Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 04 Training

Hongtubal talked for an hour, and all aspects were very detailed. Finally, more than 500 people were divided into ten groups, and ten people were transferred from his iron tooth team to serve as the captain of these teams.

Everyone divided the team, but the five people in the golden pipe were not assigned. Ike couldn't help asking, "Don't we need to be grouped?"

"Haha, you are all top students of the Elonso Academy of Sciences. Naturally, you can't stay with them. The five of you must cooperate tacitly, so I decided that the five of you will join my iron tooth team directly."

Ike did not expect that he and others would still have this privilege, so he directly joined Tieya, but they did not object. Now that they have come here, they must do the best and never humiliate the college. They have to take their own actions to remove the name of Weed Army from their heads.

"You go to sleep first and receive training with my team tomorrow morning," Hongtubar said.

"Yes", Ike put his right hand on his heart, which was the action he observed from other soldiers and should mean to obey orders.

"Hahaha, good, go!" Hongtubal laughed with relief. He was worried that they would have a young master or lady's temper before, but today, when he saw their standard action of eating until now, his worries dissipated with the wind. They were much tougher than he thought!

Back to their tent, everyone was not in a hurry to sleep. They danced with sweat in the afternoon. At this time, they naturally had to take a shower before they could sleep. However, this was in the army. Only in the public bathhouse, the three men naturally had nothing to do with it, but Cleya and Melenlis were in trouble. At the beginning, they wanted to be with everyone. Sweet and bitter, so he insisted on staying. Now it's time for Ike to repay. He sneaked into Hongtubar's tent. Of course, he was found at the door and almost caught him as an assassin.

"What's wrong with you coming to me so late?" Hongtubal was dealing with the documents when he saw the guards outside the door quarrel, and people arguing, and then they took a man into the account. This man was Ike who came quietly. He wanted to ask for a bathtub for Klia and Melenlis to take a bath. This is a secret belonging to two women, or it's better for less people to know, so he came quietly. He didn't expect that there was a master in the army to find his trace, so he was taken down.

"Your Excellency, I have something to ask for." Ike's hands are behind his back, his head is touched by a wide palm, and his voice is a little aggrieved. In fact, he is fully capable of defeating the four guards at the door and can retreat calmly, but then he will not come for nothing, so he obediently .

"What's the matter?" Hongtubar asked.

Ike looked left and right in embarrassment, which means that there are so many people present, and it is not convenient for him to ask them to go out. If he changes a general, he will definitely not agree to this request. If you are an assassin, you will be in danger, but Hongtubal is a heroic man. Xin Ike's character, so he waved his hand and retreated left and right.

"Can you say it now?" Hongtubal asked.

"Well, Klia and Melenris in our team need a bathtub," Ike whispered, for fear of being heard by the guards outside.

"Hahaha, that's what it is. Yes, I'll give you a batch and go to the quartermaster's office to get it. Next time, don't be sneaky. If you have something, call the people outside to inform you. Be careful of being killed directly by them as assassins," Hongtubal laughed.

Ike naturally agreed. He took his note and went to the quartermaster's office to get a large bathtub. There was a half-man-high, ten-foot-long oval bathtub. If it was full of water, it would be enough for the two women to take a good bath.

Ike's physique is equivalent to a second-level warcraft, and his strength is not covered. He took this big bathtub into his tent with one hand. The two women naturally took a hot bath. The poor three men not only had to fetch them water, but also had to help them control the wind. Everything stopped before they could go to the public bathhouse to soak in a bath. All over.

Everyone didn't sleep well this night, and the time to talk was almost dawn, so they lay on ** and took a nap.

As soon as the sky was shining, the sudden sound of drums sounded. Ike and others had read the military rules yesterday and knew that such a slow and urgent drum sound was to wake everyone up. They didn't want to get up. There was only three minutes of dressing time, and then they were about to gather. Everyone lifted the quilt and jumped out of bed.

Because there were two women in the room, none of them took off their clothes and ran out to gather after putting on their shoes.

