Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 60 See Tattoos Again

In the tent of the barracks, many soldiers lay **. Each of these people had minor injuries. One of them was lying on one person. The man was extremely seriously injured and had a broken sword in his chest, but the strange thing was that there was not a drop of blood flowing out.

This person is naturally Ike. He has been lying in ** for a long time. There are four people in white gowns standing around the bed. They are the four doctors in the army.

At this time, the four doctors showed a difficult face, and the broken sword ran through Ike's body. They had never encountered such a situation. There was no precedent to check. Even if they were experienced, they could not pay attention to how to treat it for a while.

"You should save him quickly. You have been watching him for so long," Melanris couldn't help urging.

"We also want to save him as soon as possible, but we have never encountered this situation, and we dare not act recklessly," a doctor said about the difficulties of several people.

The remaining three doctors nodded one after another.

"Help me pull out the sword and give me this medicine." Ike couldn't think of anything to pay attention to when he saw them, so he had to come by himself.

"Never, this sword clearly runs through the lungs. If it is pulled out, the wound will be difficult to close, and I'm afraid that my breathing will be painful in the future," a doctor stopped it.

"I think it's okay. You can see that no blood has flowed from his wound so far. Although I don't know exactly why, I think he must have hurt his internal organs," another doctor retorted.

The remaining two doctors were not willing to show weakness and joined the debate. Ike couldn't help frowning. It was really hateful and annoyed that these guys actually discussed this kind of thing in front of themselves instead of treating themselves first.

Ike nodded to Birian, who understood, but hesitated. Although he did not understand some of the professional terms said by these doctors, he also knew that if he pulled out the sword, something unexpected might happen, but it was obviously not good not to pull it out. Birian also I was caught in a dilemma.

"Well, if you don't come, I'll come," Melunris was so angry that she rolled her sleeves and was about to pull out the sword.

"No, don't mess with the little girl." At this moment, the four doctors united the front. In front of their four, they asked a little girl to save people. Where did they put their faces? What's more, if she killed someone, whose responsibility would it be?

Melun lis didn't pay so much attention to it. She held the tip of the sword with both hands and used a fierce force, just like plucking radishes. With a "bang", the tip of the sword came out of Ike's body.

"Well", Ike's body twitched. Although the pain in his heart was strong, it came and went quickly, and disappeared in an instant.

Ike felt it for a while, and there was still a faint pain in his chest, but it was not very strong. Ike thought for a moment. Maybe the extreme cold force had frozen the skin around the wound. Even if he had his own energy repair, it would not be better for a while, but this chill also helped Ike and made him less I suffered some pain.

"Well, come on, give him medicine quickly"

The four doctors didn't have time to stop Melenris. Seeing that she pulled out the tip of the sword and had no time to blame her recklessness, they quickly went forward to take medicine and bandage it up for Ike.


The four doctors exhaled. Fortunately, Ike's situation was not as bad as they expected. After pulling out the tip of the sword, there was no heavy bleeding. After getting on the powder Ike took out, they bandaged him. Several doctors were also knowledgeable people. They knew the preciousness of Ike's powder and asked for some for Ike. They went back to study. After all, Ike smiled and everyone gave them a little.

"They are so annoying that they won't save you, and you still give them medicine to study," Melenris said angrily.

"We are also doing it for my own good. After all, my injury is really scary," Ike defended for the four doctors.

"Big boss, you talk, my second brother and I will go back first." Birian said hello and pulled Dolvia out.

"What are you doing? I have to stay and have a look," Dolvia protested in a low voice.

"You didn't see the two of them." Birian bent his fingers and his two thumbs leaned together.

Dorvia looked back at the two suspiciously. It was really a little meaningful. He smiled and followed Birian back to his tent.

"How did they go?" Ike asked doubtfully.

Melanris didn't say anything, but her face turned red. Ike was just thinking about something and didn't pay attention. Otherwise, she must have heard Birian's voice. He didn't hear it. Melenris heard it clearly, so she blushed.

"Maybe they are tired!" Melenris said deliberately.

"Oh", Ike didn't think much about it. After all, after fighting for so long before, it was normal to be tired. Even if it was himself, he was very tired at that time.

"Why did you think he came to kill me?" Ike couldn't figure out why Unir suddenly attacked him.

"Could Caesar have a grudge against him?" Melenris said uncertainly.

Ike thought for a moment and shook his head. At first, Unier seemed to worship herself very much, and then gave herself a fatal blow. If he had a grudge against himself, even if he could disguise himself as worshipping himself, his inner hatred could not be concealed. With his current divine consciousness and With the study around Andre, he must be able to find a clue, but he was completely deceived by him, so he can only say that he is an excellent killer, because he has no hatred with himself, just to complete the task, so he can completely hide his murderous intention and not let people find his flaws.

"He should be a killer," Ike said his judgment.

"Killer", Melenris was shocked. How could there be a killer to assassinate Ike?

"He should have come to assassinate Caesar," Ike knew what he was thinking when he looked at Melenris frowning.

Of course, didn't Caesar get himself to Elonzoko just to find a stand-in? Now it is reasonable to have a killer to assassinate.

Thinking of this, Ike couldn't help but think of the light girl in the jungle before. She also came to assassinate herself, but she didn't have such excellent acting skills as Unier. She just wanted to kill herself. I don't know what the two had to do with them.

I remember that the girl is still in the Qinglong Club. If you can find her, maybe you can find the Green Dragon Club. When you become strong in the future, you will have to help Aaron Soko revenge.

"Assassination of Caesar? So you are not very dangerous?" Melenris said worriedly.

Although she knows Ike's true identity, most people don't know, and the killers don't know that they will still treat Ike as Caesar, so won't they still come to assassinate him?

Ike smiled helplessly. This is his fate.

"I saw that there seemed to be a tattoo on Unir's arm. If I could catch him, I would definitely find out who was going to assassinate you," Melenris suddenly thought of a scene she saw in the previous battle.

Ike was shocked and had a tattoo again. Is it really the same person as that girl?

"Is it tattooed with a green dragon?" Ike asked.

"I didn't see it clearly, but it seemed to be a green dragon," Melunlith said uncertainly. At that time, she just glanced at it and didn't see it carefully.

Ike sighed regretfully. If he could catch Unier, he would be able to solve the mystery. Unfortunately, he finally let him slip away.

The two chatted for a while, and Melenris got up and left. After all, there were too many injured people here, and they were all men. It was not convenient for her to stay here as a girl.

When Melenris left, Ike's closed eyes opened again, looked at a lonely lamp in front of the bed, and fell into meditation.

Melelys has expressed her interest in herself a long time ago, but when she thought of her nickname "The Changeable Witch", she thought that she was just a teasing mentality towards herself. Today, looking at Melenris's firm eyes when she drew her sword and her tearful eyes, he found that her love for her was Real.

But he already has Klia. With Linda, he really doesn't know what to do with Melenlis.

Shake his head and threw these out of his mind. Since he didn't understand, he didn't want to think about it. Just let nature take its course. After putting down these thoughts, Ike really began to practice.