Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 39 Shameless Request

George's plan before has not been implemented and has not been reconciled. Now he is even more angry to see them return safely, so he rushed up to ridicule.

Ike ignored him and walked directly past him. The golden pipe team also walked around him as if he didn't exist.

** nakedly ignored. If Ike and others scolded him, even if he did not have the upper hand, he would not be so angry, but the people of the golden pipe team even looked at him, which made him crazy.

"You stop," George shouted crazily.

"What do you want to do?" Ike asked coldly.

"I, I, I••••••" George was speechless. He just shouted when he was angry for a moment, but he had no reason to shout at them at all. I can't say that I'm not happy with you. You stand there and let me scold me.

"Let's go!" Ike said hello and turned his head to prepare to go back to his tent.

"Don't go!" George shouted again.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Ike's words were not good. He was already angry. He hated this person in the first place. He didn't expect that he would always stop him and speak ill of himself. If he was not a student of the Elonso Academy of Sciences, maybe Ike would have rushed out to beat him.

"Nothing, I just have a question. I'm curious about how you escaped. Don't tell me that you were killed. It's impossible at all. Don't say that the four of you are double-sided Rubik's Cubes. Even if the four-sided Rubik's Cubes can't break out in the millions of troops," George raised his head and thought for himself. I'm proud of the good question.

"Yes, Caesar, tell us how you escaped," a voice sounded from behind.

Ike did not look back. His consciousness had swept to the people behind him. He was actually one of the leading teachers of the college. There were many students behind the teacher, some of which Ike knew and some he didn't know. He frowned. It turned out that George saw their arrival, which made it difficult for him.

"You won't be the spies of the Warcraft Empire, otherwise how could they release you?"

In George's opinion, Ike's frowning action was that he was poked to the pain. Of course, he would not let go of this opportunity to beat the water dog and directly convicted them.

Birian wanted to explain, but was stopped by Dolvia. He nodded to Ike, and Birian calmed down.

Ike turned around, nodded to the teacher, and then said, "Although I really want to tell you what happened, we are too tired to say it again. If you want to know, you can go to the captain of the Iron Tooth team, Hongtubal. We have told him in detail. After saying it again, I won't repeat it here."

"We are all injured and inconvenient to stay, so we left first," Ike said and left with the three people.

He didn't explain anything to everyone, but just told them to ask Hongtubal, but none of these people had the leisure. Besides, even if they asked, the other party would not necessarily tell them, so naturally no one would really come to ask. In case the other party doesn't say anything at that time, it's his shame is himself, and Jin. Anyway, the sex pipe team is also a student of Elonsoke. They are all noble, so how can they be a spy for the orcs?

The teacher just happened to pass by and asked by. Ike did not explain, and he was not angry. He could see that the people in the golden pipe team were injured. Naturally, he would not force them. After Ike left, he also left with the students, leaving George to squeeze his doubles. Fist, his eyes looked darkly at Ike's back.

He looked at the smiles of the students when they left and felt that they were laughing at him, so he attributed all this to Ike. If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have made a fool of himself, so he wanted revenge and he wanted to let Ike die.

George didn't think that he had made trouble several times. If he didn't embarrass Ike, Ike would not have any contact with him. The originator of all this was himself, but he put the blame on Ike.

Ike ignored what George was thinking. He was glad that Hongtubal reminded him early, otherwise he really couldn't explain it in front of so many people. If he had to make it clear, his identity was likely to be revealed. He was not afraid, but he was afraid of his father. Dear, in case it affects Caesar's plan, he may kill his father in anger.

With Hongtubar as a shield, this problem can be solved well. I believe that no one will dare to ask him. Even if there are really a few people, Hongtubar will definitely solve this problem.

Thinking about this, they came to their tent. Melenris originally lived in tent No. 38 and had Cleya as her companion before. Even if she could not move, there would always be a trace of psychological support. Now she is alone. She is a little afraid, in case someone peeps at herself. What should I do? So he moved back to tent 37 and lived with Ike and others.

