Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 17 completely destroyed

Ike's sneak attack was quite successful. He cut off three goblins in just one round. Now there are only four goblins left in the team. They feel that there is a very dangerous air machine on Ike, so they dare not rush up, and Ike just completed a series of movements in an instant. The power was also consumed a lot, just in time to recover, so one of the four beasts stared at each other, and no one went further.

After a three-time break, Ike took care of his body. Through the supplement of the creation belt, the energy in his magic cube returned to full value. At this time, Ike's eyes were stunned, and he knew that it was time for him to act. These goblins obviously had good wisdom. They only needed to wait for a period of time. However, there will be helpers. At that time, he can only suffer losses, so he has no choice but to eliminate them before Goblin comes to help.

Look at the four goblins. They occupy a position, surrounded themselves in a semicircle and prevent themselves from escaping. No matter which direction they attack, they will have a goblin in front of them.

With a flash of light in his mind, Ike had an idea and smiled at the evil spirits of the Goblins. Ike rushed to the rightmost Goblin with his sword. Ike's level has increased a lot during this period. A sword hit it like a wave. Qingfeng's sword has penetrated into the bone marrow, and the seemingly ordinary sword carries a fierceness. This momentum enveloped the rightmost Goblin and almost froze him to death.

Fortunately, it is a second-class warcraft anyway, and it is not so unbearable. At the end, it roared and its claws popped out, biting Ike's sword to death.

Eke naturally did not think that he could successfully kill the other party with a sword when the goblin took precautions, so he did not show any surprise that it could block his blow, but smiled more.

"Rit! Rub! "Ike grabbed the hilt and pushed forward all the way, while the Goblin's claws bit Ike's sword and couldn't get rid of it, so he could only be pushed back and backwards.

All this happened between lightning and flint. By the time the other three goblins reacted, Ike had pushed the goblin two or three feet away, and the other three goblins' eyes flashed with anger and roared behind Ike.

The nearest Goblin jumped not far behind Ike, and its long claws popped out, like steel casting, with a cold light. With a "bang", the Goblin grabbed Ike's back fiercely.

Ike had already felt a cold wind and grinned. Instead of looking back, he reversed his left hand, and a quaint sword appeared in his hand.

Ike suddenly released his right hand, his feet were staggered and slightly bent, and then his upper body rotated 180 degrees, forcing the long claws behind him to attack. Then the long sword in his left hand stabbed forward fiercely, and the sword smoothly penetrated the heart of the goblin.

Ike didn't have time to pay attention to the life and death of the goblin. His long sword was pulled out and his body suddenly stood up. At the same time, his upper body rotated in a direction and faced the previous goblin again. Ike's feet exerted his strength, and his body rushed out. At this time, the previous goblin was still holding the sword and retreated.

Ike grabbed his right hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword in his hand. This time, he did not stab out another sword, but pulled it back. The goblin was used to resisting hard forward. Suddenly, he encountered Ike changing the direction of his power. For a moment, he couldn't react and forced him to pull out the long sword. Ike used his usual trick and used the sword as a hidden weapon. He shook his tail and stabbed directly into a goblin that followed him.

Ike did not look back. The goblin in front of him was pulled away by the claws. At this moment, he was standing in front of him with bare breasts. Ike had no special hobbies for it. He couldn't let go of this great opportunity. The sword in his left hand burst into a blazing light and a sword The strength split down, "Hula" and split the goblin in front of him in half, and the blood and internal organs flowed to the ground.

At this time, Ike turned his body, but when he turned around, a claw in his pupil quickly enlarged, and then grabbed it down fiercely. From the left shoulder to the right waist, the oblique three claw marks reversed the skin and flesh, and the blood suddenly flowed down from the three blood ditch. A stream of blood was synthesized and flowed.

