Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 02 Tent

"What do you mean?" Kleeya saw that the situation was not right and rushed up and asked.

"It's meaningless. I just want to tell you that all young men who enter and leave here must join the army. This is the order of Lord God of War. Even if you are students of the Elonso Academy of Sciences, you must abide by the military order of Lord God of War. Those who disobey are equivalent to crimes. The Iron Tooth team has the right to kill you here." Hongtuba Er said coldly that he just wanted to scare them. Of course, what he said was also true. No matter how detached Elonzoko's status is, it must be under the condition of national stability, so they must still obey the orders of the God of War.

"We will not join the army", Kelia, the daughter of the vice president, has also seen a big scene and will naturally not be afraid.

"Sister Ya, say less, we have to join the army this time," Birian pulled Kliya back.

"What the hell is going on?" Ike asked Bian.

"No matter who is, he must unconditionally obey the command of the army during the battle with the Warcraft Empire, which is the provisions of the highest constitution of the empire. Even His Majesty the emperor of our empire must obey the orders of the God of War if he arrives at Helanshan City at this time," Bilian explained.

Ike was shocked and didn't expect that the power of the God of War would be so great. In fact, this is also normal. After all, the God of War is the backbone of the invasion of the Warcraft Empire, and only he can defend the security of the empire.

"Is there no way not to go?" Ike asked.

"No," Birian shook his head. He didn't want to join the army. Although he is currently small, the battlefield is too dangerous. Even the three-sided Rubik's Cube, once surrounded by the enemy like a flood, he can only die.

"What do you think?" Ike glanced at the other party's neat military appearance and couldn't help but be moved. Although his side had recovered from his injury, in the face of well-trained soldiers, they would be weaker in momentum, let alone know how to cooperate. If there was a conflict, his side would obviously not be their opponent, so he asked everyone's opinions.

"Ap, it can only be regarded as our bad luck," Dorvia said. He knew that no one could avoid this kind of thing. He could only agree. If he resisted, he might be charged with treason, which was to be killed to death.

Other people also nodded. Ike was somewhat helpless. If he had a choice, he would definitely not agree, but the reality is like this. He often only gives you one way to go.

Birian patted Ike on the shoulder, then walked to the front and said with a smile, "We all promise you, but we are all Rubik's Cubes, so should we match each with a horned horse?"

"Hahaha, this naturally," Hongtubal laughed three times and was able to recruit five Rubik's Cubes at one time, which made his team strength reach another level. Naturally, the five horned horses would not refuse to agree. With a wave of his big hand, five soldiers in the team took the initiative to dedicate their mounts.

Ike is also welcome. After walking for so many days, he can finally go back. Unexpectedly, if he goes to the front line and doesn't enjoy it at this time, he may not have a chance in the future.

Ike gave a thumbs up and praised Birian. He really didn't expect to make conditions with the other party. Maybe he could only flatter them like the people behind him. Although he didn't feel anything, it's not to let the two women suffer like this. What men do.

Taking advantage of the recruitment time in Strawberry Town, Kleeya and others took out communication disks to contact their homes. Before, no one was nervous, so naturally there was no need to inform them. However, now the situation is different and needs to talk to his family. Ike thought about it and decided to contact Camer, otherwise he thought he was dead. If so, it may be unfavorable to their father. Only by letting them know that they are still alive can they take advantage of their value.

"Lord Camer, I'm Ike," Ike hid and whispered that only Kleeya knew his identity, so he should avoid everyone.

"Where are you now?" They were stunned for a moment before they reacted.

"I'm in a place called Strawberry Town," Ike replied truthfully.

"Hmm, you dare to act without authorization. Aren't you afraid that something will happen to your father?" Camer said gloomyly.

"Your Excellency, I didn't mean to. It's just that it's too dangerous in the dark forest. I just walked out of the dense forest a few days ago and suffered a lot of injuries, so I didn't contact you until today," Ike said carefully.

"Well, if you let me know that you have half a lie, you can wait to collect the body for your father. Now get back immediately!" Kamal ordered angrily.

"Your Excellency, I also want to rush back, but today I suddenly met the iron tooth team under the command of the God of War. They insisted that I join the army, saying that it was a military order, otherwise they would kill me, so I'm afraid I can't go back!" The more Ike said, the weaker his voice became. In front of Kamel, his wisdom seemed to be It is higher than usual, and the acting skills are two or three higher than usual.

"In this case, you should be careful not to die on the battlefield, otherwise your father will soon come down to accompany you," Camer hung up the communication disk after saying that.

