Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 12 Siege

"The two elder sisters are really good," Birian jumped down from the tree and praised. He originally wanted to say his sister-in-law, but he still didn't dare to say that word in the end.

The two girls naturally ignored his flattery and turned their heads to ignore him. Birian grabbed his head. Did he shout wrong? Anyway, he went to a goblin's body to check it and found no treasure map, while the other Goblin was smashed into powder and did not need to be checked at all.

"No," Billian shrugged his shoulders.

Although I had expected that it would not be so easy to find the treasure map, I was still a little disappointed. Just as everyone was about to climb the tree and continue to wait, there was a rustling sound from the distance.

If you just entered the dark forest, you may not know what this sound means, but now the people of this team can hear that it is a beast or a warcraft coming this way, not the sound of the wind blowing leaves.

"Be careful, there should be Goblin coming," Ike reminded.

He has the most experience here. Just now, two second-class Warcraft goblins have come. The smell left along the way will definitely keep all the beasts away from this area. So soon, he can only be Goblins who are also second-level warcrafts.

The four people couldn't help clenching the weapon in their hands and observing the movement in front of them. The sound should be not far away. At this time, it was obviously not appropriate to climb up the tree. If they climbed halfway to the goblins and rushed out, they would not have the effect of sneak attack at all, so they simply waited on the ground, and they were originally Dolvia, who stayed on the tree, also opened his eyes and looked forward, hoping to see something. Unfortunately, in addition to the towering trees, there are countless low bushes in the whole dense forest. These bushes opportunity occupy all parts of the dense forest, so even if Dorvia stands on the big tree, it is at all I can't see far.

"It's finally my turn to show my skills!" Compared with the nervousness of the two girls, Birian is quite excited. Perhaps it is because the boys prefer to fight. He has shown considerable interest in killing Goblin. All of them have taken action, leaving him who has not experienced the baptism of animal blood. He can't wait.

"Grumulu", a long string of syllables come from the outside, first a sound, then the second sound, then the third, more and more, and finally it is full of this sound in all directions.

"What's going on?" Biyan said to himself, he was a little puzzled. Why was he so unlucky? The trial hasn't started yet, as if it is surrounded by Warcraft.

"Second, come down quickly!" Ike gave an order, and he frowned. If things were as he expected, he was afraid he would be in big trouble this time.

Dorvia had seen many faint figures in the distance and slid down the tree trunk after listening to Ike's order.

"Lao San, come here, let's form a circle behind our backs!" Ike shouted to Birian, who was a little farther away.

Birian ran back. Although he really wanted to show it, it was not so simple to listen to the number of voices. At this time, he did not dare to mess around. Only by working together can he overcome this difficult situation.

The five people leaned their backs and formed a circle, so that they could observe the situation around them in an all-round way. From hearing the sound, they could immediately think of such a practice. I have to say that Ike has grown a step further.

"Sneer", a goblin jumped out of the bushes, and everyone's hearts tightened. Sure enough, it was Goblin, and then the second one, and then the goblin kept running out of the bushes in different directions. Soon dozens of goblins surrounded them.

"Uh-huh, uh-huh", these goblins all sucked their noses, sniffed the smell in the air and asked if it was what they were looking for. After taking two sips of it, these goblins affirmed that the source of the smell must be the group of people in front of them, and then saw a Goblin body lying on the ground, even if No matter how low their IQ is, even pigs can guess such an obvious thing, let alone Goblin.

"Wow, chirp", these goblins seemed to confirm one thing, each making an angry voice, roaring, and widening their eyes, trying to devour Ike and his party.

"Run and raid to the southeast," Ike shouted, but he did not escape first. Instead, he pushed Melunris next to him and let them go first and stay at the end.

After all, it was a team that had just been formed. She didn't have enough team experience and was in a mess when she was in danger. Melanris was pushed by Ike and took two steps forward. Then she woke up. She did not miss Ike, because she knew that she was going to lead everyone out instead of staying to die. She believed that he could In order to survive.

