The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 67 turning enemies into friends

It is basically a logical thing for the Lan patriarch to come. Lin Bai also knows that it can't be stopped. Just now, he just blocked it in his heart and became a villain. Now Lin Bai and his son have just lost face in front of the elves, but they are embarrassed to make branches again, but they are silent.

A burst of heated discussion among the elves set the date of the queen's accession to the throne.

Xiao Tian was urged by Qingwu to laugh when he didn't eat breakfast in the morning: just now, he was so hungry that he forgot everything when he mentioned the queen's accession to the throne...

Just thinking of this, Elder Jin touched his stomach and smiled, "The elf clan has neglected the guests today. It's time to eat!"

Xiao Tian's heart is very strange: Is Elder Jin also hungry, or does he know that I am hungry?

Yueer seemed to know what he thought and smiled, "Grandpa Jin, how do you know I'm hungry?"

The blue patriarch smiled and said, "Lunch is ready. Let's go to Wuweixuan for dinner!"

The elves dispersed.

The ancient elder passed by Xiao Tian and said, "I'm sorry to bother Mr. Xiao. I have something to ask for advice after using the meal. I don't know if Mr. Xiao is convenient?"

Xiao Tian was stunned and hurriedly responded, "Yes! I will follow the instructions of the ancient elders.

But I saw the ancient elder walk to Lin Jie and said, "Come to the Precepts Hall after dinner!"

Lin Jie was stunned, and then his face was bitter, and Ai Ai answered.

Xiao Tian suddenly believed that this ancient elder was a law enforcement elder in the elf clan. He just said that he would take action with Lin Jie on the Yaoxian grassland. Other elves didn't matter. As a law enforcement elder, the ancient elder must take care of it. Well, try to say something good for Lin Jie later, and you don't have to blame him too much

Wuweixuan is a place used by elves to entertain important guests. It is beautifully decorated but not luxurious.

Xiao Tian was arranged to sit at the same table with Yue's mother and daughter and the elders. Originally, he was asked to sit on the head, but he insisted on not sitting down, and the patriarch Lan was not reluctant, so he had to sit down by himself.

This meal was extremely rich and delicious, but Xiaogu was not present at the banquet. Xiao Tian admired this resourceful teenager and wanted to make friends with him, but he scanned the hall but did not find it, and did not dare to ask others, so he had to forget it.

Xiao Tian thought while eating: The elves and the Qingwu are both extremely long-lived races. The Qingwu are harmonious, but the elves have internal sfighting. It is much more difficult to be the patriarch of the elves than the patriarch of the Qingwu.

Xiao Tian thought of this and looked up in the direction of the patriarch Lan: Seeing Yueer sitting next to her mother, she did not eat, but just talking happily to the patriarch Lan.

I don't know what they said. They looked up together and looked in the direction of Xiao Tian. It happened that Xiao Tian was also looking at them. The mother and daughter smiled at Xiao Tian at the same time, and Yueer even pointed to the dishes on the table, meaning to let him eat more.

Xiao Tian saw that many elves around him had noticed this scene, blushed and hurriedly lowered his head to eat.

Xiao Tian ate this meal tasteless and barely finished the meal in the bowl. He remembered that the ancient elder had something to do with him, and stretched his neck around to find the ancient elder.

Elder Gu was already sitting opposite, holding a cup of tea in his hand. When he looked up, he smiled at him.

Xiao Tianxin said: The ancient elders are waiting for me. He hurriedly wiped his mouth and stood up. The ancient elder also stood up and came over. The two walked out of Wuweixuan together.

Xiao Tian did not dare to walk side by side with the ancient elders, deliberately slowing down and falling behind half a step. Seeing that he was modest and polite, the ancient elders had a better impression on this human teenager.

The Ring Hall is also in the palace of the elves. After walking along the curved corridor for a while, it comes to a hall. The decoration style here is obviously different from that of the council hall. It completely abandons those exquisite carvings and is mainly black and white, which looks solemn.

Lin Jie has been waiting in the Rules Hall.

He stood on the left side of the door, bowing his head and didn't dare to say anything. His dark face was dark, and his face was full of uneasy expressions. His body, thin and tall as a bamboo pole, looked three points shorter.

Xiao Tian and Elder Gu came in, and Lin Jie buried his head in his chest and could only see the long hair behind his head.

Elder Gu sat down on a chair in the middle of the hall, and then an elf teenager moved a chair for Xiao Tian. Elder Gu led him and said, "Mr. Xiao, please sit down!"

The ancient elder's expression was not angry and arrogant, and he was completely different from Wuweixuan just now. Xiao Tian did not dare to say much and sat down.

Several middle-aged elves came in one after another, all of whom sat on both sides of the ancient elders.

The ancient elder looked at the people coming and said to Lin Jie, "What's the matter with what happened on the Yaoxian grassland that Mr. Xiao said?"

Lin Jie lowered his head but didn't say anything and couldn't see the expression on his face.

Xiao Tian was a little unbearable. After all, it was caused by himself and his fourth uncle killing his pet, and he can't be blamed. He had an idea and suddenly thought of a way.

He stood up, saluted the elves, and said, "Let me talk about this!"

Lin Jie suddenly looked up at him, with a poisonous look in his eyes.

Xiao Tian pretended not to see his eyes and said, "That was some time ago. That night, I went to the Yaoxian Grassland to catch a yellow sheep. The yellow sheep fled to the edge of the magic jade forest and was blocked by the Muxi flower wall.

