Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 06 Encountering Robbers on the Road

Camer is dead, Ike doesn't know how to contact Caesar, and he doesn't know what's going on with the Lane Empire, so he has to go there as soon as possible.

The next morning, Ike summoned the two women and told him his plan.

"I'm going too," the two women said in one voice.

Ike originally planned to take Mary Kay with him, but Linda didn't think about it. After all, this action is dangerous and he doesn't want to put Linda in danger.

"You can't go," Ike said, pointing to Linda.

"Why?" Linda doesn't understand why Mary Kay can go, but she can't.

"Because, because I have something to do, not to travel, and I don't worry about Mary Kay always stays in the college, so I have to take her on the road, but don't worry, I'll be back soon," Ike finally came up with a statement.

"Oh, that's fine!" Linda agreed aggrievedly, but she had decided to follow secretly.

Men's minds are different. Ike is afraid that Linda will be hurt, so he is unwilling to take her with him, but Linda thinks that if Ike doesn't take herself, she must not like herself, so she has to take the initiative to approach him. As for danger, in the eyes of women, love is blind. She has seen There is no danger.

Ike was relieved to see her agree. In order to compensate for a trace of guilt, Ike stayed with Linda all morning, drinking tea, eating snacks prepared by Linda, and casually talking about their own interesting things.

Ike enjoyed this kind of time, but he still had something to do and couldn't indulge in it. After a morning, Ike left the college with Mary Kay.

He also didn't tell Melenris and others. When he had left the unparalleled city, he sent them a communication, and naturally he was criticized by them.

As the war becomes more and more tense, the Tianfang Empire has lost more and more land, and the unparalleled city is becoming more and more crowded. Countless people who have fled from all directions want to squeeze into the unparalleled city. After all, this city has the Elon Soko Combat Academy. In the eyes of these people, these magic squares are really good people, only and They can only be truly safe together, so these people naturally sharpen their heads and want to stay in the city, but the already harsh conditions have become stricter and stricter with the increase of the number of people, and only a few people can settle in the unparalleled city.

It was very simple to get in, but it was very simple to get out. The guards at the gate were busy checking those who entered the city, and no one went to investigate Ike. As a result, Ike drove a bought carriage and left the unparalleled city leisurely.

Ike's first stop is his hometown, Qingniu Town. Anyway, he needs to go back and have a look. After all, he doesn't know whether his father has been taken to the Ryan Empire. If he hasn't been taken away, he doesn't have to go. Moreover, Qingniu Town is also next to the iron vulture collar, which is not a detour. Tao.

Half a month later, on an ancient road not far from Qingniu Town, a wooden carriage was pulled around leisurely on the ancient road. In the carriage, a slightly young man sat opposite each other with a little girl. Both of them maintained a practicing posture. No one spoke. Soon, the man opened his eyes. Jing moved his body, then picked up the curtain, drilled out, identified the surrounding terrain, and whispered, "It seems to be almost there."

After saying that, the man grabbed the whip beside him, hit a whip in the air, and then hit the horned horse's buttocks. The horned horse ate pain and ran hard. For a moment, it was as fast as the arrow of Li Xuan.

Ike has been away from his hometown for more than a year. He is timid and has complex and difficult feelings in his heart. Just when his head was still thinking, he suddenly saw a ragged woman in the middle of the road.

"Oh", Ike grabbed the reins and dragged the horned horse. The previous horned horse was too crazy to run. It was not so easy to stop at this moment. Ike had no choice but to fight with his hands and fight with the horned horse.

Finally, when he was about to step on the woman, Ike finally subdued it.

"Beast, the strength is not small," Ike gently patted the horned horse's buttocks.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Mary Kay popped her head out of the car and asked.

"There is a man lying in front of me. I'll go down and have a look." Ike said and jumped off the carriage.

Along the way, Ike has seen many such people. In every war, it is always the people who suffer.

"Sister, are you all right?" Ike walked to the woman and squatted down to help her up, but the woman seemed to have no bones on her body, soft, and Ike did not help her up.

With a crisp sound, Ike felt a hot pain on his face. His hands were still on the woman's body. Without reacting, he was suddenly slapped by the woman.