Ike was shocked. Everything before was as he expected. He held the first goblin from the sword, then took out the sword from the space ring and attacked the second goblin that appeared behind him, then threw the sword to interfere with the third goblin, and finally returned to continue to kill the first goblin. As for the farthest one Goblin should have arrived after doing all this. Everything before was the same as he expected, but he still looked too lightly at Goblin. Although the beasts were not wise enough, their movements were very sensitive. The sword thrown by Ike was only gently flashed by the third Goblin. Avoiding it, it didn't help at all, so he just attacked Ike when he turned around.

Fortunately, Ike opened the magic golden body in time, otherwise, the fatal blow of the second-level Warcraft would not have just caught three blood grooves, and it would be easy to directly tear his body in half.

Ike was not in a daze. Just after the third Goblin's claws fell, Ike endured the severe pain and raised the long sword in his hand again. A sword spirit came into being, cutting its brain with the horn of death and blooming a flower mixed with blood and brain plasma.

At this time, the last surviving goblin also rushed to the front. It seemed to know that if it was just an ordinary attack, it would have no effect on Ike. Looking at the bodies all over the ground, these were its brothers and sisters. Several goblins have never been separated since childhood. No matter what the action is, everyone is together. The prey caught was also shared by everyone. Now they are all dead and killed by Ike. It has red eyes and makes a sad cry. At this time, it has gone crazy, or it has abandoned its not very smart head, leaving only the instinct of the beast to kill the enemy in front of it.

Ike frowned. He could feel that something had changed in the rushing Goblin, but he couldn't make it clear. He just felt that it should be unusual from the previous ones. He handed the sword to his right hand. Ike took precautions and let it change in all kinds of ways. I was the same.

It was close. Ike felt the proximity of the other party. At this time, the spirits of both sides were highly concentrated. A drop of sweat slipped from Ike's cheeks, dripping on the ground, and fell into eight petals. The last goblin jumped high when the water dripped. His claws stretched forward like a leopard jumping on its prey and opened its blood basin.

Ike sneered. He has been hunting in the jungle for so many years. His experience is very old-fashioned. Such an action is extremely stupid to Ike. As long as he takes a step forward gently, he can avoid its claws. As long as he raises his sword, he can cut his belly. Ordinary people are thrown down by such an action because They were scared by the other party's momentum and dared not move, and Ike would naturally not be scared by the goblin. He took a small step forward and raised his sword. If everything was as he expected, the goblin would soon die under his sword.

The seventh Goblin was in mid-air, and his stretched body shrank, and his whole body suddenly seemed to shrink by No. 1. Unfortunately, it was already very thin, so Ike did not find this change in time.

Looking at the enemy in front of him, its scarlet eyes flashed a ray of light, as if they were nostalgic for the world. Finally, it glanced in the direction of the mountain, and then resolutely rushed to Ike.

Ike suddenly had a palpitation and had an ominous premonition, but he couldn't say what was wrong. At this time, the goblin in the sky had fallen, so he grabbed the sword and was ready.

Suddenly, the situation suddenly changed, and the two pairs of iron claws of the falling Goblin actually glowed an unusual color, and then they were like flying knives, and the eight iron claws flew down.

Ike's eyes changed, and he finally knew what was wrong. He had encountered such a situation once before, but it never happened again. Ike thought that the goblin at that time was very special. Only it could launch iron claws. He didn't expect that the last goblin would be like this. Tricks.

It's too late to avoid it. Fortunately, there is still a long sword in my hand, "Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Block!" A series of sounds sounded, as if it were a pimple. Ike quickly danced his sword, which was probably the fastest in his history, but even so, there were still three iron claws on Ike's body, one on his left and right shoulders, and one on his right chest. Fortunately, fortunately None of the key positions made Ike a little relieved.

As soon as the eight iron claws were blown away, the goblin in the sky fell down. Originally, if the long sword did not move, it could just pierce its belly, but Ike blocked the flying claws, so he could not stop the goblin. Seeing that it showed its sharp fangs, Ike used the fish method and moved a small movement to the right. Down.

"Ah", Ike shouted strangely. It turned out that Goblin bit his left arm. Ike shouted in pain and shook his arm, but failed to throw it down.

Ike was cruel, held the sword in his right hand, and a horizontal stab directly pierced its stomach, and finally killed it.