviously, his head was very painful.

After a while, Ike finally regained his composure and his eyes turned into the original black and white color. He glanced at No. 6 and then looked at the surrounding scenes. Without saying a word, he left here directly.

Ike's footsteps became heavier and heavier, and his head was like a movie replay. The pictures of the battle just now flashed in his mind one by one, but it became more and more blurred. Finally, Ike finally lost consciousness and fell down.

"Where is this?" Ike shook his head and looked around. He felt a little familiar. He seemed to have come here and thought about it again. It turned out to be the broken house where he signed the contract with Mary Kay.

At this time, Mary Kay came over with a small bowl, and the aroma of food floated over. Ike couldn't smell anything, but he wanted to eat it very much, because he was really hungry. The previous battle consumed too much physical strength, and madness consumed the energy in his Rubik's Cube. Net.

Mary Kay brought the bowl to him. It was a bowl of porridge made of unknown rice. Ike took it and drank it all, and his mouth was full of saliva.

A bowl of porridge was only three minutes full. Ike wanted to eat another bowl, but it was gone. Mary Kay secretly stole this rice from her home. Although there were no living people in the whole village, she did not dare to go to other people's houses.

Ike took out some dry food from the space ring and gave it to Mary Kay to fill his stomach.

After eating, Ike touched his chest. It had been bandaged. Obviously, it was made by Mary Kay. Although the dressing technique was not good, Ike didn't want to take it off and re-wrap it, just use it.

Through the cracks in the roof, I looked at the sky and the white moon hung in the air. It seemed that I had fainted for several hours. Although I wanted to leave here quickly, there was only a little poor energy in the Rubik's Cube, and there were scars everywhere. It was really not a wise choice to start in this state.

Ike sat up cross-legged, pushed the rotation of the Rubik's Cube with the remaining energy, and practiced the chaotic creation formula.

This magic formula is worthy of being divine. In just half an hour, the energy in the magic core on the creation belt was sucked clean, and the magic core was broken. Ike couldn't practice again and had to give up.

stood up and moved his body. Although he was seriously injured, it was not a key place, so the general action was not restrained.

"It's time for us to go," Ike said.

"Yes, master," Mary Kay answered.

"Don't call me master in the future, call me brother." Ike thought for a long time and only thought of such a title, and it would be more convenient to bring her to the human world.

"Yes, brother", Mary Kay will naturally not refute Ike's decision.

"Okay, let's go"

With that, Ike took Mary Kay out of the dilapidated house and headed for Caili Mountain.

Maqimu's map is very detailed. After Ike knows his position, he can easily find the path. The two traveled by the moonlight. Although they can't see clearly, they can also distinguish the right direction.

Soon the two came under a cliff. At this time, the moon stopped directly above the cliff, so they could see carefully. The cliff was not deep, only 30 or 40 meters away, but under the cliff was full of strange rocks, showing their fangs ferociously. If one accidentally fell down, even if there was magic gold The protection of the body should also be eaten clean.

How to get there? It is not indicated on the map. If you look at the map carefully, you will see a thin line connecting the cliffs on both sides. If you don't look carefully, it is really not easy to find it.

Since there is such a line on the map, it means that there should be a road on both sides of the cliff. Ike searched carefully and finally found that the path represented by the thin line drawn on the map was just a steel cable.

Did Maqimu climb across the other side through this steel cable? Thinking of Machimu's broken leg, I really don't know how he did it.

Ike and Mary Kay looked around again, but there was no other discovery. It seemed that they could only go through this road.

The steel cable has the thickness of the baby's arm, and this end is driven into the rock. I can't pull it by one point. I really don't know who can stand up such a thick steel rope.

"We can only go from here. You put this belt on," Ike said and lost a pair of gloves.

Although the cliff is not high, it is very wide, with a distance of thousands of meters on both sides. The steel cable is composed of many thin steel wires. If you go there empty-handed, it will inevitably cut the palm of your hand. It turned out that the gloves Maqimu said at the beginning turned out to be this effect.

After putting on their gloves, the two began to climb. They grabbed the iron rope with both hands, hooked them with their feet, and moved forward little by little.