Creation Rubik's Cube

Chapter 131 See Delin

After each holy war, it is a time when talents wither. Only time can slowly make up for talents, but the three holy places can't wait. After the opening of the sky, someone must break through and become gods. If they don't speed up the time to fight outside the territory, these new gods will look at the three holy places, so they also do the same. Forced.

Ike doesn't have so many ideas. He doesn't want to help the Dark Parliament to fight outside the territory. Now he just wants to find his father and girlfriend and live a happy life.

"Whatever you want, but I won't go. Of course, if there is anything I can help you with, I can also consider helping you." Ike finally changed his mind. It's not that he wanted to help the Dark Parliament, but he suddenly thought that the old skeleton was good to himself, especially in the end, talking about the whole collection. The library was open to himself, which moved him a little and owed a little, so he wanted to help them and pay back this kindness.

"Okay", Rahitler did not expect him at all, and it was a surprise that he could get a promise from him. Although Ike is now a Rubik's Cube, as a son of God, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a god, and his future is brighter and farther than ordinary people. Maybe it's true. There will be times when you need him.

Next, the two chatted casually, and then Ike left here with Mary Kay. Instead of going to Wushuang City to pick up Mary Kay and Linda, he thought of his father. He didn't know where he was now, and of course his biological father. He didn't want to see him, but Caesar was so To help himself, just to let himself meet that person once. If he didn't go, he was really sorry, so he finally decided to meet Caesar's father first, and then go to his adoptive father.

Out of the compound, Ike first contacted Caesar. After asking about their residence, Ike took Mary Kay to find a secluded place, set foot on his Ledi 189, and came directly from the Heavenly Empire to a city on the border of the Lane Empire.

Leiyun City is a small city between the Lane Empire, the Warcraft Empire and the endless sea. It originally stationed a force of the Lane Empire, but it was later submerged by the Hart family's army. Since then, it has become a stronghold of the Hart family.

With Laidi No. 189 leading the way, you just need to know the location. A few minutes later, Ike has stood in front of the gate of Laiyun City.

"Hold, who is coming?" A sentry tower on the gate, on which the soldiers shouted harshly.

"I'm here to see Delin Hart," Eckron said.

The soldier was stunned at first. The name Delin Hart was very familiar, but he suddenly couldn't remember it. After thinking about it carefully, his eyes widened. The man in front of him actually wanted to see the general.

"Can you meet the general casually? Leave quickly, or I will arrest you," the soldier said fiercely.

Ike frowned and said that the soldiers of the Hart family were disciplined, but if they were all like this person, it would be too arrogant.

"What are you doing?" The gate opened, and a group of soldiers rushed out and questioned Ike.

Ike frowned even more. He had been struggling to see Delin Hart, but now he has received this treatment. Naturally, he was not in a good mood. He slapped him, and the group of soldiers fell to the ground with a scream.

"Hm!" The horn of the war sounded, and the soldier on the watchtower immediately sounded the horn. Such a bold man naturally had to be arrested and whipped well. He was even thinking about what kind of punishment to use to deal with Ike.

"Ddu, Dudu", a dull voice sounded, and a team of soldiers rushed out of the city and surrounded Ike and Mary Kay.

"Huh, bully people", Mary Kay was unhappy. With a wave of the magic wand in her little hand, several magic crystals flew out, and an illusion suddenly formed and surrounded all the soldiers.

"Wow, what a big snake!"

"Help! The flying dragon is coming!"

"Bat, a lot of vampire bats, save me!"

The soldiers wailed and begged for mercy, but Mary Kay would not let them go so easily and show them a little color, so that they wouldn't know their last name.

"Brother, you're finally here." A voice sounded, and at the same time, a figure appeared in front of Ike and Mary Kay, tall and powerful, with the same face as Ike. The only difference was their eyes, one full of gloom and violence, while the other was melancholy and resentment, and a trace of Full of hope.

Naturally, Caesar came. Although he was indeed his brother, Ike still couldn't stand his close name. He simply ignored him and just said lightly, "Where is he?" I just came to see him and left after seeing him!"

