Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 35 Listen to the storm

Take care of yourself

Ike said a word to Mary Kay and rushed up. He had his own plans. These people came for him. Hilton had helped him once, and he couldn't involve him any more, so he had to solve this trouble by himself.

Hilton has already cultivated his mind. He didn't know what he thought. He praised him in his heart. Not to mention Ike's strength, his character is still good, and he is also happy to watch a good play. Of course, if Ike is in danger, he will definitely take action.

When the swimming fish body was performed, Ike seemed to become a spirit fish in the sea, constantly flashing in the crowd, and every time he appeared must be behind someone.

Powerful cow magic fist, Ike, a spirit fish, finally showed his fangs hidden in the dark, and every fist attack was accompanied by the sound of an enemy's bone breaking.

Originally, he wanted to kill all these people, but later he thought that if they all died here, Hilton could never escape responsibility, so he switched to fists and greeted other people's joints, which would not be fatal, but it could make people lose their combat effectiveness.

"Hmm," Ike was punched in the back and hummed.

As the saying goes, two fists are difficult to beat four hands. Although these people are basically not magic cubes, they are all strong. At first glance, people who often boil their bodies have 400 to 500 pounds of strength in their hands, and this punch is really uncomfortable.

"Bang, bang, bang", people were put down one by one, and someone outside rushed in again to fill the vacant position.

"The boy is looking for death"

Zashid roared and rushed up with a pair of iron bars. Originally, he had planned to hide behind him all the time, but seeing that Ike had been beaten and spit a few mouthfuls of blood, Hilton was also indifferent. He thought that he was afraid of the iron fist and did not dare to take action. Without his threat, Zahed was a little bolder.

He is so young to have a place in the Iron Fist Club, not only because he is treacherous, but more importantly, but also his strength. Although he is not a top combat power in the Iron Fist Club, he is also a high-end force. With these subordinates, he believes that he can completely win Ike.

Zahid saw the opportunity and hit the back of Ike's head with a stick. Although this stick was not released, it was like a tiger roaring in the wind. If it really hit the head, I'm afraid it could smash out the brain.

Ike was punching a person in the chest and suddenly felt a chill in the back of his head. He couldn't help thinking about it and turned to the right. Although he reacted in time, he still slowed down, and the iron bar hit his left shoulder fiercely.

Ike's left shoulder suddenly collapsed, endured the great pain, grabbed the end of the iron bar with his backhand, and pulled it to his side, but he didn't expect that Zahid's strength was not small, and he didn't drag him over.

The people next to him immediately gathered around. At this time, the struggle between the two sides was a good time to start. Unexpectedly, Ike did not let their tricks succeed and let go directly. Zahid did not expect that Ike would suddenly let go. He was still working hard. Ike's release directly made him take a few big steps back, and I almost fell.

"Bang, bang, bang", Ike waved his fists. At this time, he doesn't pay attention to any moves. The simplest moves are the most effective move. When you look at the place, it is a fist to the flesh, the fists are broken bones. In the blink, the ground is covered with a layer of human flesh. Blanket.

As soon as Zacide stood firm, he saw that Ike was showing off his power. He turned around and fled. Hilton took a deep look at him, but did not stop him. When Ike knocked everyone down, he told him that Zahside had left.

"You'd better get out of here quickly!" Hilton urged.

"Will they bother you if I leave?" Ike asked.

"They dare not do anything to me without getting the evidence. You'd better go quickly. When the gate is closed, you just can't leave!" Hilton had to remind him again.

"Okay, let's go. Take care!"

Ike put his fist at Hilton, and then rushed out of the store with Mary Kay. He knew that he could not help by staying here, but would only bring endless trouble to the Tianya Hotel, hoping that his departure could take away the eyes of the Iron Fist Club.

Now it's getting late. When it's completely dark, the gate will be closed. At that time, no one will be allowed to enter or leave, so Ike will run wildly in the city with Mary Kay.

There are really many people on the street at this time, and I don't know what they came out for. Ike should pay attention to dodge. The speed can't be fast. When they reach the gate, they saw the soldiers guarding the city about to close the gate.

At this time, it can be said that you didn't give it. Seeing that these soldiers defending the city waved their hands and let you go out, seeing that you didn't like it, and then said "The gate is closed", click and close the gate, and you can't help it.

