Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 26 Chilo Leah

The north gate of Helanshan City does not actually refer to the north gate, but the gate of the guide side. Perhaps the people who come in from this gate walk north, so it is called the north gate.

There is always a moment of peace before the storm comes. At this moment, the north gate is silent. Those who can escape have long escaped, and who will come to the north gate? At this time, no one will come here except the army.

From a series of things, it can be seen that this war is extremely important. Otherwise, the students of the Alonsoco Combat Academy will not have been sent here. You know, the students of the college have never been sent to the battlefield. If it were not for the emergency this time, the empire would not let these high The precious Rubik's Cube is in danger.

"Are you nervous?" asked Hongtubar.

"No," Ike denied.

"You are very nervous," Hongtubal said again, but this time it was not the tone of inquiry, but the tone of affirmation.

"Actually, you don't have to be nervous. It's not your fault," Hongtubar enlightened Ike.

"I know, but I can't control it," Ike admitted.

Hongtubal patted Ike on the shoulder and said nothing. This kind of thing can only depend on himself, and others can't help him.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with the intelligence of the God of War. Ike and Hongtubar waited for nearly an hour and saw a team coming this way in the distance.

There are more than 100 carriages, and the scale is still very large. Even if there is only one student on each carriage, there are more than 100 people. More importantly, they are magic cubes. This power is still very huge, not worse than the ordinary legion. Even a few senior students can join hands to defeat a legion. .

"Dean Leah, I didn't expect you to lead the team. Although this is the first time we met, I admire you very much!" When the motorcade came to the gate, Hongtubal greeted him, and Ike naturally followed quickly.

"Captain of the Iron Tooth Team, Hongtubal, I've also heard of your name!" Leah was sitting on the car, so she was seen by Hongtubal at a glance. Maybe he felt that it was too rude to sit in the carriage and talk, so he jumped out of the car.

"I didn't expect a little person like me to be in your eyes. It's so exciting," Hongtubar was slightly excited.

The status of generals in the world is not very high, because all emperors are afraid that they will rebel, so they deliberately suppress them. The empire has five-class titles, from top to bottom, they are: duke, marquis, count, viscount, baron. Above the fifth-class titles is the prince, and above is His Majesty the emperor. But even Zorro, the god of war of the empire, is just a duke, not even a prince. It can be seen that the emperor is also very taboo on him. I'm not.

Although Hongtubal is the captain of the ace team under the God of War, he is only mixed with a baronet. He is only the lowest among the aristocrats of the empire. No one in that circle cares about such a small role, and Leah, not to mention that he is an earl, but more importantly, his student Most of them are imperial nobles. People who graduated from Elonsoko Combat Academy can get the title of baron no matter how bad they are. Therefore, although Leah's title is not very high, his energy is very large. At least in that circle, no one dares to offend him, even the prince dares. It's really surprising for such a person to know that he is such a trivial person.

"Each team has made great contributions to this country. You are the greatest wealth of the empire. It's a pity for the Iron Tooth team, but I believe that in the future, there will be a better iron tooth that will rise. !", Leah encouraged.

Hongtubal nodded. Although his iron teeth disappeared and he was sad for a while, he knew that sadness was useless. He had already cleaned up his mood. Only after this battle, he would retrain a better iron tooth team.

"The students behind are all students of our college. You must have known the purpose of this visit. Please help them arrange their accommodation first," Leah pointed to the carriage behind her.

"This is natural", of course, Hongtubal knows why these students came. This war is really too difficult, otherwise they will not be sent.

"You take me to see Xiaoya first," Leah suddenly looked at Ike and said.

Ike was shocked. He didn't expect that Klia's father would not ask himself anything. Maybe someone was present. It was inconvenient for him to ask. Ike thought to himself, but his face did not look. He quickly nodded and looked at Leah's carriage, which meant to ask whether to go by car or walk over.

"Let's go, let the carriage take them away!" Leah knew what he meant by looking at his look, so she took the lead directly into the city.

Ike didn't dare to neglect. He said goodbye to Hongtubar and caught up with him. Ike walked in front, and Chilo Leah walked behind. The two began not fast and walked leisurely, but they walked faster and faster. Finally, Ike trotted. He didn't know why, so he felt that there was something behind him. He forced himself to leave quickly and ran unconsciously. By the time he found out, the two had already arrived outside tent No. 38.

Ike didn't think much about it and directly lifted the curtain of the tent and broke in.

"Ah!" A sharp cry sounded, followed by a girl's angry voice: "Get out!"

Ike escaped in dismay. He didn't expect that Melenlis was just wearing clothes. This was also Cleya's father. He was too nervous. Otherwise, even if he rushed in, he would withdraw at the first time. He would never look at the other party and couldn't react, but Melenlis was only wearing tight clothes. The appearance is really tempting. The fullness of the chest is like two fierce beasts. How can a little girl who is only 17 or 18 years old grow such a big ball? Usually, I don't see much in clothes. Why does it soar several times as soon as I take off my clothes? That scale is simply unprecedented. Among all the women Ike has seen, Melenris's breasts are definitely the largest.

There stood Chilo Leah, with her silver hair particularly dazzling. Ike withdrew from the tent in a panic and bumped into him, which was even more embarrassing. He must have known what had just happened. He thought that the other party was Clea's father, but he just bumped into his body to "peep" at other women's bodies. Make him feel ashamed.

Ike is still thinking about how to explain. Of course, he can't let Chilo Leah go in now. Even if he is Cleya's father, he can't go in and peek at his female student changing clothes, but he really doesn't know how to explain to the other party. Fortunately, Chilo Leah doesn't mean to go in now. This made Ike feel rejud. If he couldn't explain anything, he didn't explain anything. The two men stood outside tent 38 and waited.

After about ten minutes, Chilo Leah suddenly said, "Okay, let's go in!"

"Ah!", Ike seemed to have just returned to his soul. He didn't know what he was talking about. Seeing that he had lifted the curtain, he thought of what he had just said. It was too late to stop it and could only follow.

There is nothing embarrassing in the tent. Klia is still sleeping quietly. Melenlis's clothes have been put on. It is a set of sky-blue sportswear, which wraps all over her body, leaving only two hands and heads exposed.

Eckert stared at her chest. I didn't know what method she used, and felt that her chest had indeed become much smaller. Of course, Melunris would not tell him that she had wrapped a pair of jade rabbits with cloth. Seeing that he stared at her place, she stared at him fiercely.

Ike took a look at her and withdrew his eyes. When he saw Cleya lying in **, he felt that it was really sorry for her. She was like this. She was still thinking about looking at Melenlis's chest. She was really abominable. After waking up, Ike made up to stop looking at her.