The remaining three people almost ran to the southeast. They didn't know why Ike asked them to run in this direction. They just looked at the lonely back of the person left behind. Everyone left tears. Many years later, the surviving people in the team recalled the scene at that time and couldn't help sighing. I was cowardly at that time.

Ike did not run with them. There have been hundreds of goblins around. Even in the rarest southeast direction, there are no less than a dozen goblins. If everyone only cares about escaping, then they can't run away from any of them.

With the sword in his hand, Ike had some confidence. Looking at the four people running wildly, especially Cryia, who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, the softest part of his heart was pressed hard a few times, which almost made him unable to breathe. Then he saw that the leader Melenlis had already fought with the two Goblins.

Ike's eyes were cold. He did not allow his brother and his loved ones to be hurt. He raised his sword and split angrily. With his anger, a sword spirit mercilessly cut on a goblin who was fighting with Melenris, and then another sword spirit rushed to the sky and took away the life of another goblin who blocked the way. Life.

These two swords consumed a lot of Ike's energy, but the effect was very obvious. They directly opened a gap for them. Ike calmed down and shouted, "Let's go, leave me alone. I'll be fine. Go back to the college and wait for me!"

"Go quickly", Melenris couldn't help but speed up a little while listening to Ike's shouting, but the three people she was holding began to get emotional. All three of them twisted uneasily, struggled and wanted to stay. Perhaps in their opinion, running away was an act of cowardly, and what was more shameless was to let their brothers do it. They resisted the disaster but fled, which was the most shameless act in the world. They wanted to stay and fight with him, but one sentence shattered their determination.

"Do you want him to sacrifice for us? Only alive can avenge him. This is the way he opened for us at the risk of his life. Do you really want to waste his painstaking efforts?" Melenris woke up Dorvia and Brian.

Yes, this is the way for Ike risked his life to create for himself. If he stays here again, isn't it a waste of his painstaking efforts? Whether this is an excuse for their fear of death or not, it always makes them decide to leave here.

"I won't leave, I want to stay," Klea looked at Ike stubbornly. This man, who I don't know when she has fallen in love with, doesn't even want her life for herself. How can she leave alone?

The little girl's mind was simple and stubborn. No one could persuade her. Melenris looked at Klia with complicated eyes, and finally she was cruel. A palm knife cut her on Klia's neck and knocked her unconscious.

Dorvia and Biyan didn't say anything. At present, they were confessing for their shameless behavior, and they didn't care about Melunlis's knocking Klia out. They carried Klia on their backs and kept walking, and the four of them rushed over Goblin's defense line.

It was too late. At that time, at the moment when several people quarreled, Ike had already met the anger of hundreds of Goblins. Even with the blessing of his magic, he was attacked by hundreds of Goblins at the same time. Of course, only five or six of them could hit Ike at the same time, but even so, it made him spit out several mouthfuls of blood.

Looking back, I saw several people still lingering there. Ike couldn't help but be angry all his life. He let them go because he had an unusual card, that was "Jorad" who stayed in his magic core, but if they stayed here, he couldn't use it, which really made him angry.

"Get out," Ike couldn't help roaring. This was not only shouting at Melenris and others, but also at the Goblins around him. A burst of sword spirit swept away, and dozens of goblins died. There was an open space in front of Ike, but without waiting for him to rest, Goblin rushed up to fill the gap. .

At the last glance, Ike finally saw Melenris and others disappearing in sight, and then he was finally relieved.

"Wo! Oh! "Oh!" Three sword lights flashed and cleared an open space again. This is because he released almost all his last energy. Now he can only pin his hopes on Jorad. If it can't stop these goblins, he can only die here.

"Come out quickly", Ike contacted Jorad spiritually and shouted anxiously.

Fortunately, Jorad was not asleep, otherwise Ike really couldn't get in touch with it. This time, it was no nonsense. Maybe it was also a crisis in the current situation, so a red light flashed and appeared directly in front of Ike.