Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 71 Purple Fire First Show

Ike was a little surprised to cut himself with a sword, and there was another person who was also surprised, that is, Mark. He is an authentic four-sided swordsman. Although he has injuries on his body, so that he can only exert his strength on three sides, his ice and snow field is real. As long as he is weaker than himself, he can't move. And Ike not only moved, but also cut out a stunning sword, which made Mark even more determined to kill Ike, otherwise he would definitely become his enemy in the future.

Two purple and white sword gas hit each other in mid-air, but strangely, there was no sound. When the white ice sword touched the purple sword spirit, it was like ice meeting boiling water and melted in an instant. Not even a trace of steam came out, and the purple sword gas seemed to be burning white. After the colored ice sword, there seemed to be no energy, "bang" and extinguished in the void.

This result surprised everyone. Mark and Gissatu were surprised, and the people of the golden pipe team were surprised, while George was happy. Now it seems that the two sides are equal, but fortunately they did not rush up.

In fact, this is his idea. The three people of the golden pipe team and Gissatu fought fiercely. Ike and Mark are equally strong, but with a George's words, no matter which side he helps, he will play a vital role in the battle. Unfortunately, he is timid, no matter whether he gambles on his life.

"You surprised me, but you won't be so lucky next!" Mark thought for a moment and thought that he was injured, so the field could not be perfectly released, so he could make Ike act. As for the strange purple flame, he just regarded Ike as a mutant fire swordsman, fire Keshui, as soon as he saw Ike's appearance, he knew that he had exhausted all his energy, but he only used half of his strength, and the remaining ordinary energy was enough to kill Ike hundreds of times.

"Well, if you want to fight, you don't have to talk so much nonsense!" Ike said with a pale face.

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you and take me a sword, the ice and snow sword," Mark said disdainfully.

Mark raised his sword again, and the sword in his hand burst into a white light again. Ike felt that his whole body seemed to be frozen, but this time Ike had been prepared for a long time, and his murderous spirit flashed away. He did not release his murderous spirit all over his body, but he tried it, and his fingers could move.

Mark saw Ike motionless and stood still. Looking at the anxious face on his face, he couldn't help but feel proud. I said that he must not have played well just now, which made him break free. This time, I will never give him another chance to escape."

A vicious look flashed in Mark's eyes, and his hands and arms pressed down fiercely, and a huge ice sword in the air pressed down.

The speed of the ice sword seemed to be slow and fast. In the blink of an eye, it hit Ike's head and almost wiped his scalp, but Ike seemed to be fixed and motionless.

"Be careful", Melenris and Gissatu fought together. I don't know whether Gissatu deliberately released water or Melenris and other three others cooperated, which was really comparable to a late Rubik's Cube. The two groups actually fought equally, and even Melenris had time to look at the situation on Ike's side from time to time. When she sent Now when Ike stood there stupidly waiting to be cut, he could only shout anxiously, hoping to remind him to avoid it.

Ike's face has always maintained an anxious look. When Mark's ice sword was cut off, he was not moved, because he knew that there was only a little energy left in his Rubik's Cube, and he still took advantage of the time to speak to extract it from his belt. Such a little energy was not at all. It may block the other party's ice sword. Instead of making a meaningless struggle, it is better to take a risk and use a good knife on the blade to win surprisingly.

Just as the ice sword was about to stick to Ike's scalp, he moved, his legs pedaled to the ground, and a hole was stepped on the ground, as deep as his fists. Then Ike rushed straight forward like a fired cannonball. In less than 01 seconds, he rushed out of the area covered by the ice sword and rushed In front of Mark.

In fact, Ike's body has been moving, but he is moving inside. The murderous spirit not only baptizes the whole body, which can ensure that he rushes out of the knife light at the first time.

Mark was stupid at that time, and his hand was still cleaving, but Ike had already arrived in front of him. If it was usual, he might react, but he was too confident that he had never suffered any blows. He really had the capital of pride, but this pride and self-confidence became his biggest Obstacles.

He thought that Ike had absolutely no chance to escape this time, so he couldn't help but feel a little relaxed, especially when the ice sword was split down, and Ike still looked unable to move. His mind had fantasized about the bloody appearance of the other party being split in half by him, but he never thought of it. At this last moment, Ike seemed to suddenly come back to life, and it was most appropriate to describe him as a "fraudulent corpse".

