Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 124 Finally See Cleya

Three days passed quickly. Ike and Mary Kay basically stayed in the room. As for what they were doing, it can be seen from the occasional honey-like smile on Mary Kay's face. During this period, Messi came again, but when she found that the two were still doing the thing, the disdain on her face became more obvious, and she did not say hello to them, so she returned to her room angrily. After that, even she herself was a little puzzled and didn't know why she was angry.

Ike didn't care. Of course, he knew that Messi had come to find him, but at that time, he was at the most critical moment. How could he pay attention to her? Later, when he finished the battle, he thought about it. His affairs were broken by the other party and he didn't know how to face her for a while, so he did not take the initiative to find her. I didn't see Messi again until I arrived at the Ice and Snow Temple on the third day.

"I'm here, get off the boat!" A voice sounded directly in his mind. Ike did not dare to delay and led Mary Kay out. As soon as he left the room, he saw Messi also coming over.

"Hello!" Ike took the initiative to say hello with a shy face.

"Hum", Messi ignored him and turned her head directly. Maybe she was still angry that the other party would attack Mary Kay on the boat!

Ike smiled without saying anything, and he didn't offend her, and took the initiative to greet her. He didn't expect that it would be such a result. He didn't have to flatter the other party, and there was no need to flatter her shamelessly.

As soon as several people went out of the corridor, they felt a chill. This is the address of the Ice and Snow Temple. Naturally, it is extremely cold. Fortunately, Ike's physique is as perverted as a five-level warcraft. Such a little cold is nothing to him, but it suffers Mary Kay. She herself does not have suitable clothes to wear. It was just a fat coat of Ike, and the fierce cold wind blew on her body, which made her tremble a little.

Ike took out a dress sadly. Just as he was about to hand it to Mary Kay, he saw a hand stretched out and a white silver fox coat in his hand. After thinking about it, this dress was more suitable for Mary Kay whether it was warm or style, so he put away the clothes in his hand.

Mary Kay smiled, took the clothes, put them on her, and immediately felt warm. Then she thanked Messi.

"Okay, go down!" A figure appeared next to Ike, looked at Ike strangely, and then said.

After listening to what he said, Ike looked around. There were three huge snow mountains around. The huge snow completely covered the three snowy mountains, and even the foot of the mountain was pure white.

In the middle of the three mountains, there is a valley, which is quite large, more than ten miles in size, and there is a magnificent complex of buildings in the valley, which is like a huge villa.

In Gukou, there were many people standing there, staring at the sky. Obviously, they may have come to welcome the owner of the ship. However, when Ike saw the people waiting below, he couldn't help frowning. They were basically old people, not even a young one. It seems that this jihad is really the three holy places. The old ground is about to be consumed, but the good thing is that there is nothing in this world, but there are many people. It won't take many years for the three holy places to return to their original appearance.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom", a sound of mechanical wheels rotating, saw that the warship actually came down a row of stairs. Ike couldn't help cursing in his heart. The last time he didn't take the stairs and insisted on making people jump up, but today he changed the rules and let several people walk down the stairs.

Of course, walking in the front is the owner of the Ice and Snow Temple. Behind him is Messi, the ice and snow goddess, and behind him are the two men of the Ice and Snow Temple, who are also two of the last eight. Ike and Mary Kay walk at the end.

"Welcome to the return of the Lord!" When the people below saw Sauron coming down the huge ship, they immediately shouted in unison.

Sauron's stiff face squeezed out a smile, but the smile was full of falsehood in Ike's eyes. Mary Kay smiled when she saw Ike's appearance.

The people around them suddenly looked at each other angrily. They thought that the two might be the newly accepted disciples of the temple owner, so they didn't care too much, but these two people dared to laugh at their temple owners openly. Needless to say, they were angry and maybe they would let Ike and Mary Kay taste the power of "family law".

Sauron was very calm, as if nothing had happened. He waved back the people around him and walked to the villa. It seemed that he had experienced a lot of this kind of thing.

In the past, Ike might have stared at Mary Kay, but now the two are like glue. They are not willing to stare at her. Instead, they hold her hand and quietly clenched a little.

Although these people were angry with Mary Kay's rudeness just now, the Lord did not care about it, and naturally they did not dare to surpass it.

Ike followed Mary Kay behind Sauron and walked towards the villa. His main purpose this time was to take Kleeya away, but he had just arrived here and was not suitable to bring it up.

The villa is very large. After entering through a gate, there is a garden with carved columns and jade, rockery and flowing water, which is extremely beautiful.

When he walked to the door of another courtyard, Sauron stopped. He looked at Ike and said, "I have something else to do today. In this way, I'll ask Messi to help you arrange a place to live. As for the little girl you are looking for, I will take you to see her tomorrow. What do you think?"

Although the other party has a questionable tone and is not very friendly, Ike has to buy him. This is the base camp of the Ice and Snow Temple, and he does not have any capital to show off.

"Okay, Miss Messi, please," Ike said to Messi quickly.

