Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 63 Rework Boxing

When Ike returned to her mansion, Mary Kay rushed out as soon as she fell into the forest and got into Ike's arms.

"Brother, I miss you so much. It's been three days, and you're finally back," Mary Kay said excitedly.

Ike was shocked. He felt that it was only a day. How could she say it for three days? It seems that the time in the Tongtian Tower is different from the outside world, and the time flow there must be faster than outside.

"Well, I'm back. Don't cry," Ike gently comforted Mary Kay's hair.

"Brother, what exactly is the Tongtian Tower?" Mary Kay stopped crying and asked.

Ike told him about breaking through the Sky Tower. He didn't hide anything, because he decided to close down immediately. Now what's inside is to give up the idea of breaking through alone. She is in danger in it. If she goes alone, she may even break through the first level. But go.

"It's so dangerous inside, but I heard them say that the Sky Tower is still easy to break through?" Mary Kay asked doubtfully.

These days, she was very worried about Ike, so she also went out to inquire about the Tongtian Tower, but the information she got was different from what Ike said.

Ike has learned from Chuck that he is different from others, but he is not going to tell Mary Kay so that she won't worry.

"Oh, in fact, it's almost the same, but everyone wants to have face to say so," Ike explained.

Mary Kay thinks that most of the people in the dark parliament look down on people from the outside world. Their words are quite proud and uncomfortable. They also deliberately say that and seem to be very powerful.

"I think so. They all look arrogant and hate them."

Ike smiled. The Dark Parliament has been one of the three holy places since ancient times. It is reasonable for people here to have a sense of superiority.

"Can you take me to the Tongtian Tower next time?" Mary Kay asked expectantly.

Ike didn't want to agree. After all, Tongtian Tower was too threatening and would go wrong if he was not careful. However, when he saw Mary Kay's expected face, he couldn't bear to refuse and finally nodded.

"Oh, thank you, brother." Mary Kay is jubilant. She has a different dependence on Ike. As long as she can be with him, she will be very happy.

Ike smiled, ordered a few words to enter his room with her, and set a ban at the door to allow anyone to enter. He needed to practice well.

In the dark room, all the furniture was put away and suddenly turned into a martial arts arena, which looked very empty. Ike sat in the middle with a threaded book in his hand. This was the secret book he chose from the Sutra Pavilion - "Thunderpe Boxing". He looked through pages one by page and soon read the book. End.

According to the secrets, the thunder ape is a kind of warcraft born from heaven and earth. It is shaped like an ape. It is 100 feet tall and has natural magic power. It can catch dragons and phoenixes, and can spit thunder in its mouth, so it is called thunder ape.

Thunder ape is bellicose. A pair of iron fists can smash stars. Some powerful people watch their fists and create this set of Thunder Ape Boxing, which is powerful and can have endless magic power after practice.

After reading the secret book, Ike thought about it and wrote down all the movements in the secret book. He has the foundation of the powerful cow magic boxing, and he also has a certain attainments in boxing, and the powerful cow magic boxing is also a big opening and closing boxing, the strongest, and the thunder ape. There is something in common with boxing, so it is much easier for him to practice.

Apes and humans are very similar, so this set of "Thunderape Boxing" is very suitable for human learning. Ike visuals it and then moves.

I saw his hands clench his fists, or his palms, sometimes open, sometimes clenched, and his back slightly bent, like a big ape, "Huo, Huo, Huo". Ike punched out three times, and the punch was strong, and the air burst.

"No, it's not like this, this set of punches is not like this," Ike muttered after finishing a set of punches.

"Thunder Ape Boxing" is a three-sided superior secret book. It is not so studious. If Ike can succeed once without the guidance of his teacher, it is simply a miracle, but this miracle has not happened, and his understanding is not at the level of evil, so he has not succeeded once.

"Huo, Huo, Huo"

"It's still wrong!"

Ike is constantly practicing boxing in the empty room. He has mastered the movements on the secret book, but the power is not satisfactory, that is, it is a little stronger than the powerful bull magic fist. However, such power is not a superior secret book, so it can only show that he has not really succeeded.

"Hoha!" Ike continued to punch, and his hands could not be raised. He still did not give up and took a little rest. When his body recovered a little, he continued to practice.

In this way, time passed in a hurry. Ike had been in the room for three days. Although he could continue to retreat, he knew that it would not help him much, so he walked out of the room, first had a big meal, and then took Mary Kay out for a walk.