Ike seized Mark's only opportunity carelessly, and then rushed out without hesitation. When he came to Mark, Mark opened his eyes wide and his hands didn't know whether to continue to cut down or take it back immediately and were entangled. Ike didn't want so much. He operated the Rubik's Cube and accumulated energy during this period. All concentrated on the fist and punched out.

"Powerful Bull Magic Fist"

Although this set of boxing is only an ordinary martial art skill, if it is directly hit, the consequences will never be better. It can only make a "cluck" sound. Ike did not listen carefully, but he can only feel that Mark's ribs have broken more than four, and he can feel that purple flames seem to appear on his fist just now, but not Be clear about the consequences of this flame hitting people directly.

Ike didn't know. Mark was very understanding and immediately made a move to let Ike watch it. He was lying on the ground at that time, and the ribs on his chest were broken, but he didn't care at all. As long as this kind of injury could be healed for half a month and taking some elixir, which made him afraid and made him painful was his Rubik's Cube. At this moment, he felt as if there was a fire burning in his abdomen, as if to burn his soul. The pain could not be expressed in words, but it was absolutely unbearable.

"Help, save me, it hurts, it hurts to death." Mark kept rolling on the ground, as if this could relieve his pain.

"Dang, Dang, Dang", Gissatu waved back the three of Melenris with a sword, and came to Mark's side. Looking at the brother who kept rolling on the ground, he was like a tiger biting a hedgehog for a moment, and there was no way to do it.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Brother," Gizatu asked anxiously.

"I'm in pain. There's a fire burning on my magic cube." Mark continued to roll while telling his situation.

"What did you do to my brother?" Mark's sword pointed to Ike and asked.

"What did I do? Is this ungrateful? If you want to kill us, won't you let us fight back? Ike asked, in fact, he was also puzzled that his punch was at most a few ribs. Is it so miserable?

Wait, he just said that there was a fire burning on the Rubik's Cube. Ike suddenly thought of what Mark had just said. When he punched, he did feel the purple flame on it. Did the purple fire enter the other party's Rubik's Cube and burn the other party's Rubik's Cube? If this is the case, isn't this purple fire too awesome? In the future, who dares to fight with himself? As long as you hit the other party and the purple fire enters the Rubik's Cube, you can only lie on the ground and roll like Mark!

"It's your honor to kill you. Now cure me, otherwise you can't get out of here," Mark said coldly and fiercely.

"Well, who is afraid of whom? It's hard to say who can't get out of here at that time!" Biian ran over, stood next to Ike, pinched his waist with both hands, and put on the shape of a shrew scolding the street.

Ike raised his head and looked coldly. Not to mention that he didn't know how to take back the purple flame, even if he knew how to do it, it was impossible to save Mark, such a scum who killed a woman.

"Brother, they won't save you. What should I do?" Gissatu did not continue to confront Ike and others. Instead, he ran to Mark's side with a panic and asked him anxiously what to do.

"Kill them, even if I die, I won't let them go," Mark said resentfully as he fluttered.

As soon as Ike and others heard what he said, they all stared at Gissatu nervously. As long as he had a little movement, they would definitely rise up and attack him.

Gissatu's face changed, as if he were making the final struggle. He seemed to have a great determination in his heart. Finally, he sighed and said innocently, "Brother, I also want to avenge you, but I can't beat them. There are many of them."

Gissatu admitted his coward. The golden pipe team and George, who was hiding aside, broke his glasses. No one expected that Gissatu would not want to help his brother in the end.

"You? You?" Mark rolled twice. After hearing what Gissato said, he stood up and pointed to him, as if he couldn't believe why his brother, who had always ordered him, suddenly disobeyed.

"Brother, brother, don't be excited," Gissatu reached out and grabbed Mark's hands and kept shaking Mark's arm, but no one noticed a green light flashing in Gissato's hands.

The green light was very light, and it suddenly got into Mark's arm and disappeared, so no one noticed it.

"You, pooh", as soon as the green light entered Mark's body, he only had time to say a word, spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then his head tilted and died.