Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 95 Climbing the Cliff

It is forbidden to fly in the iron vulture collar, so everyone can only walk. It took the group six days to get to a cliff, and by this time, many people have come under the cliff.

"It's the people of the Ice and Snow Temple!" Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the Ice and Snow Temple also went up the mountain from this road and met here. Will there be a fight? Everyone thought that the movement of their hands was not slow, and they took out their own weapons.

"Don't panic. Fighting is prohibited at the foot of the mountain. Everything will be decided on the black cliff and put away your weapons," Rashidler said seriously.

Everyone dared not listen and packed up their weapons, but they were highly nervous and wereware of the other party's sneak attack. Although the president had said that they would not be allowed to do anything here, there was no big mistake. In case something happened, there was still time to remedy it.

"Hahaha, it turned out to be Brother Sauron. I didn't expect you to lead the team, let alone that we would arrive here at the same time. It seems that Brother Sauron also wants to experience these little guys. I heard that several of your disciples are very qualified. There are successors and successors!" Rachidler seems to have changed. Like a man, he stepped forward with a smile and greeted the leader of the other party.

"It turns out that you are a fat man. Although we have several well-qualified disciples, we can't compare with you. Even the Son of God has been found. This really envious us!" Sauron said with a smile, but his smile is fake.

"Where, no, the Holy See of Light also has a son of God. Fortunately, God has also given us one. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will really have a crisis in this year's jihad," Rashidler said.

"It seems that God still doesn't want to see your demise and gives you a glimmer of vitality, but it depends on whether you can catch this glimmer of vitality. If you can't catch it, it's useless even if there are many gods," Sauron said sarcastically.

"Thank you, Brother Sauron, for reminding us. We will naturally seize every opportunity. Don't worry about it," Rashidler said.

"Why did you lead the team alone this time? What about the twelve old people?" Sauron asked rudely.

"The twelve elders have some personal matters that need to be dealt with and will take a few days to come. Anyway, it's still early and they are not in a hurry for these two days, don't you think?" Rahidler said lightly.

The sudden departure of the twelve elders on the way is also a doubt in the hearts of the dark parliament. Only Rashidler knows the real reason, but he obviously will not tell these teenagers.

"Of course," Sauron said, but he was thinking about what the twelve elders of the dark parliament had gone to do.

"Brother Sauron, hasn't your ice and snow temple started to climb the black cliff?" Rashidler came up and asked.

"Not yet. Since you're here, let's get together!" Sauron said and turned back to his position.

If people who don't know think that Rahidler and Sauron are good friends, talk and laugh, but everyone knows that they are the leaders of two hostile forces, and it is impossible to become friends and can only be enemies.

"Let's go! We also went there," Rashidler led the crowd down the cliff.

Ike looked in the direction of the team of the Ice and Snow Temple. He was looking to see if he could find Cleya, but unfortunately, except for an acquaintance, he did not see Cleya, and the "acquaintance" was just a woman who had a relationship with him and wanted to get news from her. It must not be a simple thing.

Although Messi is not a son of God, she is a pure ice constitution, a variation of the water element. This constitution has also appeared in history. It is extremely powerful and has the hope of becoming a god. Therefore, her status in the ice and snow temple is detached, completely no less than Ike's status in the dark parliament. When she saw Ike's At that time, I was also surprised. I didn't expect that the little boy I met in Helanshan City has now become a son of a holy place. The world is really impermanent, and no one can predict the next moment.

Ike followed Rahidler closely, and the twelve elders did not know where they had gone. Now Rahidler is the only master of the dark parliament, and it is the safest to follow him.

The two groups came together. Although they have been warned to ban fighting, the smell of gunpowder is full. The Dark Parliament and the Ice and Snow Temple are also old "famining". This time, the "betray" of the Ice and Snow Temple has caused heavy losses to the Dark Council, so everyone hates the people of the Ice and Snow Temple, if someone is not suppressed. I'm afraid the two groups have been fighting for a long time.

"Brother Sauron, please!" Rahidler said with a smile.

"Okay!" Sauron answered, and then pointed to a teenager behind him and said, "You go first!"

"Yes, master!" The teenager turned out to be Sauron's apprentice, and he promised.

"So, miso, miso, miso, miso," the teenager climbed up quickly on the cliff and climbed to the top of the mountain in a short time.

"Master, I'm at the top of the mountain," the teenager shouted down, but the people on the dark council seemed to be showing off.

This cliff is hundreds of feet high, as smooth as a mirror, without any prominent place, and extremely difficult to climb. The teenager actually stepped on the top of the mountain with only his feet. It can be seen that his ability is absolutely not small and cannot be underestimated.

"President, I'll go." A teenager in the dark parliament couldn't bear it and took the initiative to try.