"Father has been waiting for you. Come with me and this lady, come over!" Caesar said with a smile. Although his smile is very standard, it does not give him a trace of warmth.

The two walked to the city under the leadership of Caesar, leaving a group of dancing soldiers in place, and no one cares about them.

Stopping in front of a small yard, Caesar opened the courtyard door. There were several armored people standing in the yard. At a glance, they were generals. They were all surprised to see a man and a woman. The man's face was covered with a scarf and he could not see his face clearly, but the woman was charming, but she had two gradually ears. It turned out to be an orc, but the Hart family cooperated with the Warcraft Empire, so they didn't care about it when they saw the orcs.

"Young master, let's say goodbye first!" Several generals said at the same time that they were not fools. Looking at Caesar's appearance, he obviously took the two people to have a private conversation with General Delin. Naturally, they would not stay here as light bulbs.

Caesar did not leave them and let them leave. When they were wrong, Ike could still feel the eyes of these people on him. Obviously, they wanted to see something from it, but they were all disappointed. Now Ike's realm has been able to control his breath well and will not vent it at will. Lu, it is impossible to recognize yourself by feeling.

After several generals left here, they naturally had to discuss their identities, but Ike didn't care and followed Caesar into the room.

I only saw an old man lying on **, coughing slightly. Ike was stunned. He thought about a lot of meetings, and also thought about a lot of conversations between the two people. When they met, he wanted to say something, but he didn't expect such a situation. Look at ** old man Son, obviously, is terminally ill and may die at any time.

"I came to see you." Ike walked to the bedside and had forgotten what he was supposed to say for a long time. His mouth opened and just said such a sentence.

"Okay, okay, okay," Delin said three good words in a row, but the next step was to keep coughing.

Caesar was a little distressed, but he couldn't help. He knew that his father was happy at this moment, so he went out silently. Mary Kay thought for a moment and went out to leave the room for the father and son.

"What's wrong with you?" Ike asked. Although the other party has not taken care of himself for even a day, he still doesn't want to see him die like this. Blood is thicker than water, which is an indisputable fact.

"It's useless. I know my illness. No one can cure it. Don't worry about me," Delin said with a smile.

Who is worried about you? Ike originally wanted to say it out, but for some reason, he still swallowed it.

"Can I touch your hand?" Delin said tremblingly.

Ike frowned. Just as Delin was about to give up the idea, Ike stretched out his hand. Delin was overjoyed and grabbed Ike's hand tremblingly and gently stroked it with his two hands.

Ike's heart trembled, and there was a feeling of sadness in his heart and the impulse to cry, but Fortunately, his willpower was still very strong, and he abruptly suppressed this impulse.

"Is that girl outside your girlfriend?" Delin asked. He is now like an ordinary old man. He no longer cares about national affairs and asks about things between his children.

"It's my wife," Ike said firmly. Since she has had sex and loves her in her heart, she is her wife. Even if there is no wedding, she is her wife, not her girlfriend.

"Good wife, good wife, I heard that you still have two girlfriends?" Delin asked with a smile.

"They are all wives". In Ike's heart, the three of them are equally important, and there is no difference in order, so they treat them as wives.

"Okay, okay, okay, of course, the more wives, the better, and they can give birth to more babies in the future." Delin smiled more cheerfully.

"Does Caesar have no wife? Or girlfriend?" Ike asked. He has never seen Caesar with any woman or heard of his gossip, and he is in his thirties, which is a little abnormal.

In fact, this is also Ike's thought that has not changed, or the doll thought in the mountain village at the beginning. The life expectancy of the magic cube is longer than that of ordinary people, and his face is also aging slowly. There are many people who fall in love and get married at the age of 70 or 80, but Ike has never been in contact with it. I don't know.

"If you say this, you will be angry. He is different from you. His mind only wants to practice. I used to agree with him, but now think about it, no matter how important cultivation is, it's not as important as getting a family. Alas all my fault!" Delin sighed and said.