Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 104 Giant Beast

The members of each Holy Land will walk to a different channel, and in each channel, there will be one or more Warcraft waiting for them. These Warcrafts are like deliberately raised by someone, specially resisting these people, sneaking, or besieging, killing and injuring a large number of people in an instant.

In a passage, Ike and Mary Kay continued to walk in the direction of the light tower. Since they killed the nightingale, they have not encountered any attack, but neither of them dared to be careless. Who knows if there are still warcraft watching secretly? The road is long, even if they have been walking for a long time, two People didn't walk half the way.

"Brother, drink some water!" Mary Kay saw Ike sweating on his head, so she took out a water bag from the space ring and handed it to Ike.

Ike took it and took a big sip. He was really thirsty. After drinking, he returned the water bag to Mary Kay, and the two continued on their way.

"Hung", the space fluctuated, and Ike was keenly aware that something was about to come out, and he immediately stopped Mary Kay.

"Don't move, be careful," Ike said.

Mary Kay is no longer the original oil bottle. She also sensed the danger at the first time, leaned back slightly and hid on the edge of Ike.

"Hee, haha, I finally came out and finally let me out." After a burst of laughter, I saw a crack in the space, and a huge figure fell out of it.

Ike and Mary Kay stared at the figure nervously. Although that thing was not the franca, it was strange that Ike could understand it. From Mary Kay's expression, it could be seen that she also understood it, so they were more vigilant about this thing.

That thing seemed to be a huge meat ball, but it slowly squirmed and looked extremely disgusting. Suddenly, a claw came out of the meat ball, five fingers, and the nails on it were very sharp, like five long swords, and then the same arm was stretched out, and the two arms were pressed on the ground, unexpectedly A meat ball was supported.

"Gulu", Ike swallowed his saliva. The thing in front of him was really exaggerated. One arm was higher than the hill, and the meat ball was bigger than the lake. Ike and Mary Kay stood there, and the sky overhead was tightly covered by it.

And there was also mucus on the meat ball, and a large mass dropped down. Surprisingly, the mucus dripped on the tree and burned the tree directly, which showed that the mucus was corrosive.

"Papa", a large mass of mucus drops fell next to Ike, and a burst of smoke rose on the ground, and a hole was burned out.

"Regress!" Ike decisively pulled Mary Kay back and retreated far enough before the two stopped.

The huge meat ball is still moving, and two slightly shorter arms are stretched out, and then another head grows. The head of this thing is also extremely large, with no hair and ears. There are six eyes on the top of the head, divided into two rows, three in a row, and a huge mouth, full of sharp teeth, one The red tongue was actually split, like a snake letter, and a puff of smoke came out of his mouth. Although it was ugly, it could be seen at a glance that it was powerful.

Ike's eyebrows are twisted together. This warcraft can only see its strength from the surface, and it can also speak out. Can't the beast god be reincarnATED like Jorad?

"Wow", the beast opened its mouth to the sky and spewed out a flame. No wonder its mouth was always smoking and could breathe fire in its mouth.

"Two cute little guys, I really want to thank you. If it's not you, it really won't let me out. In return, I will taste you."

The beast did not open its mouth, but Ike and Mary Kay heard its voice.

"Well, no matter what you are, I will kill you. There is nothing on this road that can stop me." Ike was angered by it and wanted to eat himself, so I will kill you first.

Ike was not as strong as the other party, so he couldn't walk. Instead, he aroused his murderous intention in his heart. With his gloves and kicking under his feet, he rushed out like a sharp sword.

"You have courage, but only courage is useless. In front of my great Lord Paga Toronto, you can only be eaten." Warcraft laughed and pressed down as big as a hill.

Ake's blood flashed, and his evil spirit had been released. His speed doubled again. When Warcraft's big hand was about to press to the ground, he turned over and jumped on the back of his hand, and then ran up along its arm.


The other hand of Warcraft stretched over to grab him. The strong wind almost blew Ike down from his arm. Ike slipped and his body was about to fall, but his hand grabbed its muscles fiercely, turned over and stood firmly, and then continued to run forward.