Messi just looked at Ike and didn't say anything. Originally, Ike came to the Ice and Snow Temple as the son of the Dark Council. Even if Sauron did not receive him in person, it would be appropriate to have at least an elder to receive him, but now he just let the Snow Godn to welcome Ike. Of course, the status of the two is still be similar. , but Messi already has an "idea" about him, so his attitude is naturally not much better.

Ike doesn't care, so he won't care what Messi thinks of himself. As long as Cleya can save him, the task will be completed.

Sauron looked back and forth between Messi and Ike, but finally couldn't see anything. He gave up and disappeared.

Under the leadership of Messi, Ike and Mary Kay came to an extremely elegant courtyard, which will be the temporary residence of the two of them. Although Messi is not satisfied with Ike and thinks he is a stallion, he is also the son of the Dark Parliament, no matter what It is said that they can't live too poorly.

Ike and Mary Kay lived happily. The fantasy here is very good. Mary Kay is simple, but she is not stupid. After dinner, she found Ike's nervousness. She took the initiative to take Ike to visit the night scene. Although the two slept in a ** at night, Ike was very regular, and I don't want to do that kind of thing.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Mary Kay asked worriedly.

Ike shook his head. There was nothing wrong with his body, but a knot in his heart. Perhaps as people said, he was afraid of his hometown. When he didn't see Cleya, he always thought of her, but now he was about to see him, but he was afraid that Klee could not be cured, and he was afraid that she would be cured. He doesn't remember himself, and the things about himself and Mary Kay, and the things about Cherry, which are all his worries and worries.

Mary Kay reached out and hugged Ike's head and gently pressed it on her chest to give him confidence in this silent way.

Ike was just thinking nonsense. It took him a long time to fall asleep. The next day, he woke up and got up immediately. Today is the day to see Klee, and naturally he will not be late.

Sauron also arrived soon. The two greeted him like a routine, and then proposed to see Kleeya. Of course, Ike readily agreed.

is still the door yesterday. This time, only Ike followed Sauron alone. The two passed through the door as if they had entered another world. If there is still a world of flowers and plants in front of it, then this is the world of ice and snow. Like the snowy mountains, they are all white, and they are white wherever they see everywhere. Key tone.

The two stepped on the snow, but did not leave footprints. Sauron couldn't help but be surprised when he found this. After all, it was not so easy to do this.

In front of an iron gate, Sauron stopped and reached out and pressed the wall. The iron door opened, revealing a gap. Only then did Ike find that this place was at the foot of the mountain, and behind the iron gate was a deep tunnel. He didn't expect that it was to the bottom of the mountain! Ike was shocked.

There is no lighting stone in the tunnel, but there seems to be a layer of fluorescent material on the wall, which can illuminate the whole tunnel. Ike followed Sauron slowly and soon came to an ice room.

The room is not big, only 40 or 50 square meters, surrounded by ice walls. There is only an ice bed in the room. ** lies a young and beautiful woman, while an old man with white hair sits on one side, holding the woman's hand tightly and has little reaction to the people coming from one side.

In addition to the ice bed, there is only a table made of ice. There is some food on the table, but it has not been moved at all. Obviously, this is for the elderly.

"Aunfather, you'd better eat a little. Only when you are full will Kleeya wake up happy, otherwise..." Ike took a step forward, but before I said that I would be caught by Chilo's collar.

"If Xiaoya hadn't blocked that arrow for you, she wouldn't have been here forever." Chilo almost lost his mind. He knew that all this had little to do with Ike, and they were all involved in the war.

Ike lowered his head, which was also the reason for his guilt. No matter what the reason was, Kleea saved him, and he was willing to be scolded or beaten by her father.

"Ciro, you'd better put down the Son of God. Just talk about it!" Sauron came forward and persuaded him. Anyway, Ike is also the son of God of the Dark Council. If he is bullied by outsiders on his side, he doesn't have to go out.

As the owner of the Ice and Snow Temple, he is still very powerful. Naturally, Chilo did not dare to refute, so he could only release Ike.

"I'm sorry, uncle!" Ike sincerely apologized.

"Forget, it has nothing to do with you. It's Xiaoya's life is not good." Chilo Leah naturally had resentment because she had been here for nearly a year, so he only had a seizure when Ike came in, but he was also a person with clear grudges, so he did not mean to continue to embarrass Ike. .

"Ike Shenzi came to help this little girl this time. Although I don't know what he can do, he seems to be very confident!" Sauron said to Chilo.

Ike raised his eyebrows, and he didn't know what Sauron meant, so he had no choice but to think about it.

"Uncle, I will definitely be able to cure Xiaoya, please don't worry!" Of course, Ike can't have stage fright at this time. He did this to increase Chilo's confidence in his heart and make him believe that he can do it, instead of bragging.

Only then did Chilo look at Ike again and found that he was much more mature and stable than a year ago. As for the son of God in Sauron's mouth, he also knew that there would be sons of gods and goddesses in the three holy places. These people used to be sure that they would definitely become gods and did not expect the one in front of him. The little guy was actually regarded as such a person, but all this had little to do with him. All he wanted was Klee's safety.

"Can you really cure Xiaoya?" Chilo stared at Ike and asked.

"I can," Ike replied loudly.