Ike fixed his eyes and saw that the person guarding the city was still an old acquaintance, who was the soldier who wanted to search his body before. Ike didn't want to cause trouble and walked up with a smile.

"Captain A is still there"

"Oh, didn't you just enter the city and want to go out again?" Captain A asked doubtfully.

He has been a soldier defending the city for half his life. He really hasn't seen many people who have just entered the city and left the city so late. After all, if he goes out of the city now, he must spend the night in the wilderness. There are all kinds of beasts in the forest, and it is not uncommon for him to run out of one or two monsters, so he still I'm curious why Ike left town so late.

"Yes, the news suddenly came from my family that my father was critically ill, so I was in a hurry to take my sister back. There are still several brothers at home at home. I'm afraid I'm going back late..." Ike said anxiously.

He also lost a look that everyone knew, and his finger bounced again, which means gold coins.

When Captain A heard that it turned out to be like this, it was easy to understand. This boy must be afraid that his family property would be divided up by his brothers when he returned late, so he risked to rush back. If his family has a large share of property waiting for him, he must be more anxious than him, but now, it is he I'm not in a hurry.

Ike originally thought that this excuse could be hidden from these soldiers, but he didn't expect that he would cause some trouble. Captain A looked at his anxious appearance, so he was not in a hurry to close the door and didn't let him go out. He just stood in the middle of the road and blocked his way.

Ike was smart but was mistaken by cleverness, but he didn't expect that Captain A would stop him and just wanted to blackmail him again. He also thought that the captain really felt sorry for his father's critical illness. Looking at his miserable appearance, he almost thought that his father was about to die.

The more anxious Ike was, the more he lost his composure. By the time he finally realized the purpose of Captain A, there was a sound of horseshoe in the distance.

No matter in which city, everyone who dares to ride a horned horse on the street is a hegemony. Ike did not expect to see such a person at this time, and obviously he also came in the direction of the city gate.

If it is usual, Ike would also like to admire the demeanor of these heroes, but today he is really not in the mood, and he has to leave the city quickly. I don't know how long this guy's arrival will delay him.

"Captain A, help me. I have something urgent. Please let us out first."

At this time, Ike didn't care much. He pretended that he actually took out a cloth bag from the space ring from his chest and stuffed it into the hands of Captain A. He just wanted to leave the city gate before the rider.

Captain A was still waiting to see which big man was coming, but he didn't expect Ike to give him a cloth bag. With his many years of experience, he knew that there were at least 200 gold coins in this bag, which could match his income for more than ten years.

Money can make ghosts grind, and money can push ghosts. If it is only a dozen gold coins, he will definitely not accept it at this time. Who knows who is coming? In case the city lord or some inspector is seen by them, his job will not be guaranteed, but there are more than 200 gold coins here. This is a huge wealth. Even if he had to give some to the other two subordinates afterwards, he definitely took the most, so he did not hesitate to stuff the cloth bag into his arms.

"Get out quickly, your father is still waiting for you to go back"

Captain A took the money and naturally wanted to let him go, and he is more anxious than Ike now. He also hopes that he can leave quickly, otherwise he will be bumped into by the adults who came, and it will be miserable if he is exposed.

"Yes, yes, we're leaving now, we're leaving," Ike nodded and said.

As soon as they pulled Mary Kay, the two missed Captain A and walked quickly out of the door.

"Hight, you two, stop for me"

There was a shout in the distance. Mary Kay wanted to look back, but she was pulled by Ike. Whether it was called himself or not, he could not look back, because he could hear that the owner of this voice was absolutely unknown, and his tone was not very friendly. I'm afraid he came to trouble him. However, it is impossible to stop and wait for him obediently, but go faster and faster.

Toronto is a general who was ordered to catch Ike. When he chased him to the gate, he saw that Ike had left. Naturally, he would not give up and rushed over on a horned horse.

Captain A wants to ask about the identity of the other party. After all, no matter how big an official is, he must show his identity before he can let him go. This is the most basic rule, and he must abide by it.

However, in order to be in a hurry, Toronto did not bother to pay attention to these little people. It rode directly out of the city gate and knocked Captain A aside.

"Whistle, whistle, someone broke into the city," Captain A held his waist and shouted.