I was about to catch it, but I didn't see that Brother Lin was opposite the flower wall and tied me up by him. At that time, I panicked and used an aurora flash. Although through the Muxi flower wall, Brother Lin's eyes were still so bright that I couldn't see anything, so I took the opportunity to escape.

Later, I learned that the elf clan did not eat meat. Maybe Brother Lin's compassionate attack and couldn't bear the yellow sheep to become my plate! At that time, I was still measuring the gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, thinking that he was going to grab the yellow sheep with me!"

Speaking of this, Xiao Tian said to Lin Jie with a stunned face, "Brother Lin, I'm really sorry. I don't know if your eyes are okay?"

Lin Jiequan didn't expect Xiao Tian to speak for himself, and his face changed rapidly. After hearing this, he didn't know how to answer, but he opened his mouth and couldn't speak.

When the ancient elder and several elves around him heard this, they looked peaceful. The ancient elder said, "Is the conflict between Mr. Xiao and Lin Jie across the Muxi flower wall?" Xiao Tian said, "Yes, he is inside and I am outside. He tied Ru Yisuo to me. I blinded him by the aurora, and no one took advantage of him. Elder Gu, the younger generation begged you for a favor. Can Brother Lin and I forget about this? After all, it's just a misunderstanding.

Elder Gu laughed and said, "So, haha, of course it's okay! It's not because Lin Jie and you want to punish him. He thought he had violated the clan rules and left the magic jade forest without authorization. Now it seems that it is indeed a misunderstanding. Lin Jie, why don't you apologize to Mr. Xiao?

The elves themselves do not eat meat, but they do not prohibit other races from eating meat. You are too much more generous in your business!"

Lin Jieshi heard Xiao Tian lie to the elders of the Precepts Hall and apologized to himself. He was already very grateful to Xiao Tian.

He hurriedly stepped forward and saluted Xiao Tian: "Brother Xiao, it's my fault that everything between us is between us. I'm really sorry for Brother Xiao. I hope Brother Xiao will forgive me this time."

What he said was sincere and sincere.

Xiao Tian replied, "Where are we? We really don't know each other! It's just that Brother Lin, you are so tall that your neck is sore when talking to you! Haha!!" He took two steps forward and held his hand and laughed.

The elves in the hall laughed at the same time. Elder Gu smiled and waved his hand and said, "You two go out. It's better to be young!"

Lin Jie and Xiao Tian saluted the elves at the same time and retreated side by side.

Lin's father had already been waiting at the door. When he saw the two of them going out, he hurriedly greeted them. First, he took Lin Jie's hand and asked, "How's it going? Are you all right?"

Lin Jie broke away from his father's hand and motioned Xiao Tian, "Thanks to Brother Xiao's help, it's all right."

Lin's father came to hold Xiao Tian's hand again and said, "Thank you, Xiao Xian's nephew! What the hell is going on?" Xiao Tian pouted to the rules hall behind him and whispered, " Uncle Lin, it's not appropriate to say more here."

Lin's father suddenly realized that he let go of his hand and said, "Okay, I'm confused. You two go out to play, Jie, come home and come to my room in the evening."

Lin Jie answered and pulled Xiao Tian's sleeves, and the two walked out of the palace along the winding corridor.

came to the open space in front of the hall and looked at no one around. Lin Jie saluted Xiao Tian: "Brother Xiao is broad-minded and doesn't care about the past. In the past, I was wrong. Brother Xiao wanted to beat and scold, so let me do whatever you want!"

Xiao Tian saw that this guy was also simple and funny, took his hand and smiled, "This is really not good. We will be friends in the future. Why can't we beat and scold friends?"

Lin Jie was about to say something, but Yue'er's voice sounded in the distance: "Lin Jie! What are you going to do again?"

The two looked at the voice together and saw Yueer pulling Xiaogu and hurriedly running over.

Lin Jie let go of Xiao Tian's hand and smiled at Yueer, "Miss Yueer, Brother Xiao and I are speaking ill of you!"

Yueer looked at him and Xiao Tian. She curled her lips and said, "I don't believe it. Brother Tian won't listen to you!"

Xiaogu looked at the situation of the two people and just smiled.

Lin Jie restrained his smile, saluted Yueer sincerely, and said, "Yuer, it was my fault in the past. I won't let Xiaodi bully your ink pupil again!"

Yueer curled her lips again and said, "Mo Tong is not afraid of Xiaodi being bullied... What are you talking about?"

She pointed to her nose: "I heard it right. Are you apologizing to me?"

Lin Jie smiled bitterly and saluted Yueer again, saying, "I'm sorry, it was all my fault before."

Yueer showed an incredible expression and said to Xiao Gu, "Is this Lin Jie? Did I hear it right?"

Xiao Gu pushed her with a smile: "Okay, don't play Lin Jie!"

Yueer then said with a smile, "Okay, I forgive you, Brother Lin Jie. When will you let Xiaodi apologize to my Mo Tong?"

Lin Jie's face was so bitter that he didn't know how to answer. Xiao Gu bent his finger and bounced a poppy on Yue'er's head: "Is it over?"

Xiao Tian said funnyly, "Brother Gu, I admire you so much. How dare you play Miss Yueer's popcorn? You are so bold!"

His words are three points interesting, but seven points are sincere. Since I met Yueer, no one can do anything about the eldest lady's unruly temper, but Yueer listens to Xiaogu's words very much, which is really strange.

Yueer listened to this but refused: "Brother Tian, even you are both bad guys!"

Several teenagers laughed.

Chief Lan and Elder Jin came out of the hall. Seeing this scene, they looked at each other and nodded with a smile.