Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 107 Fantasy Confrontation

Mary Kay stepped in and felt the world change. Ike, who had just been in front of her, and the ghost face had disappeared. Instead, there was a dilapidated village. There was a family in the village whose house was more dilapidated than anyone else's house. A white-haired grandmother sat at the door with a The bamboo basket with a hole is picking vegetables one by one.

Although there are many dishes in the basket, most of them have withered yellow. The white-haired old girl is choosing one by one and picking out the completely yellow leaves, as long as they are not very yellow.

"Grandma! I'm Xiaomei! Grandma! I miss you so much!" Mary Kay shed two lines of tears. She ran to the old woman, grabbed her wrist and shook it hard.

"Ha, it's Xiaomei who is back! Come on, help grandma choose vegetables," the old woman said with a smile.

Mary Kay nodded, squatted beside the white-haired old man, and selected qualified dishes from the bamboo basket.

"Ah, it's broken, my brother is in danger." Suddenly, Mary Kay's heart felt a sense of crisis, and she recalled it in an instant.

"Well, these are all fake. They are all fake. Grandma has already died. I buried her myself. How dare you lie to me with grandma? I want you to die!" Mary Kay woke up. Her grandmother was her only relative, but the grimace actually turned her into deceiving herself. She felt very angry, so she I vowed to kill the grimace before giving up.

Everything around is like a mirror. As long as it is lifted, it will turn into pieces. The dilapidated village disappears, and the old woman sitting at the door also disappears. Mary Kay finds that she has entered the light tower, and at the moment she regains consciousness, she feels that the grimace is looking at her.

"How can you break the fantasy? Who is this little girl? But no matter who you are, I will kill you!" The grimace thought in his heart that it has lived endless years, and how many people have died in its hands can't remember. Of course, there are many geniuses who can break the fantasy, but they finally died at its hands, so it is very confident. Such a little girl, at all There is no fear, but this teenager always has a sense of danger.

"The situation is born from the heart--the world of ten thousand knives", the grimace roared and roared. Of course, it couldn't understand what Mary Kay shouted.

The surrounding scene changed again, and Ike disappeared again, and the light tower also disappeared. Mary Kay was shocked. She was actually in mid-air and was falling down. Under her feet was a huge abyss. Tens of thousands of swords were inserted in the abys. If it fell like this, she would definitely be directly stabbed to death.

Mary Kay's face changed first, but soon calmed down. She knew that all this was an illusion. Although it was too real to make her feel scared, she had a persistent belief in her heart supporting her.

"I won't be afraid. All this is fake," Mary Kay said silently.

She fell faster and was about to fall to the bottom of the abyss. She could even see the lines on each steel knife clearly, but she just recited the "spell" silently in her mouth, and she was extremely calm and did not pay attention to these steel knives at all.

"Huh", the steel knife disappeared, the surrounding scene returned to normal again, and Ike appeared in front of him.

"Huh?" The grimace was shocked. It has never seen anyone who can break the world of knives so quickly. How can this little girl do it?

"Ghost World", the ghost face sacrifices its own unique move again, which is its most powerful move. It has planned to use this trick to hold Mary Kay back. As long as it can plunge her into a fantasy for a second, it can kill the other party.

If she can understand the name of the grimace shouting, Mary Kay will definitely laugh out loud. Although the name of the world of ghosts is elegant, there are only a dozen ghosts, and most of these ghosts are similar to ghost faces and do not deserve the name of the world of ghosts at all.

The grimace saw the disdain on Mary Kay's face, and she was still proud.

Laugh and despise it. When you taste the pain of ten thousand ghosts, you will know it's powerful, and the grimace monster is secretly happy.

Mary Kay looked at more than a dozen ghost faces floating towards her. She must not care about them, but directly threw out a few magic nuclei and released her own illusion array.

A group of white birds appeared in the fantasy. They "chirped" and rushed to the black ghost faces together, thousands of them.


The white bird easily pierced the black ghost face, and the grimace cried, and separated from the middle into two, but this was not over yet. The split ghost face became slightly one point smaller, and then continued to split, one to two, two to four, four to eight••••••, soon the whole world appeared Countless black faces, more than twice as many as white birds, and the form was reversed in an instant.

Although the single black ghost face is not the opponent of the white bird, it wins in a large number. If it doesn't work, there will be three sieges. Now the two groups of black and white "guys" actually fought equally.

"Are you an illusionist?" The black grimace shouted in surprise.

Mary Kay spoke with a grimace, but it was a pity that she didn't understand, so she didn't intend to save face for the grimace. As soon as she exerted her strength, the white bird suddenly had divine help, and even a pair of three did not fall behind, and even suppressed the black grimace.

The black grimace gritted its teeth and looked at Mary Kay, but now it can't get out to deal with her in person, because it must maintain Ike's fantasy, but Ike's soul is too powerful. It must go all out to completely confuse Ike. Just now, because of dealing with Mary Kay, it scattered some energy. It almost made Ike rush out of the fantasy. Of course, it won't let this happen, so it can only look at Mary Kay helplessly, hoping that its ghost world can block the other party's illusion.

But the reality is cruel. No matter how much the ghosts expect, the ghosts in the world are being eliminated at an alarming rate, and those white birds after winning joined the battle group, which accelerated the process. Soon, all the niggers were wiped out.

"Bow!" This time, the ghost world was broken as if it had broken a mirror, making a crisp sound.

