Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 82 Mary Kaifawei

"Cover", the golden lion threw colorful beads to Ike.

Ike scolded that his soul could catch something, but he still took the opportunity to reach out his hand. The colorful ball fell into his palm and did not fall down. Ike couldn't feel any weight, as if the colorful beads did not exist, but his eyes could see it. The beads seemed to be Rooted in his hand, then slowly moved up his arm and moved all the way to his head before giving up.

"Ah!" Ike screamed. When the colorful beads moved to the position of his brain, they suddenly released an infinite light. The light seemed to melt people. Ike was almost killed directly. No wonder the man 100,000 years ago turned into flying ash at the touch, that is, his soul ratio. Stronger, he was not killed by a blow.

Pain, boundless pain, this is the direct damage to the soul, which is unbearable. Ike can't wait to tear up his soul. Unfortunately, he doesn't even have the strength to commit suicide and can only passively bear this pain.

Ike felt like a red-hot iron block in a blacksmith's stove. He burned it, beat it, then burned it, and then beat it again. Over and over again, he beat himself completely different, and it was like a clay figurine who burned it when he was a child. After pinched it into shape, he took it on the fire and baked it and put it in cold water. Suddenly, his body was full of cracks. Then it is pinched again until it is pinched into a satisfactory shape.

All kinds of pains, the longer the pain, the more severe the pain. The pain made his whole body curl up and wanted to shrink himself into a ball, but unfortunately it didn't work at all.

"Brother, do you think he can hold on?" The golden lion asked with a little worry.

"I don't know", Iolos replied with regret.

The two looked next to Ike, watching him suffer all kinds of pain, and even they couldn't help getting cold.

If you don't think about it, it won't hurt. Ike suddenly remembered what his father said to him when he was a child. It was the first time he went to catch a green man. As a result, he was scratched and came back and cried for a long time. His father told himself not to think about pain, which would only make him more painful, think about something happy, and transfer My attention will make me feel much better. At that time, I imagined the scene where I could be with my mother, and I suddenly didn't feel pain.

I want to forget the pain. I want to forget these. Ike said silently in his heart. Although the pain was unbearable, he began to distract himself little by little, trying to think about some good things, or look forward to a better life in the future. Although he has gained little, this is the only thing he can What I did.

Time has passed in a hurry. A month has passed in a blink of an eye. Tongtian Tower has restored its former prosperity, and the failure has never happened again. It seems that everything has returned to the past. The death of the only three people and the disappearance of one person have proved that this matter has really happened.

A little girl sat on the stone pier not far from the Tongtian Tower. She came here every day for three hours every time, then sighed and left. The next day she would come here on time. Naturally, the little girl was Mary Kay. She had been waiting for Ike for a month and didn't see him return. She Every day, I ask the guard if Ike's token is broken. When she learns that it is not broken, she will be happy. At least her brother is not dead, right? One day he will come back. She sticks to her ideas and never waver.

"This is not the little wife of the Son of God. Why, she is still waiting for your little husband. I've been waiting for a month. I'm afraid he won't be alive for a long time. Why don't you follow me from now on? The custody will be worse than him."

A gloomy voice sounded, and a thin bamboo pole with a treacherous smile walked towards Mary Kay. There were two people behind him, but they were one step behind him, like a follower. Obviously, this person also had some status.

Now that Ike has been missing for a month, more and more people believe that he is dead, so some people lack fear. Mary Kay is sweet-looking. A pair of long ears not only do not destroy her beauty, but also make her more lovely. Now she is only nine years old, and she is already a beauty embryo. When she grows up, she is definitely a peerless beauty who harms the country and the people. Naturally, there are many people who hit her ideas. This bamboo pole is obviously one of them, and she is the one who is bolder.

"You're dead, your whole family is dead." Mary Kay grew up in a difficult environment, and her relatives are all dead, so she is very wild in her bones, with a fierce wolf lurking, choosing people to eat, and only in front of Ike, she is clever and sensible. She is not afraid of other people.

"Oh, I'm quite wild, but I just like such a wild girl. Today, I must take you away." The thin bamboo pole not only did not retreat, but went a step further.

"Young master, she is a son of God. Will we do this?" A follower behind the thin bamboo pole whispered.

"What are you afraid of? That god has long died in the Tongtian Tower, and who else will make the decision for this little girl," the thin bamboo pole said carelessly.

After all, Mary Kay is not from the dark parliament, and she is an orc. Naturally, she will be looked down upon by the people here. Now it is generally believed that Ike is dead. Naturally, there will be no status for a girl around him.