Mary Kay likes to stay with Ike. It's natural to be very happy to hear him take herself out. On the way, the two talked and laughed and saw the beautiful scenery of the mountain.

"Look, there is a group of monkeys fighting over there!" Mary Kay shouted happily.

The environment of the dark parliament is very good, advocating nature, and there are often some creatures hidden between the fields. They are not warcraft, but very ordinary animals, just like the two groups of monkeys in front of them, fighting for territory.

Ike is not unfamiliar with such a scene. In the past, he often saw such a scene when he lived in Qingniu Mountain, and he not only did not disturb, but would hide quietly, because this is the time for him to harvest. When these monkeys finish this battle, they will always lose their lives, and these monkeys who have lost their lives Zi is his booty.

Today, he saw the same scene again. Ike sighed. Once he could only hide far away and wait for the end of their battle, but now he stands at a different height. He can wipe them out by waving his hand, pick up a stone, put it between his middle finger and thumb, and gently hit the stone accurately. The monkey was the most ferocious of them. The monkey was in pain and screamed, but it also knew the power of the man in front of him, which could not be provoked. It screamed and fled. The monkeys did not know why, but when they saw that their leaders had fled, their men also fled one after another.

I'm not a monkey? There is also no power to fight back in front of the more powerful characters, but I will never run away without fighting like the monkey. Even if I lose this life, I will fight with one, Ike thought with emotion.

The behavior of these monkeys made Ike feel good, so he hurriedly ended the "travel" and closed again.

I always felt that I lacked something when practicing Thunder Ape Boxing before. It turned out that I had never regarded myself as an ape. I always felt that I was a person. Naturally, I could not exert the greatest power by learning the thunder ape boxing with human thinking.

After realizing this, Ike began to practice again. Instead of rushing to practice the Thunder Ape Boxing, he did it cross-legged and recalling the scenes he had practiced before over and over again. He did not want to find out the shortcomings, but to completely forget what he had learned before, and start everything from scratch.

My memories over and over again shorten everything and constantly compress them. Either I will forget everything, or the last memory will always be remembered and indelible. It may be one of the moves or a mental method, but even if it becomes one of its own Instinct, it only occupies a small part. If you re-cultivate the Thunder Ape Boxing Method by yourself, the power must be able to reach the realm of one punch, everything is shocked, two punches, ghosts and gods avoid, and three boxing gods and demons.

Ike doesn't know whether his idea is right. He has never been taught by a strict teacher. He is basically learning by himself, and his skills are also a newly created skill. No one has ever practiced, and no one can practice, so he can only rely on himself.

I want to forget, I want to forget everything I practiced before, Ike thought to myself.

Memory baptism over and over again, washed over and over again, all the memories of "Thunder Ape Boxing" were washed away, leaving only the last punch, which was a punch interpreted according to his own understanding. He forgot the memory of all the boxing techniques, but only remembered this punch, which was his own choice and the guidance of God. .

Ike stood up, his waist sank slightly, and his right fist hit out. There was a sound of breaking the air, and the air fluctuated, as if a fist of air had hit out and hit the wall.

"Boom!" A big hole was made in the wall.

Ike opened his mouth. The punch just now was only from his physical strength. Without mobilizing any energy, there could be such a big movement. If he uses his full blow, I don't know how powerful it can be. I'm afraid he can blow the house to the sky with one punch! Ike thought happily that he was also self-defeating. Originally, he just wanted to forget this set of boxing, but he didn't expect to make himself into this strange punch.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Someone outside shouted anxiously. Ike looked back and saw that it was his servant. They thought that someone had attacked the mansion and fled in horror. Ike didn't see Mary Kay, which made him a little curious. She didn't come out to see what was going on. Of course, he just thought about it and did not blame. Blame her, he gave a word to the servants, and he changed to a new room and continued to close up.

In a pink room, bursts of fog rose and wrapped the room. If someone comes in at this time, he will definitely get lost in these same pink fogs. In this room, there are only two close-fitting clothes. The girl in trousers was sitting cross-legged. She suddenly opened her eyes and said to herself, "This is my brother's breakthrough again. I also need to speed up my time to practice. I don't want to be a burden to my brother!"

The girl settled down, immediately closed her eyes and continued to practice. For a moment, the fog in the room became stronger.