"Well!" The nigger snorted and knew that his ghost world had been broken. His face was ugly, but it still didn't move and continued to say something in Ike's ear.

"Go to hell!" Mary Kay put away the illusion, because she knew that the other party's illusion was better than herself. From the way she used it, it can be seen that she needed the assistance of the magic core, and the other party could form it with one thought, and she formed an array, but the other party used the world. In essence, it is higher than himself. The reason why his white bird can win the other party's black face is entirely because the other party is casting a spell on Ike. This ghost world is probably only one-handed strength of the other party. It is impossible to use illusions for such an illusion master, so Mary Kay chose the most direct method. Stab it to death with a sword.

The black grimace did not move, and he didn't even look at Mary Kay, allowing its long sword to stab.

"Why doesn't it hide?" Mary Kay was puzzled. In fact, her original purpose was not to stab the grimace, because she knew that her skills were very poor and it was almost impossible to stab the target. She just wanted to force the grimace away from Ike's side. From the fact that she did not leave Ike's ear in any case, she could guess that the fantasy she experienced by Ike must need all her full strength. Support it. As long as you force it away, maybe Ike can break the fantasy by himself, but he didn't expect that this nigger would not hide. Can't it leave?

Mary Kay thought of a possibility that Ike's soul was too powerful. The ghost wanted to drag him into the fantasy, but it was fixed by Ike's soul, so it wanted to leave but couldn't leave, but then she thought that if the grimace was dragged down by Ike, it would have been impossible to do it to herself before. The fantasy was exhibited, and as a result, it not only used it, but also used two in a row, so this statement is not valid.

These thoughts just flashed through Mary Kay's mind, and the sword in her hand stabbed straight out without any hesitation.

Since you don't hide, go to hell! Mary Kay thought fiercely.

Without the sound of a sword piercing into the body, Mary Kay was a little stunned. Why didn't it seem to have been stabbed? His eyes blinked, and his long sword actually penetrated directly from the grimace.

Mary Kay stirred the long sword in disbelief, but it was still useless. At this moment, she knew why it did not hide before. It turned out that it had no entity, or its body was like fog, and it was not afraid of cutting the sword at all.

"Ha!", Mary Kay drew her sword again. This time, she stabbed the eyes of a grimace, and those "god" eyes didn't look fake.

Unfortunately, what disappointed her was that the sword still easily passed through the grimace's eyes.

Is this also fake? Mary Kay thought angrily.

The grimace turned her head and looked at Mary Kay slightly, which made people ignore her and continue to strengthen Ike's fantasy. Since Mary Kay can't help herself, why should she be in a hurry to kill Ike first, and then slowly clean up the little girl.

Mary Kay is very angry, but she really can't think of any way to deal with such a monster without entities. She doesn't know how to shake magic and use soul attacks like Ike. What she is best at is illusion, but the other party is also an illusionist, and she is also a much more advanced illusionist than herself, so she There is really no way, so I can only beat my head angrily and keep stabbing with a long sword while thinking about it.

In the bloody world, Ike was held in the arms of a long-haired woman. He enjoyed this family hug and closed his eyes silently as if he were asleep.

The long-haired woman gently patted Ike's back with her right hand and helped him follow his breath from top to bottom, but a pair of gentle eyes suddenly emitted a sharp breath, like a steel knife out of the sheath, which can cut down a layer of human flesh.

Her right hand was raised high, and her nails quietly became longer until they were ten inches long before stopping. Her five fingers were pinched together, her long nails were gathered into a sharp cone, and then stabbed down Ike's back fiercely.

The grimace smiles and is about to succeed. At this time, it will be particularly happy. Its ability is to read other people's memories, and then create the most suitable fantasy according to the memory, and play with each other party between applause. Everyone will only be true at the moment of death. That desperate look is it. Favorite gift, it is now beginning to imagine Ike's death.

The five fingers are inserted fiercely. This blow is aimed at the position of the heart, and one can stir the other party's heart into pieces. There is absolutely no reason to survive.

"What are you going to do?" A cold voice sounded.

A trace of panic flashed in the woman's eyes. She felt that her hand had been caught, and the hand that grabbed her was tightening and getting harder and harder.

"What are you doing?" Ike asked coldly.

"I, I just want to help you get along well. I'm your mother!" the woman smiled.

"Thank you for your illusion!" Ike said with a smile.

"You're welcome, this is what my mother should..." The woman reacted halfway through and looked at Ike in shock.

"You, you are not addicted, do you know early?" the woman said in horror.

"I knew you were fake since you appeared, but I really want to know what kind of person my mother is. Thank you for fulfilling one of my wishes," Ike said with a trace of remembrance.

"Now, you can die," Ike grabbed the woman's hand with a strong force.

"Ka-che", like the sound of crushing glass, the whole woman turned into pieces, and of course, all the mountains and blood seas also disappeared.

Ike's eyes were blood-red, and the sea of corpses and blood just now still had an impact on him, and even the evil aura bounced out.

"Age!", the grimace screamed. All the people who can become evil spirits are all outstanding among people. It's not too much to describe these people as the strongest in the future. I didn't expect that I would hit one today. No wonder I was not fascinated by my own fantasy. Which of the people who can have evil spirit is not as firm as a rock. , can it be shaken? It's ridiculous that he thinks that the other party is addicted to his own fantasy and can take his life at any time.

It's ridiculous! The grimace sighed leisurely.