The army of the Warcraft Empire almost broke through the imperial defense line. Camille naturally knew such a major thing. Since Ike can report the name of the Iron Tooth team, he should not deceive himself. He is clear about the constitution of the empire and must obey the command of the military unless he leaves Ailong before they issue an order. Soko Academy restored the identity of the "Caesar" Lane Empire, but it was too late now, so he could only hope that Ike would not die on the battlefield. After thinking about it, he could no longer decide such a major thing, so he picked up the communication disk and allocated it to a practitioner in the mountains.

On the ancient road hundreds of miles away from Strawberry Town, a team of soldiers dragged a group of idle men to step forward. This team is naturally an iron tooth team under the God of War. Now the team has expanded several times compared with more than 500 people. Of course, it is qualified to ride a horned horse. In addition to the soldiers of the iron tooth school team, only the five Ike have received special care. Of course, no one dares to question the captain's decision. After all, the Rubik's Cube is an aristocratic master for ordinary people. Naturally, no one will object to give them a few horned horses.

After Ike and his party joined the Tieya team, they followed them all the way. Their target was Helanshan City, but as long as they passed the town and village on the way, they would stop and recruit, and no one dared to disobey their orders.

With the addition of these soldiers, their speed was naturally greatly affected. It was not until six days later that they finally arrived in Helanshan City.

Along the way, everyone saw the fleeing people. Looking at the panicked fugitives, Ike and others finally aroused a trace of pity in their hearts and gradually changed their attitude towards this expedition from the original anger.

In Helanshan City, Tieya's team led everyone to the army. Outside the barracks, Captain Hongtubar left everyone and entered the barracks alone to report. Soon, he led a man dressed as a staff officer to appear.

"This is Lord Turpan, the chief logistics chief. He is in charge of everything in your life in the future," Hongtubal obviously said to the recruits who gave him signs.

"You are temporarily in the Iron Tooth Deputy Team under the Iron Tooth Team, and will be officially put together for you tomorrow. Now you are behind me, and I will assign military accounts for you." Turpan is not interested in greeting them. After all, as soon as these recruits are on the battlefield, few of them can survive and talk too much to them. It's a waste of saliva.

Hongtubal did not take care of the five Ike and directly led his team away, and Ike and others had to follow Turpan.

The tents in the army are not very big. They are all dome bamboo structures. They are covered with a layer of cotton cloth on the bread and a layer of oilcloth to prevent rain, but they absolutely can't isolate the cold air. Fortunately, it is summer now, and it is completely coping. If it is winter, many people will freeze to death in the tent.

Turpan's movements are very fast, or because he is very busy, and he doesn't have much time to plan for them carefully. He just casually points 20 people and divides a tent. Ike and others are naturally no exception. However, Turpan is a little embarrassed to see that there are two girls in it. Although there are no regulations for women in the barracks, there are no women. People are not allowed to join the army, but in reality, there has been almost no such situation. Two women can't live with eighteen men. These men with excessive masculinity can't help doing something at night, that is, to smear the face of the God of War.

"Your Excellency, these two are our friends. It's really inconvenient for them to live with everyone. I wonder if they can live alone?" Ike asked.

Turpan looked at Ike ambiguously. He didn't believe that they were just friends. The two women had an affair with this boy at a glance, and their eyes were different from him.

Turpan was very happy for his unique vision, but he could not agree to Ike's request. The number of tents in the army was limited. It was too wasteful to let two women live alone, but it was really troublesome to let them live with others. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

"Let the five live in one!" At this time, Hongtubal returned. After bringing his team back to the camp, he came to look for the five Ike. These five are Rubik's Cubes, which are much more valuable than ordinary people. At this time, it is natural to pull them under their command to feel at ease, otherwise It's really unwilling to be robbed by other teams.


"Mother-in-law, my team gives up one by itself, which is okay!" Although Hongtubal is the captain of the team, he does not dare to offend Turpan. Otherwise, people will wear some small shoes for you in the future, such as always throwing the worst things to his team, then it will be too late to cry.

"This is inevitable. A tent can still be allowed out. In this way, you can live in tent 37!" Turpan doesn't want to offend him. It's just a tent. Let's step by step.

"Haha, then I will thank you for them," Hongtubal said respectfully.

"Don't dare, dare", Turpan naturally waved his hand.

"Your Excellency is so kind. I have something else to do today. I will take time to thank you when I win the battle."

"Then I'll thank you here first," Turpan laughed.

Hongtubal waved his hand and said, "I'm just going to the west. Let me take them to tent 37."

"Okay, they can go to me to get what they need later." Turpan sold him a favor.

Hongtubal smiled, just nodded, and took Ike and others away.