Travel through another world to raise a little Zhengtai

34, Bright Flight: Success

34, Bright Flight: Success

(I used someone else's book to code words... So, it may be updated from time to time. I'm really sorry. I really don't know how to code words on my mobile phone! Instead, there was no code last night. Although I was depressed, I went to bed early... Haha, I didn't find that my skin really got better after going to bed early! Is this a perverted optimism? It's really depressing that T-T's New Year's notebook is broken.)

Seeing Xiaohua and Youyou chatting vigorously, Xiaobai went to find Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen has flown no less than ten times, but every time, he does not dare to fly high. It seems that as long as it is more than ten meters, he can't help but fly down quickly... Perhaps this is the limit of what people with fear of heights can do! When Xiaobai arrived, he found that his eyes were closed every time.

"Lin Zhen, how's it going?" Although I know that he will be embarrassed to ask, I guess it won't work if I don't ask.

"I..." Lin Zhen's face turned red... What is his current relationship with her? Although they had close contact, he always couldn't believe it. Is that long kiss true?

"Ha ha... Don't be embarrassed!" Xiaobai smiled gently. She thought he was thinking about flying. Well, I'll take you up, and I'll talk to you again.

She did what she said and did. As soon as she tried her best, she took Lin Zhen's hand, condensed into wings and rushed to the sky. At a certain height, she stayed in the sky and turned her head to see that Lin Zhen's eyes were still closed. Even his whole body seemed to be shaking. I couldn't help smiling and knew that she was actually forcing him, but how fun it is to fly. Can't you give up just because you are afraid?

"Don't think your feet are empty... Think about it, we condensed our spiritual power under our feet... Look carefully, the shape of the spiritual power under my feet looks like a rabbit?" This time, Xiaobai deliberately used the spiritual power of fire to transform the spiritual power of his feet into a fiery red rabbit. This rabbit is vivid and very cute.

Lin Zhen did not dare to open his eyes, but when he heard Xiaobai say so, he slowly opened his eyes, although the strength from the palm of his hand let Xiaobai know that this may be his limit.

"Ah, it's really a rabbit..." Lin shouted in shock.

"Well, look again, is it a sword under my feet?" This time, she used the wooden spiritual power to turn the wooden spiritual power under her feet into a cyan flying sword.

"It's really a sword!" Lin Zhen suddenly felt something.

"So, if you feel particularly safe when you step on the soil, then try to transform into some dirt under your feet! In this way, you won't be afraid, right?" Xiaobai thinks that this is the only way that is suitable for Lin Zhen, right?

"Okay, I'll try."

I don't know whether it was the power of Xiaobai from his right hand or his efforts, and finally made a breakthrough. This time, Lin Zhen flew higher and higher, but a distance from his body, he always followed some green earth-like spiritual power. Perhaps it was because of these wooden spiritual powers that made him so brave. Right?

Xiaobai shouted happily: "Hey..."

This sound spread far and far... scared the two children chatting on the grass below: the golden flower and green Youyou are familiar with each other very quickly, and you don't know how many times you have said how many times he decided to enter the space.

This scream also scared Lin Zhen... Although he knew that Xiaobai was always unexpected, such a loud scream made him regain his feeling by the river called the North with him. He was overjoyed: Maybe he has had a place in her mind since then?

So, he also shouted, "Hey... I can fly..."

Hearing such a voice, Xiaobai knew that he had succeeded! She also succeeded! Haha...

I don't know how long she has been flying with him. In a word, when his spiritual power was almost exhausted, the two of them fell down. Xiaobai found that there were still many... or tricks in her body. This is related to her five elements. With a flash of her head, she suddenly felt that the spiritual power in her body might be five times that of others? After all, one element accumulates so much spiritual power. If there are five elements, it will accumulate five times the spiritual power, right? It's just different attributes, right?

She was excited again when she thought of this.

"Lin Zhen, come on, tell me what the light flying technique is like. I'll try it too." Yes, she doesn't want those black wings. How white wings are like angels! Black, does it feel like a devil? Well, she thinks too much.

Lin Zhen may have been too excited to fly, and his cheeks are still red. It seems that he is still immersed in the excitement just now. Yes, whoever has lived for nearly 20 years is afraid of heights and suddenly can fly around in the high sky. Of course, he is very excited.

"Xiao Bai... Thank you..." Lin Zhen pulled his right hand hard, and Xiao Bai came to his arms. He hugged her tightly: This little woman to his chest can always surprise him like this and that. Maybe that's why he fell deeply in love with her?

"Ha ha..." The smell of the fresh man on his body came from the tip of her nose. Instead of pushing him away, she leaned on him. Isn't what a woman looks for in her life a warm embrace? She always feels that she jumps into someone's arms or something... It feels so warm.

Maybe it was the beauty of the last long kiss. His mouth easily found her mouth, and two young hearts bumped into her again. Suddenly, it seemed that there was a pink cherry blossom rain in the sky.

"Mom...what are you doing?" Xiaohua suddenly appeared, with a strong worry in her voice. She remembered that in the past, Guang's mother also did such a thing with a man. Later, soon after, Guang's mother disappeared. She must not let the same thing happen again. She squeezed hard between the two of them and separated them.

"Well... I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything..." Xiaobai's face turned red. She forgot that in this space, in addition to the two of them, there are also two children, Xiaohua and Youyou! Lin Zhen, aren't you going to tell me about the light flight? Come on, say it. I'll practice it well."

"Well... it's...bright flying, it's like this..." Lin Zhen's face is relatively thin, and this time, it's even more red. Even the speech stammered.

It is very easy for Xiaobai to understand this flying technique. Soon, she rushed into the sky. However, what she didn't see was that her wings were not white or black, but colorful!

The three people on the ground were stunned.

Especially the little flower, which she has seen, whose mother's wings are also white. The man she hates is black. However, she really hasn't seen the colorful wings. Such wings are so beautiful!

(This book has been used for three years,

The hard disk has been replaced once,

The network card is broken,

This time, the screen is broken,

I'm thinking, do you want me to buy a new notebook in the new year? Depressed!)