"Rhooligan", the woman seemed to be energetic after she slapped Ike. She covered her chest with her hands and stared at Ike with contemptuous face, as if Ike had just done something indignant.

Ike looked down and saw that the woman was purple and ordinary, but her chest was quite material, and the clothes on her chest seemed to be torn open. She could see a touch of white tenderness from the woman's powerfully covered hands.

"My eldest brother kindly helped you up. How can you hit someone?" Mary Kay jumped out of the carriage and pointed to the woman and asked.

The woman jumped up from the ground, where there was a trace of weakness. She let go of one hand, pointed to Ike and scolded, "I'm just lying on the ground to rest. This stinky hooligan actually wants to take advantage of me and touch my chest. Dream of you!"

"My eldest brother wants to touch you, and you don't look at how old you are," Mary Kay countered.

Ike was two years old and was slapped inexplicably just now. Now he looks at two women scolding each other. He never knew that Mary Kay still has the ability to curse, and the woman is not weak at all. Does a woman have this kind of ability? Ike couldn't help slandering.

"What's wrong?" Dozens of figures suddenly appeared on both sides of the road, dressed as farmers, but they all held weapons, hoes, sickles, bows and arrows, and many tricks.

"Brother, this guy is a hooligan to me. You have to be the master!" The woman saw a helper, grabbed the leader's arm, and her full chest rubbed around the man's arm.

"Don't worry, with the eldest brother, no one can bully you," the leading brother said proudly.

"You bullied my sister just now, right? How do you think this matter will be solved?" The leading brother walked to Ike and asked.

The two are about the same height, but Ike's figure is relatively well-proportioned, but the man is full of muscles and looks powerful, so there are dozens of brothers behind him, who are fearless.

"How do you want to solve it?" Ike asked, and he also helped many people in distress along the way, but this was the first time that such a thing happened. He didn't expect to bump into him when he was about to get home. I have to say that he had bad luck.

"Well, it's not difficult for you. If you leave your money and this carriage, I'll let you go." The leader obviously made up his mind and immediately said his purpose.

"Don't say I haven't touched her, even if I really touch her, you don't want to get a gold coin from me," Ike said disdainfully. Seeing this, he couldn't guess that the other party had set a trap for him.

"Kid, are you toasting and not drinking?" The leading brother clenched his fist and asked arrogantly. The little brother behind him also waved his weapons one by one to demonstrate for their boss.

"Humph", Eclay talked to him. Previously, because it was not necessary, he had not used his divine consciousness, so he was blocked by these people. At this moment, when he swept it with his divine consciousness, he knew that these people were just ordinary people, not magic cubes. With a cold snorting, Ike turned into a shadow.

"Bang, bang, bang", the sound of his fist hitting the body kept coming. After a while, all the men present, except Ike, fell to the ground and howled in pain.

"Humph, do you still want to ask me for money now?" Ike stepped on the leader's head and asked.

"I dare not, dare, brother, we also have no choice. The orcs are about to come here. There are refugees everywhere. We used to be farmers, but because of the war, the crops have been destroyed and there is no food. We have no choice but to do this industry. Please let us go!" The leader has been scared. Dare, he has never seen such a powerful person as Ike, and almost put them all down in the blink of an eye. How dare he say harsh words? He can only ask for Ike's sympathy.

Ike frowned. He can also see that these people should have been good people before. He really can't kill them, but if he let them go like this, I'm afraid they will do the same in the future. I'm afraid it will be others who will be hurt at that time.

"Are you little Ike?" An uncle covered his nose and asked uncertainly.

"Are you?" Only a few people know his name, and this person actually called his own name instead of Caesar, so it is very likely that he is a person who knows him.

"It's really you, I'm your Uncle Qiu!" The man said excitedly.

"You are Uncle Qiu, how do you..." Ike took a closer look, and the man in front of him was really an elder in the previous village.

"Oh, don't mention it, the village has been destroyed, and I'm homeless, so I have to..." The man didn't have the nerve to say what he did.

"The village was destroyed", Ike's mind exploded, and a bad feeling flashed in his heart.