Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 26 You... Despicable

"Are you all right?" Lucas asked as he dragged his steps. He was not seriously injured, but he wanted to show a serious injury, which also made Ike more reassured him.

Ike took a look at Lucas and didn't see anything from the other party's eyes. After all, he didn't have the ability to know people. He just couldn't see a trace of camouflage from his expression, but he looked concerned.

If it hadn't been for the previous two people's unhappiness for Klea and what he had overheard before, he would not have doubted Lucas. His acting skills were very real. No wonder the two idiots before would be fooled by him.

"It's okay, but a few ribs are broken, and it's not convenient to move now." Ike has teeth and a tangled look on his face. In fact, his ribs are fine, and even there is no injury on his body. It's just that the energy in the Rubik's Cube is exhausted. It's a little out of force. The movement is dynamic, but it doesn't mean much. He knows Lucas inquired about his reality, so he also showed his injury appropriately, but he didn't dare to tell the truth. If he let the other party know that he didn't have any energy, he would show his fierce fangs.

"It's not a big injury if you just break a few ribs. As long as you run the energy in a special way, you will get better soon. Speaking of which, our family has this skill. Why don't I teach you? It's still very dangerous here. If you don't have strength, it's easy to be killed."

Lucas heard that he only broke a few ribs. He was puzzled that the explosion just now was very powerful. He didn't believe that Ike was just broken ribs. Not to mention destroying the Rubik's Cube, at least it was the end of energy exhaustion, so he deliberately made a fictitious skill to set up Ike's bottom, if he was real. If the power is still there, if the cultivation is not effective, it will be excused to say that only your own family can practice. There are still many skills with cultivation restrictions in the world.

Although Ike does not engage in conspiracy and tricks, he determines that Lucas is a bad person, so all his actions are conspiracy, and Ike will naturally not accept his "good intentions".

"Thank you for your kindness, but I have taken a special medicine of the family. As long as you rest for more than half an hour, it will be fine. Your skill is also a secret within the family. You can't spread it at will. If your family know, I can't explain it clearly," Ike explained with a smile. For a moment, it's not that I don't learn it, but that your skills can't be passed on indiscriminately. What if I learn it and your family make trouble me?

"I don't think about it. Since Brother Caesar has taken healing medicine, I don't have to take out my skills to make a fool of myself, but there are dangers everywhere in the dark forest. Why don't I protect Caesar here first? Let's get together when you get better. My former partners all died under the King of Warcraft. There are a lot of dangers if you travel alone."

Lucas is also not sure whether Ike has taken pills or not, and whether he has lost energy, but he is not too worried about his appearance, so he is not sure for a moment and intends to stay and observe. If there is a chance, he does not mind killing Ike.

"Don't use this. I've always been used to being alone." As long as he is present, Ike doesn't dare to practice boldly. Of course he won't agree.

"I also know this, but now it's forced by the form, I don't think you want to be torn up by Goblin. Maybe a large number of Goblins will return here later. Let me protect your law here. That's settled. Caesar, practice at ease. With me, no one can hurt you." With that, Lucas sat down next to Ike, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

You just count on me to die. If I practice at ease, I'm afraid that I will be killed by you the next second. Ike slandered in his heart, but with a smile on his face. He also has no good excuse to drive Lucas away. He just saw him sit next to him and make it clear that he came to test himself, but he can't see it.

When he contacted Jorad, Ike was happy. It was also a fire physique. Like Caesar, he suddenly came to his mind.

"In this case, thank you," Ike thanked and practiced cross-legged. There was nothing to say with him. Acting.

As long as Lucas can't see that there is no energy in his body, he will not be in danger. Judging from his reaction, he is not bold and he should not dare to do anything uncertain, so he really practiced boldly, but secretly let Jorad release his breath.

You can't see other people's level without reaching the three-sided Rubik's Cube, but no matter how many levels of Rubik's Cube, you can feel the energy around you, so Lucas can also make a general guess. Judging from the strength of Jorad's breath he felt, "Caesar" should still retain part of the energy, but this The energy is not strong, that is, the level of a magic cube.