"Okay, you go!" Rashidler nodded.

This teenager is also quite famous in the dark parliament. He is one of the more powerful cubes, called McKee. He walked to the bottom of the cliff and reached out to touch the cliff. It was really smooth. If he uses his hands and feet, he can fully grasp it, but if he does that, he will lose all his face, so In the same way that he intends to go up with the man in the Ice and Snow Temple, even if it is just a pair of feet, he is sure.

"Drink", McGee shouted, stamped his feet, and the man rushed up. The man rotated slightly in mid-air, and his feet pedalled on the cliff, and the man rushed up again.

"Good", the people of the dark parliament applauded and cheered for McGee. Although some people usually have a bad relationship with him, they can still unite the front in the face of big right and wrong.

The people opposite the Ice and Snow Temple look unhappy. Naturally, they don't like to see their enemies reach the top of the mountain smoothly.

Stepping, McGee pedaled on the mountain wall for the second time and rushed up again.

Ike looked at McGee worriedly. He just noticed that McGee was a little slipping when he stepped on the stone wall for the second time. If he did it again, he was afraid he would fall down, and he was still sixty or 70 feet high from the top of the mountain, which was really dangerous.

"Wow", before Ike finished worrying, McGee had an accident. When he stepped on the stone wall for the third time, his foot slipped and fell directly from the sky.

"Puff", a dark shadow rushed out from behind Rashidler, rolled up McGee's waist and pulled him down safely.

"President, I have lived up to public expectations, please punish me!" McGee knelt down and had no face to see everyone. He fell off the stone wall and lost not only his own face, but also the face of the dark parliament.

"Hey, he is indeed a master. He can reach a height of 30 feet. I admire him," someone in the ice and snow temple said.

"If you can't do it, don't be stubborn. If you fall down, you need someone to save it."

"You should keep a low profile. Even if you can do it, you have to pretend that you can't do it. If you can't do it, you have to pretend it. How about it? Let's go home and practice for a few more years!"


The people of the Ice and Snow Temple laughed unscrupulously. They are against the Dark Parliament, so naturally they don't need to save face for McGee.

"You are bullying too much," the people of the dark council were angry and rolled up their sleeves one by one to fight with the Ice and Snow Temple.

"What are you going to do?" Rashidler said angrily with a rigid face.

"President, they are too bullied. We fought with them. Anyway, sooner or later, we have to fight. It's better to fight now," someone boldly said.

"Yes, yes, let's fight now," many people echoed.

"Farm, be quiet. Duel on the Black Cliff is a rule inherited from ancient times. No one can change it, and don't blame others for contempting you if you are useless," Rashidler said ruthlessly.

"But, but•••••", everyone has nothing to say. Yes, this can only be blamed for being useless. If McGee can successfully climb to the top of the mountain, how can the people of the Ice and Snow Temple laugh?

"President, let me go this time!" Chuck stepped out and begged.

"Good," Rashidler muttered and agreed to Chuck's request.

He also had a plan in his heart. For the first time, he guessed that McGee would fall, but he still did not object to him going up. He just wanted him to learn a lesson. Although the people of the dark council learned the top secrets, they did not experience the baptism of strong wind and waves, just like being cultivated in a greenhouse. Like a small flower, it is difficult to achieve anything without going through some grinding.

Maybe this blow will make McGee depressed from now on, but it may also make him fly to the sky. This is a gamble, depending on how McGee chooses.

The same is true. He is known as the first person on three sides. Although there is some water in it, it can also show his qualifications. Similarly, he is impulsive and needs to be sharpened. In this regard, Rashidler is more optimistic about Ike, the son of God. His experience makes him far more mature than Chuck and others. He was not in a hurry to ask Ike to have a try.

"It's changed. It won't be the same as last time. If you fall from mid-air, don't be nervous, I will save you," said arrogantly in the Ice Temple.

Chuck stared and clenched his fists. If it hadn't been for the prohibition of fighting, he would have rushed up.

"I will definitely rush up to show you," Chuck made up his mind.

"Ah," Chuck shouted, waved his fists and rushed up.


With a loud noise, Chuck stamped his foot on the stone wall, and a shallow footprint appeared on the smooth stone wall, which surprised everyone. The previous two left no trace at all, and this alone could impress everyone.

"Bang! Bang! "Oh!"

Chuck will leave a footprint without a single foot, but his people walk smoothly as if they were stained on a stone wall.

"Go up, go up, go up quickly," everyone is looking forward to it.


Chuck shouted loudly, stepped down for the last time, turned over and stood on the top of the mountain.


"Good job!" Everyone cheered. On the other side, the people of the Ice and Snow Temple had a black face. Although they also went up, compared with Chuck's "leisure walk", they were obviously at a downwind.