The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 24 Qingwu Family

This meal was very awkward. Except for Lei Shuang, he rarely had contact with people. A strange beauty was next to him. He didn't know how to eat it. He just lowered his head and kept pulling rice.

The same is true of Qingwu. He lowered his head and just ate. Occasionally, he carried a chopsticks and only dared to hold the bowl of vegetables in front of him. From time to time, he peeked at Bai Linger opposite.

However, Qingqing was really hungry and ate all the two bowls of food that Qingwu gave him.

After a while, Bai Linger pushed the bowl and chopsticks and said, "I've finished eating. Take your time. I'm leaving."

Qingwu stood up and said, "Ah! Are you leaving?" Bai Linger smiled and said, "Yes, I have to go to Dongpu today!"

Qing Wudao: "Well, then you go..."

Bai Linger gave a salute to Xiao Tian, and her beautiful body floated away.

Qingwu was still standing there, looking blankly at the door of the hall.

What are you looking at when you're gone!

Qingqing flew to Qingwu's shoulder and fell down, stretching his beak to peck his earlobe. Qingwu was in pain. Ouch, he called out, and then slowly sat down and picked up his chopsticks to eat.

Qingqing shouted a few times in Qingwu's ear. Qingwu blushed and just shook his head. Although Xiao Tian looked interesting, he didn't ask what they said, just ate by himself.

As soon as Bai Linger left, Xiao Tian felt much more relaxed. He smelled the smell of the food on the table and couldn't help but have a great appetite. Several dishes looked exquisite. Xiao Tian hadn't had a good meal for a long time. Just now, the beautiful woman was on the side and didn't know the taste of the food. At this time, it was fine. The wind swept through the clouds and he devoured two bowls of rice. Several bowls of dishes on the table were eaten clean.

After eating, Qingqing and Qingwu opened their mouths and stared at him stunned. Seeing him raise his head, Qingwu asked, "Are you full?" There are more over there, do you still want it?

Xiao Tian smiled shyly and said, "Enough, I'm full!"

Qing Wudao: "Then let's go. From now on, you can come to dinner by yourself."

The two said goodbye to each other and went back separately.

That night, Qingqing didn't go back to find her mother, but stayed in his cabin and curled up beside his pillow. **'S bedding was soft, and there was a gentle purr from the pillow. Xiao Tian looked at the roof and only felt that what had happened on this day was like a dream.

He reached out and touched Qingqing's hairy little head in disbelief. Qingqing twisted impatiently and hummed in his throat.

I'm not dreaming, and I finally arrived at a safe place where I can practice at ease.

Xiao Tian has settled down in Yaoxian Valley for more than a month. In addition to practicing his skills, he wanders around the mountains and grasslands with Qingqing every day.

The Qingwu clan was originally a medicine for ancient immortals. This medicine valley was originally a fairy medicine farm. Later, the mainland's population became more and more, the world was complicated, and people's hearts were fluctuating. Due to the practice of immortals, they all moved to another continent. Some rare medicines could not adapt to the climate of another continent, so they left one of the Qingwu family to guard here. Every hundred years, messengers from the immortals came to get medicine and brought a batch of rare herbs and products from another continent.

Qingwu takes every hundred years as a generation. Children born in a hundred years are named according to numbers in the order of birth before the first rebirth. When they are 60 years old, they say goodbye to their infancy and rename them.

This is why Qingwu said that he also used a name as an adult that day. Xiao Tian couldn't help smiling when he thought of this.

The Yaoxian Valley is as warm as spring all year round. Xiaotian's hut is more comfortable and cool because it is built on a tree and is very suitable for living.

The cool wind blew in from the window, and Xiao Tian was practicing a small light element formula called "Aurora Flash" in the room. In the second layer, this is the most practical formula, which will emit extremely bright bright light, making the enemy temporarily blind, and increasing his chances to defeat the enemy and save his life.

He practiced for a while, and just found a little feeling. With the magic formula in his hand, he suddenly emitted a dazzling light. Coincidentally, Qingqing flew in at this time, followed by Qingwu.

When the strong light shone, he fell to the ground with a bang. Qingwu saw that the situation was not good and covered his eyes with his hands.

Xiao Tian was shocked by them and hurriedly finished his work. He put him in ** with his two green wings. The troublemaker still couldn't see anything. He looked around with a pair of blank small eyes, and his wings fluttered and struggled to get up.

Xiao Tian was depressed: He didn't knock or say hello when he entered the door. If something happened, can I bear the responsibility?!

He was angry and complained to Qingqing, "Just close your eyes and rest for a while. Next time you can't come in casually when I practice, you will die!"

Qingqing chirped, and Xiao Tian couldn't understand what he was saying. He spread his hands to Qingwu and shrugged his shoulders.

Qingwu smiled and said to Qingqing, "Look at you, you don't want to take Xingdan. Are you worried now!"

After saying that, Qingqing turned around and hit Xiao Tian again. "Brother Tian, the 18th brother said that as long as you don't die at that time, there will be more life-saving elixirs in our clan. Just take some casually. Maybe you can improve your skills!"

Xiao Tian was speechless. After getting along with him, he also knew that Qingqing was not bragging. The Qingwu family was not only good at collecting medicine, but also good at cultivating herbs. There were many masters of alchemy in the clan. It was not difficult to get a few life-saving elixir.

Just like Qingwu, who had not yet been in the period of transformation, was deceived by Qinghe to eat the transformation elixir and turned into a human form in advance.

This metamorphic elixir is extremely precious. Eating one can transform Warcraft into a human. The transformed Warcraft not only has the original skills of Warcraft, but also has human wisdom, which can practice human elemental formulas. Thousands of money on the mainland can't buy one, but it was used as a prank by Qinghe and Qingqing.

Seeing that he was depressed, Qingwu stopped translating Qingqing's strange talk and said to him: "Brother Tian, Lao 18 is greedy and wants us to take him to the grassland to catch a wild rabbit to eat.

Xiao Tian was also young and cheered, and the three of them went out happily.

If the fat man is here and sees so many prey, I'm afraid he will laugh so much that his teeth will fall off!

Xiao Tian looked at the endless grassland and the beautiful jade belt river on the grassland, thinking gloomily.

He took out the fishing rod he made a few days ago and sat by the river fishing.

The last time he came to the river with Qingqing Qingwu, he found that there was a strange ice fish in the river. The body of the fish was transparent, and the bones and internal organs inside were clearly visible. It was extremely beautiful with the colorful stones at the bottom of the river. He was surprised and tried to catch one.

The fish picked up the polar ice and froze almost at the same time as it came out of the water. The hand was so frozen that it was stuck to the fish. It took a lot of effort to remove it, and the right hand of the fish caught was frozen numb.