Jorad wants to release more, but it is only a first-class warcraft. Even if it is talented, it is only comparable to an ordinary second-class warcraft, and the breath released is not strong. Lucas thinks that Caesar in this state is not his opponent at all, and the treasure is in front of him, and he dares not dare to see it. As long as "Caesar" is solved.

Looking at Ike in practice, Lucas's hand slowly touched the ring and thought that the "God of War" in the former college is now withering in his own hands, and his blood is boiling. What a great honor it is. As long as one sword, one sword can get this guy's name. As for the senior level in the college Students, although they are not allowed to hurt "Caesar" in their dialect, as long as he dies, who is willing to stand up for a dead person?

"Prick, prick down", Lucas's heart seemed to have a devil, constantly urging him to act. He held a dagger and hung over Ike's head. His hands trembled due to excitement and stabilized his arms. Lucas' eyes finally became firm. Non-toxic husband, you really practiced. Don't blame me for seizing this opportunity.

"Hey", he hummed silently in his heart. The dagger in Lucas's hand pierced it fiercely, and the target went straight to Ike's head.

How can Ike really let him? His cultivation is fake, and the trick is true. There is no energy in his body, but his physical quality has been strengthened by animal blood, which is much better than Lucas. Just as he stabbed down, Ike suddenly rushed forward, grabbed the ground with both hands, twisted his legs, and twisted Lucas. The arm was broken, and the dagger fell to the ground with a "ding", and Ike still didn't stop. He kicked the dagger aside with his left foot. At this time, his hands were freed, fishing, scratching and stabbing, and the dagger in Lucas's hand reached his heart.

"You, you, you are despicable", Lucas really didn't expect Ike to suddenly get into trouble. How can a boy with amnesia have so much heart? Did he see through himself before?

He felt that Ike really had no energy. Although his movements were rapid, he did not carry a trace of energy. If he had known that it was the case, he would have fought hard with him at the beginning, and he would win. What kind of conspiracy is he do?

"If God gives me another chance, I will definitely not lose," Lucas made an impossible wish at the end of his life.

If Ike could know that he thought so when he closed his eyes, he would definitely sniff. Even if he didn't have any energy and there was Jorad around him, the two of them would not lose to Lucas if they joined hands.

Ike got up. It's too dangerous to continue to stay here. I can't guarantee when the Goblin group will come back, or leave quickly.

Put away the space ring of Lucas and his two men. There is no treasure in it. Even the space rings of the two men can only put the weapons in their hands, as well as some scattered gold coins. It's really poor. Huang Fenglei has already been used up. If Lucas hadn't wanted to ensure that Gob was not been killed. The king of Lin blew up Huang Fenglei's words, and the life and death between them really need to be rewritten.

"Bah, son of a bitch, you are despicable," Ike spit on the ground and scolded.

After scolding, he remembered that there was another treasure he didn't take, that is, the treasure map. Lucas said that on the king of Goblins, Ike ran over and turned it up in its body, but he couldn't find it after looking for it.

"Is he a liar?" But it's wrong to think so. If Lucas didn't confirm that it was on the King of Goblins, why did he bring someone to kill it? Is it just to challenge the king of Goblin? Isn't his brain funny?

Ike thought for a long time and didn't understand what was going on. Finally, Jorad appeared and showed him the direction. Jorad pointed to the hill with his chin, which means that things were hidden in the mountains.

Ike was not worried about any danger. It was said that there would be a mechanism in the nest of a third-level warcraft, so he climbed up. There was an opening at the top, and there was a cave below, and a stone floating in the middle, which was very magical.

Ike asked Jorad to scan his spirit and confirmed that there was no danger before he jumped down. After all, this place is a little mysterious, so it's better to take precautions.

The cave was not big from the top, only the size of four or five houses. After jumping down, I found that it was more than twice as big as when I looked above, and a heat wave came towards me, shining red and glowing in the cave.