Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 31 Jorad's Identity

"What is the Human Alliance?" Ike heard about the Human Alliance for the first time.

Jorad pondered for a moment. Ike never asked about his background, but to make it clear about his identity in this human alliance. He had not intended to expose himself so early, but he could not deceive him. After thinking about it carefully, Jorad finally decided to tell Ike, now If you don't say it, he will know one day, and there will inevitably be a pimple in his mind.

At the beginning, Jorad only had the intention of hugging his thighs. It's better to send charcoal in the snow than the icing on the cake, but after getting along with him for a long time, there is an additional emotion between him and Ike. They can find out each other's thoughts, so it can be said that he is the person who knows Ike best, better than Ike's parents. Che, after experiencing the previous deception and intrigue, it knew the value of a friend.

Ike may have many shortcomings. He is not the embodiment of justice, and sometimes he even wants to kill people, but he kills people who threaten him. He is also sincere about his friends. He will never think about who is in his favor and who hinders him. These Chorad know very well, so He was happy that he chose Ike as the " host" for the first time.

"Xiao Ai, let me ask you first, do you think the heavenly empire is big?" Jorad asked.

"Big, I don't even know how big it is." Jorad did not answer his question, but asked a question, but Ike still answered him.

"Yes, some people may have never walked out of the Heavenly Empire in their lives. In their eyes, the Heavenly Empire is the largest country in the world," there is a trace of sadness in Jorad's words.

"But there is also a Ryan Empire next to it, which is as powerful as it, and even a larger Warcraft empire on their side. A country is bigger than a country, so is there anything bigger than the Warcraft Empire?" Jorad asked again. This time, Ike shook his head and said no .

"It is indeed no longer on this planet, but in other places, there are thousands of countries far stronger than the Warcraft Empire, even the Warcraft Empire, the Tianfang Empire and the Lane Empire together are not as good as others."

"Look at the stars in the sky, are they bright?" Jorad looked up and pointed to the sky and asked.

Because Ike pulled out the staff of Somaria, the thick fog dissipated. At this time, it was the moonlit night in the sky. Although there were huge shrubs blocking the view, he could still see the stars in the sky through the sporadic gap. One by one shining, Ike nodded.

"In fact, there is a star standing at our feet. There are countless such stars in the universe, which have bred countless strange lives, which are roughly divided into humans, orcs and mechanics. All human beings have unified a language, that is, the franca of the human alliance," Chorad just said briefly, such as If you want to say something in detail, I'm afraid you can't finish it for three days and nights. When Ike has a chance to break out of this planet, he will naturally come into contact with these things.

"It's really amazing! How did you know?" Ike does not doubt Jorad's words. Since he said so, there must be other human beings outside the planet. How good it would be if he met him. Everyone probably has a curiosity about the same kind of people in the universe.

"Actually, I came here from another planet. There is also a human who came here with me. You should know that his name is Prada"

"Prada, the god of dawn, you are not the demon god Jorad, are you?" Ike was shocked.

Prada is the god of dawn in mythology. He led human beings to compete with the demon god, taught human beings how to practice, and helped human beings exorcise the hands of the demon god. He is a god that all mankind should worship, while the demon god Chorad, who stands opposite him, is against human beings everywhere and assigns his men to constantly plunder human soil. The earth, which destroys human life, is the devil.

Ike has seen these two names in a mythical book, but the authenticity of the myth cannot be verified, so Ike does not comment on who is good or bad, Prada, the god of dawn, and Jorad, the demon god. After all, they are all fictional characters, but now a fictional protagonist has become himself. His partner, Ike, was shocked. What's more, it is still the legendary demon god. Is it really that bad? Is it really that powerful? Everything is waiting for him to uncover the answer.

"Yes, but your human legends are all fictional. Although Prada and I are not good friends, we have no hatred." Jorad has checked Ike's memory. Basically, he knows what he knows, so it can also be used to clarify that he is not the enemy of human beings. Of course, it used to It is indeed the leader of Warcraft, but now Warcraft will not listen to its orders, which are caused by the divine war in those years.