The two attendants looked at each other and naturally knew what kind of person they served. Maybe Mary Kay is not a human role now. She hasn't grown up yet. At most, she can only be regarded as a beautiful little girl. Her master wants to get her so much, which is nothing more than her. Her identity conquered the people around the Son of God, which was a pleasure, so the two took a step back and no longer dissuade them.

Someone has looked around, but no one has stood up to help Mary Kay. Maybe the majority of people watching the play.

"Get out of here," Mary Kay scolded angrily. She reached out and pushed away the thin bamboo pole and wanted to go to the mansion on the top of the mountain. Although she was not afraid of this person, she didn't want to cause trouble easily.

"If you want to go, it's not that easy!" The thin bamboo pole stopped her way again.

Mary Kay was angry. She had never seen such a shameless person. She stared at the thin bamboo pole and said a few words in her mouth: "Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Hey, I won't let you. You have to come with me today." The thin bamboo pole saw that no one came up to stop you. If you are bolder, you must take Mary Kay back.

"Go to hell!" Mary Kay kicked the middle of the legs of the thin bamboo pole.

"Oh!", the thin bamboo pole didn't expect that Mary Kay would attack him, and her movements were so fast that he didn't react. He only felt a sudden severe pain between his legs, which made him heartbreaking.

"Young master, how are you?" Two attendants quickly came over to help him check his injury and confirmed that he was fine, so they were relieved.

"Catch her," the thin bamboo pole covered his lower body and pointed to Mary Kay and said, if he wanted to get Mary Kay at the beginning just to satisfy his perverted mood, then now he is for revenge, and he has to torture her to death.

Although the two attendants felt that their masters were not fair enough to do so, they could only obey the order, and the two stopped Mary Kay from side to side.

"Humph!", Mary Kay snorted coldly, and a staff appeared in her hand, facing a little bit ahead. There seemed to be a fog around, but it soon disappeared, and the surroundings returned to clarity. Only the thin bamboo pole and his two attendants felt different.

Everything around them has changed. They seem to have come to ancient times. The huge monsters are bigger than mountains. They are as weak as ants.

"Boom", a big foot of a warcraft stepped down, and the soles of its feet were pressed down like a mountain. The three were shocked and quickly rushed to the side and could avoid it, but another big foot stepped over. The three dared not stay and continued to dodge. More and more monsters stepped on it, and there was also the sky. Flying, like an eagle, but bigger than those warcrafts on the ground, a pair of wings spread to cover the sky and the sun, and a pair of iron claws scratched the heads of those warcrafts.

"Oh, my God, it came, it flew towards us." The three of them were so scared that they almost peed their pants and suddenly fled, but the giant eagle in the sky did not intend to let them go. They chased and beat fiercely. With a flap of their wings, the huge wind blew the three people to the sky, and then another burst of fire out.

"It's so hot, it's so hot," the three of them fluttered over and over again, shouting.

"Are the three of them playing with treasure?"

The people around felt strange. They just had to catch the little girl. In a blink of an eye, the three people seemed to be stupid, constantly walking around, saying some strange words and doing some strange actions.

The people next to them didn't understand, and only three of them knew that this scene was really horrible. Countless monsters came, and they had no choice but to escape desperately.

These monsters are like cats playing with mice, constantly releasing magic, sometimes burning, sometimes freezing, sometimes mire, and wind blades. They are tortured with pain.

"Kill me! Please kill me!" The three shouted at the sky.

"Are the three of them crazy? How can you ask someone to kill them?" People around me don't understand.

"It's a magic array, and the little girl is an illusionist." Someone saw through the mystery.

Everyone was shocked. Illusionists are ancient names. In ancient times, there were people. They were mages, but their battles were unique. They could make people fall into illusions, unconsciously killed, and some could even kill themselves. They were a group of terrible people, but time flowed at any time. Lost, there are fewer and fewer such people, and then I simply couldn't see one again. I didn't expect that they could see this kind of person today, which is not difficult to understand the strange behavior of the three people.

Mary Kay did not want to kill the three, although she now has the strength to do that, waving the wand and the fantasy is withdrawn.

"Weren't we burned to death by the fire? Why is it all right?" The three woke up and touched their bodies without any scars. Everything just now was an illusion, but the illusion was so real that they still had lingering palpitations.

Mary Kay didn't say a word and slowly walked to the top of the mountain. The three watched her go away and dared not stop her. The scene just now was really terrible. They didn't want to experience it again.

The people around whispered that the Son of God was powerful enough that he didn't expect a little girl around him to be so powerful, the legendary illusionist! I didn't expect to see you here.