Warcraft opened its mouth, took a deep breath, and then blew it out violently, trying to blow Ike away.

It's not that easy to blow me down! Ike lay down and grabbed the meat on Warcraft's arm tightly. No matter how strong the wind blew, he couldn't blow him down.

After blowing this breath, Warcraft found that Ike had not fallen, so he stretched out his hand and patted it at Ike like a mosquito.

Ike didn't dare to resist. He got up and ran away. With a loud "pop", the Warcraft's palm was slapped down, but Ike slipped early and was not photographed, but the aftershock still shook him high.

"Danger", the Ike felt a strong sense of crisis in the air, and a roaring wind had hit. You don't have to think that the palm of this warcraft has been slapped.

"Shake the magic!"

Ike resolutely launched his strongest soul attack, but the huge Warcraft soul was not as powerful as its body shape. He was hit by the shaking magic and fell into dizziness, but his hand continued to fan over.

Ike twisted his body, grabbed its fingers when his big hand came over, and then turned over and stood on its fingers. Nevertheless, he spit out a mouthful of blood. The anti-shock force just now was not a joke, and directly shocked him.

"Where is this?" When Warcraft woke up, he found out how he came to his childhood home.

"Dad and Mom", Warcraft looked at the two huge figures in front of the garden and left tears.

"No, my father and mother have been killed countless years ago, and I have also been sealed into the alien space. It is impossible to see them. All these are fake and fake." Warcraft's eyes turned red. When it saw through all this, the surrounding scene recovered. In return, the beautiful garden and its parents disappeared, and only two little guys were in front of him.

"It's you who made trouble, right? If you let me see my parents, I won't torture you, and I will eat you directly." In its view, eating each other directly is the greatest forgiveness.

"Puff!" Mary Kay spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground and fell into a coma. Just now, after Ike's shaking magic, she immediately performed an illusion. The warcraft was really fooled, but its strength was so strong that it forcibly broke the illusion in the blink of an eye, so Mary Kay was strongly devoured. , fainted.

After such a period of buffering, Ike has successfully climbed to its shoulder. At a glance, he saw Mary Kay spewing blood and falling to the ground, and Ike's eyes suddenly became extremely red.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you," Ike shouted and punched it in the head.

The Warcraft turned his head, opened his mouth directly, and rolled his tongue towards Ike. Ike's fist hit his tongue, as if he had hit cotton, without any strength.

"Ah!" The Warcraft's tongue rolled up Ike in a circle, then shrank, closed his mouth, and swallowed Ike with a saliva.

"I haven't eaten anyone for a long time, and the taste is still as good as before. There is another little girl here. Let me eat you too and let you two members do it." The huge Warcraft stepped forward and trembled the earth with one foot.

After being swallowed, Ike followed his intestines to the stomach of Warcraft. It was like a lake, but it was stinky and yellow ** everywhere, as if it were sulfuric acid, which could corrode anything.


Ike fell out of his intestines. When he first saw these yellow **, he knew that there was a great danger here. If he touched these **, he would definitely be melted away.

There is no focus around. Ike can only support the magic gold body, hoping that the magic gold body can block these **.

With a "poof", Ike fell into the yellow gastric juice, and suddenly there was a "sneak" sound, and his magic golden body showed signs of being eaten.

"No, I'm going out. It won't take long for me to be digested." Ike worriedly thought that the digestive function of these gastric juices was so powerful that he couldn't even resist his magic gold body and was about to be defeated.

"Plop, Plop"

Ike saw the stomach wall not far away, and he immediately swam there. The magic gold body could not last long. He had to get out of his stomach in the shortest time.

Soon he swam to the edge of the stomach wall, but at this time, his magic golden body could no longer be maintained. When the gastric juice touched the body, Ike felt severe pain.

"Break it for me", Ike shouted, the strongest blow of the thunder ape boxing, and the thunder blow was launched.


The stomach wall was pierced, and Ike quickly went out of the small hole, and the beast had just taken three steps and came to Mary Kay. It was about to grab her from the ground and eat her. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and it could only cover his stomach and roll on the ground.