On the school grounds, neat soldiers stood in rows. Ike led everyone to hang from afar on the last tail. At the front of the team, a leader dressed man began his ** speech, which was nothing more than a declaration to protect the country, and then announced that the people would be led by their respective captains to start the morning training.

Everyone is gone, and even the ten new teams yesterday have disappeared. It seems that they have received a task last night.

When they were at a loss, Hongtubar stood outside the tent and shouted, waved to them to pass, and Ike led the crowd into his tent.

"Is it strange why you were not arranged for morning training?" Hongtubar touched his clean chin.

No one answered his question, just staring at him. Although they did have some doubts in their hearts, they were very smart and not in a hurry to show it.

"Well, I know you are all magic cubes, but I don't know your specific level. In other words, I don't know how much role you can play. Now, I wonder if you can introduce yourself first." Hongtubal made a gesture of invitation to Ike, obviously to He took the lead.

Ike thought about it. He didn't know whether he should answer this question or whether he should answer it truthfully. After all, he didn't know the other party's motives. If he told the truth, if the other party let himself go deep into the enemy and do some tasks such as assassinating important enemy leaders, wouldn't he be asking for trouble?

Hongtubal's appearance is rough, but his heart is extremely delicate. He can see Ike's worry at a glance. He patted his chest and guarantees, "I know what you are worried about, but you can rest assured that the students of the Elonso Academy of Sciences will be the pillars of the empire in the future. I can't let you make mistakes, otherwise you won't pay for it. Lost, the future of the empire is yours. If you really can't keep it here, I will send you away as soon as possible."

Hongtubal's guarantee is extremely serious. After all, as long as he joins the army, he must absolutely obey the arrangement of his superiors. Every soldier should give his everything, but he made such a guarantee that if he really sends Ike and others away, then he It takes great courage to break the military rules and be dealt with by the military law. It takes great courage to achieve such a guarantee, and no one dares to promise.

Ike was moved. He believed in his promise. For his promise, Ike said his true strength.

"I'm a double-sided peak swordsman of the fire system," Eike said. No matter how moved he is, he will not tell his biggest secret.

"I'm a double-sided mage of water and fire," Cleya continued to report herself.

"I am a two-sided swordsman of the native system", followed by Birian.

"I'm a double-sided mage of the Nether Fire system," Dorvia said.

"I'm a dark double-sided swordsman," Melenris said last.

Hongtubal was shocked. He thought that there was a double-sided Rubik's Cube among these people. After all, he did not feel their mana strength before, and he did not expect that they were all double-sided levels, which surprised him, but he was even happier.

"Very good, although your strength is very strong, you can't be happy too early. War has never been a matter of one person. No matter how high your personal force is, it can't influence a war situation. Of course, except for the six-sided Rubik's Cube, they are no longer human beings," Hongtubal said a cold joke.

"Team is the most important thing. All the soldiers are members of this large team, and there are countless small teams in this large team. The five of you are a team. Although you have strong personal ability, I find that there is not much tacit understanding between you, and it is difficult to play the effectiveness of the team. Therefore, today I will teach you how to fight as a team."

Hongtubal's eyesight is vicious. Just by relying on the performance between people on the way, he can guess that the tacit understanding between them is not enough. This vision makes Ike admired.

This is a fact. Naturally, no one refuted his words. Next, Hongtubal led the people to start the day's training.

"Didn't you have breakfast? "With a weak look," Hongtubal stood aside and commanded the training of the crowd.

Two bamboo poles are placed horizontally on both sides of the school yard. Five people stand separately, running back and forth from one end of the bamboo pole to the other. These are not difficult. Each of them still holds a stone lock weighing dozens of kilograms in their hands. In the process of running, they still have to throw stone locks to each other, and there are two people standing on both sides of the five people. , also holding a stone lock in his hand, may be thrown at them at any time.

Such training can not only exercise physical strength, but also train each other's tacit understanding. Of course, such tacit understanding is slowly exercised after being hit by stone lock many times.

The golden pipe spent a day in such a exercise, but the effect is still very obvious. Now they only need to look at each other's movements to understand each other's intentions. I believe that it won't take much time for them to communicate with each other and have no need to observe each other's actions at all.