Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 49 Kill Kamer

"Hurry up, I can't hold on." Billian shouted. At this time, he didn't care about his face. His life was still important. He only felt like holding a fireball and burning his chest all the time. He could feel the skin on his chest without looking. It seems that it will be cooked.

Melenris is holding a long gun and is deadlocked with Camer. Dolvia is fighting with Camer's other arm, while the ordinary soldiers over there have fought. Only Ike and the two team captains can help them.

Naturally, the captains of the two teams will not miss this opportunity and rush to Kamel with a roar. The previous sword did not hurt Kamel. The two have guessed that he has something to protect themselves like Ike. Now they will naturally no longer attack with swords and use their hands and feet. For a moment, the fists are intertwined. Camaire is like a Like a sandbag, he was constantly beaten by two people.

"Puff," Kamel finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood this time.

As soon as he sprayed blood, he was more sure of the idea of the two captains, so they hit him more crazily.

Camer was going crazy. He thought he had the ability and wanted to save Ike. After all, he was still a little useful to Master Caesar. It would be a pity if he died here, but he never thought that he would suffer such a big loss. If he had known this, he would not have pretended. Directly let Long Yuwei's soldiers fight with each other. They have to show off their strength. This is unlucky. If they are allowed to fight, they will have to be killed.

"Hi", Kamel took a cruel breath and accelerated the energy extracted from his Rubik's Cube.

"Ah", several people screamed. First, Dolvia was thrown out, then Billian was shaken away by a burst of energy, and finally Melenris was kicked out.

Camer suddenly lost his temper and scared everyone. When he got rid of the shackles, the two team captains also reacted. One left and one right, one hugged his arm and fixed him firmly in place.

The combat effectiveness of the two is much worse than Camer, but if they compete, Camer is old after all. They are not the opponents of the two captains in their prime. They are grabbed by their arms and buckled to their waist, but it is not easy to move again.

At this time, a dark shadow was as fast as lightning and went straight to Camille's heart. The original unbreakable defense was like paper paste under the impact of the shadow, which was not blocked at all. The shadow pierced Camaire's heart.

The white light on Camer's body began to dissipate. He lowered his head and looked at the hilt of the sword inserted in his heart. It was actually just a stone carved. It was rough and unsightly. He didn't expect such a weapon, but in the end he died.

"Why did you do this?" Camer tried his best to raise his head and saw that the person standing in front of him was Ike, who had always been taken unnoticed by him. He tried his best to ask such a sentence, but before Ike could answer him, he was already breathed. He thought he must be very unwilling to die!

Ike put his hand and wiped his eyes and closed his eyelids. No matter what hatred he had with himself, now that he was dead, Ike had not hated him enough to whip the body, so he put him on the ground and ignored him.

Pull out the Xianglong dagger and wiped the blood stains on his clothes. In fact, there is no blood on it. Although the Xianglong dagger is only part of the divine sword, it is extremely sharp. How can it be stained with blood? Ike just comforts himself.

After wiping the sword, Ike threw Xianglong's dagger into the space ring and looked at the two captains. All three nodded.

" Stop it!"

" Stop it!"

Ike and the captain of the Golden Teeth team shouted at the same time. Everyone was suppressed, and the sound of fighting became smaller and smaller. Finally, it was gone. Everyone looked at Ike while guarding against the enemies around them.

"Ha, is everything done?" A voice sounded, and Zoro, the god of war who should have fallen to the ground, suddenly got up from the ground as if nothing had happened, took off his coat, and took off a shirt inside.

There is no need for him to explain. After watching him take off his coat, they already saw the clue. It turned out that a blood bag was tied between his two clothes. Previously, the blood bag was broken, and a pile of blood came out, which made people think that he had been killed, but why did the God of War do this? Everyone can't help thinking about it.

Zoro, the god of war, took out a new suit from the space ring and put it on, and then slowly walked to Ike and others. At this moment, his figure was tall, and the invisible momentum suppressed everyone. No matter who it was, it seemed that he would be short in front of him.

"I'll explain it to you," Zorro said.

This incident revealed a lot of strange things. First of all, Caesar assassinated the God of War, the God of War was killed, and then the captain of the Golden Tooth Team and the Silver Tooth Team killed Caesar, but Caesar had nothing to do. He was saved by Camer. So Caesar must have been with Kamel, but in the end Caesar killed Kamel. Why is all this?

"Yesterday, Mr. Caesar whispered to me that Kamal was a spy of the Warcraft Empire. He wanted to kill me, but Mr. Caesar had no evidence."

Before the God of War finished speaking, some smart people already thought that it was the case. When they thought so, the knife in their hands was loose.

"So, we directed this scene today. Mr. Caesar pretended to attack me and made Camer think that Mr. Caesar was with him. Seeing whether he took action or not, we could know whether he was good or bad. Sure enough, he was a spy of the Warcraft Empire," said the God of War**.

"It turns out that he is a spy of the Warcraft Empire!"

"I have seen that he is not a good person for a long time," the soldiers of the Tianfang Empire naturally have no doubt about the words of the God of War. Even the soldiers of Long Yuwei will not doubt the words of the God of War, and their own young master are also on their side, which further solidify the identity of the spy of the Kamal Warcraft Empire.

"The people in the Lane Empire are not good people." After all, the two armies have just fought a war. Naturally, it is impossible to be as close as before, and even some hot-tempered people stand beside them without regard to the people of the Lane Empire.

Long Yuwei is naturally not a vegetarian. Some people want to return their mouths, but they are stopped by some honest people. After all, the original highest general on his side is actually the spies of the enemy country. If such a thing happens, they can't fight with the people of the Heavenly Empire, otherwise it will not be easy to end.

"Kamail, the spy, has been ambush. He can't represent a country alone. Long Yuwei is still our closest partner. I hope you don't pay attention to what happened just now. Everyone has been used by this traitor. I hope you can calm down, but our original deployment plan was beaten. It's chaotic, so let's go back today and make a new battle plan." God of War does not need to continue fighting, so he put all the responsibility on Camer. Anyway, he is dead and can't stand up against it.

"Master Caesar, Kamel, a treacherous minister, has been killed, but Long Yuwei can't be ownerless, and ask the young master to make the decision," Long Yuwei's deputy took a step forward and said to Ike.

"Please make the decision!" All the Long Yuwei soldiers shouted in unison that Caesar was the young master of the Hart family, and it was naturally most appropriate for him to take over Long Yuwei.

"Okay, I'll take over," Ike helped the vice general up.

"Now, return the whole army to the camp", Ike issued his first order to take office.

"Gone back to the city!" The God of War also shouted.

The two teams changed their direction, where they came from and where they went, but there were many fewer people when they went back.