All four of them were injured, and after returning to the tent, they naturally began to heal their wounds.

This practice is more than a day. Maybe it has been ordered by the military. During this period, no one came to disturb them so that they can practice at ease.

Several people were not seriously injured, but suffered internal injuries under the attack of more than a dozen Rubik's Cubes. After more than a day of practice, they finally recovered. Several people walked out of the tent just in time for the next day's meal, so the four went to get their own food and eat.

Ike is a little curious that the orc army has been stationed outside the city for so long. Why don't they attack? What are they waiting for? The same goes for the God of War. Except for the attack of the vanguard regiment on the first day and the sending people to burn the other side's granary, there has been no movement since then. What are the two sides doing?

Ike didn't know how to fight, but he knew that it was absolutely abnormal, but he couldn't think of why for the time being. After hurriedly eating dinner, several people were ready to go back to their tents to continue practicing. When they walked around a corner, they heard someone talking. Originally, they didn't intend to eavesdrop, but Ike listened. The voice of one of them came out.

"Wow", a woman cried in a low voice, as if she was afraid of being heard, so she covered her mouth with something, so her voice seemed a little strange.

"Don't cry, you won't suffer losses, and you even make money. You should know that Jingyuandan is a good thing that is priceless. If I were a woman, I can't wait to go to this kind of good thing." Another voice is a man, and this voice is a little familiar with Ike. Thinking about it carefully, the owner of the voice turned out to be George, who was right with himself.

"What is he doing here? Who is this woman? Ike was puzzled and gave the other three people a look, and several people hid aside to steal the sound.

"Are you still a man? Is that what you want to say? Unexpectedly, I let my girlfriend sleep with other men. Is it true that I am only worth a Jingyuan Dan in your heart? The woman stopped crying and asked angrily.

Jingyuan elixir is an elixir that can improve cultivation, which is precious at times, but it is really shameful for George to let his girlfriend sleep with others in exchange for this elixir. The three men who eavesdropped couldn't help taking a bite.

"Xiao Li, you are priceless in my heart, but you also know that my qualifications are limited. If I can't get Jingyuan Dan, I can only stay on three sides in my life. You can help me once, just once. When I break through the bottleneck, I will explain our relationship with my family. At that time, they will definitely not If you object, we can be together forever, okay?" George grabbed Xiao Li's hand and looked at her gently.

Ike just thought George was very annoying, but now he thinks he is simply a scum. How can he let his woman do such a thing? And he doesn't believe that this kind of person will really like Xiaoli. I guess he is just using her. Otherwise, how could he be glued by Melenris like a ** wolf at the beginning?

"Don't believe him, don't promise him," the four eavesdropper said silently in their hearts.

What is the most precious thing in the world? It's a woman's true feelings. What is the stupidest thing in the world? It's still the true feelings of women.

Maybe Xiaoli knows that George is using herself, but the women in love are all stupid. Even the sea of knives and fire will fight for her beloved man.

"Didn't you dislike me at that time?" Xiaoli wiped her tears, and she wavered.

"How can it be? You promised for me. I will always remember your kindness to me. I will love you for the rest of my life. I swear that you won't marry me in this life!" George continued his sweet attack.

"Okay, I'll help you this time," Xiaoli was finally killed under the attack of sweet words.

"Great, thank you, Xiaoli. As long as I get Jingyuan Dan, I will definitely break through to the four magic cubes. At that time, I must call Caesar and those people good-looking."

George hugged Xiaoli. Of course, he was not excited, but he didn't want her to see his vicious eyes. What he thought of was not about revenge on Ike. More importantly, he wanted to get Melenris, but he wouldn't tell Xiaoli.

If it's just about letting Xiaoli sleep with a man, although Ike and others are angry, this is a family matter, and they don't care if others are happy, but George's last words are clear that he wants to deal with himself, then Ike naturally can't wait for his revenge, and several people jump out of the corner.