"I believe you", Ike naturally believes in Jorad. If another person talks to Jorad, he will definitely ask about the past. Who is not curious, but Ike doesn't care about this at all. The past is over. Why do you talk about it? If Jorad can predict the future, he must I will also chase it.

Ike didn't ask anything. This simple sentence "I believe you" deeply moved Jorad. This is the unreserved trust between friends. This feeling is something it has never felt and warms its heart and spleen.

The fog around him has dissipated. Ike patted his buttocks and stood up from the ground. He did not continue to dig out Jorad's secret. He was waiting for it to say it himself in the future, just like today.

About things in the universe, Ike is not going to ask now. His strength is still too low. It is not his turn to intervene at that level. At present, the most important thing is to raise his level and save his father before he is in the heart to think about what he wants to do.

"Let's go and find Cleya and the others," Ike said and took a step.

Now that the mithril-level sword has arrived, and he has also obtained an additional pseudo-god-level staff. Ike is very happy, but at the thought that the life and death of Klea and others are unknown, Ike is very worried, so he is more diligent.

One day, Ike was resting and did not sleep for three consecutive days and nights. There were more than a thousand goblins killed alone, but there was no news from Kelia and others, which made him tired, but at this time, he heard a "help", or a The girl's voice softened in Ike's heart. Although he had experienced a lot of things in the past year, his conscience was still a little kind as usual, so when he heard this voice, Ike rushed out.

Drilled the grass, and the scene in front of him shocked Ike. Dozens of goblins surrounded a man and a woman. The voice just came from the woman's throat. At this moment, she kept shouting, hoping to get help, and the man was Eck's good brother, Brian. I really didn't know him. How could he appear here alone and be surrounded by an unknown girl in the Goblin group?

Dozens of goblins around them are extraordinary at a glance. Each of them is more than ordinary goblins. Even compared with the two men of the original king of goblins, dozens of such goblins suddenly appeared, which is really strange, and their skills are obviously It's extraordinary. Birian and the girl can't stand it at all. Both of them are already scarred.

How can he think so much at this time? Ike rushed up with an arrow step. Now his physique is very good. Even if he confronts Goblin, he will not fall behind, so his moves are all open and close. He can turn over one with a sword. Goblin, who is as fierce as a tiger in front of Bilian, is like a soft mud in front of Ike. None of his enemies were. The sword shadows were all over the sky, and a few breaths knocked down a group of goblins to the ground, all of which were fatal and died on the spot.

Birian originally thought it was over, and it didn't take long for him to enter the double-sided Rubik's Cube. He could barely deal with two or three goblins at the same time, but this time he was surrounded by dozens of them, and each of them was stronger than ordinary goblins. He thought he was going to die, but at this time a figure flashed to him. In front of him, he showed his great power, and he beat all the goblins to save himself and in danger. Once again, he saw that he was the boss he recognized, and a trace of grievance in his heart burst out.

Birian's legs were soft, and his hands hugged Ike's legs, and his face kept rubbing against his legs, with a crying voice in his mouth: " boss, you can come. If you don't come, I will die here."

Ike smiled angrily. Although he had always thought that Birian was a little messy, he had never seen this show before. His legs were held by him and he couldn't get away.

"Get out of here, what are you talking like?" Ike raised his foot.

Birian was still relatively sensible and quickly let go of his hands. He was just so excited that he made such a move. He was drunk by Ike and quickly recovered to his original state.

"Hey hey, boss, look at my miserable appearance, don't scold me," Billian said flatteringly.

Ike had the intention to scold him, but looking at his appearance, it was indeed very miserable. There were scars all over his body, and he didn't know how he survived before. His heart hurt slightly, and he couldn't put down the harsh words. He swallowed it directly. He has never been the consciousness of being a brother once, and now he has a kind of understanding. I feel sorry for my brother.

He didn't ask anything, but first took out the ointment and wiped it for Birian.