The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 95 "Call the corpse" Wang Jialei

After walking on the campus for a while, there were more and more students on the road. Xiao Tian returned to the dormitory. Qingwu was washing up, but there was no sign of Feixuan and Qingqing.

These two guys seem to be very popular with beautiful women. It's understandable that Fei Xuanye doesn't return home. What about Qingqing? Where is this little guy?

When Qingwu saw Xiao Tian coming back, he put the towel on the shelf, looked at him up and down, and said, "How far is it?"

Xiao Tian said, "Second-level intermediate."

Qingwu jumped up, punched him on the shoulder, and said, "What the hell did you do in the Dan room? Why do you get promoted every few days in the Dan room? This time, it's simply upgraded to the second level!"

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly and said, "What did you say? This time, he was reckless and almost died in the Dan room. If it weren't for the master's life-saving elixir, you have to collect my body now!"

Qingwu smiled, put his shoulder around his shoulder and walked out of the door: "I know you are fine. If Yao Sheng's disciples die in an accident, everyone in the Qingwu clan will laugh!"

The two walked to the classroom with laughter.

The classroom was in front, but Qingwu pulled Xiao Tian to turn a corner and went in the other direction.

Xiao Tian didn't know why. He thought that there might be something wrong with Qingwu, so he followed him.

There is a small playground at the end of the road, with various equipment on the edge of the playground, and a two-story building next to it. There are three big characters on the plaque on the door: Ancient Martial Arts.

Qingwu didn't say a word, just pulled him to the small building.

Xiao Tian smiled and said, "Have you applied for this course? Do you want to compare with me? Let me tell you, you are not my opponent!"

After listening to Xiao Tian's joke, Qingwu looked embarrassed, pulled his mouth and showed an awkward smile. He did not answer his words, but walked in along the corridor.

Xiao Tian followed him reluctantly and was puzzled: What the hell is this guy doing? He is going to be late. Although I haven't been to class for a long time, I still have to go to class!

Long corridor.

Qingwu stopped in front of a door, looked at him awkwardly, looked at the door again, and stopped talking.

Xiao Tian also became interested: Did Qingwu fall in love with any girl and let him help him talk to him? Generally speaking, should we go to Lin Jie or Qingqing for this matter?

As long as Qingwu appears in front of the girl with Qingqing in his arms, ten * girls will scream: "Ah! It's so cute!"

Then... No, the girl chatted with Qingqing and threw Qingwu aside.

While imagining Qingwu's scut appearance in his mind, Xiao Tian walked to the door and looked down his sight:

Sure enough! A young man, dressed in a white suit, with neat and shiny hair, holding a long sword in his arms, holding a girl in his arms. The tip of the sword is moving forward to see the situation and teaching the girl to practice the sword.

What a pity for the dress and the sword!

The girl in his arms had long golden hair, and fine sweat oozed from her pink and white face.

Wait, who is this Yueer?

Yueer held a sword in both hands, and the young man held Yueer's hand and held Yueer in his arms. He said something. His chin rubbed against Yueer's hair, and his face was full of great enjoyment.

Yueer, the little fool, was serious and tried to stab the sword forward according to his guidance.

There was a bang in his mind, as if a basin of oil had been poured on the fire. Xiao Tian was furious and his face was pale, but it was not easy to attack. He just stood coldly by the door and looked at it.

Qingwu looked at his ugly face and whispered, "Xiao Gu came to tell me a few days ago that you were retreating in the Dan room, so I didn't tell you."

Xiao Tian said coldly, "It's not too late!"

Qing Wudao: "When you closed this time, Yueer signed up for an ancient martial arts class. This person is the school's ancient martial arts teacher. Xiaogu and Lin Jie also knew about this, but Yueer didn't know these at a young age, and they were the queen of the elves, so they couldn't control it. I have to wait for you."

Xiao Tian's heart moved, and the charming eyes launched with all his strength. The golden and black light flashed in his eyes, which was covered by beautiful pupils. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't see it.

His charming eyes have become small, and he has tried his best to see what happened the day before.

From his charming eyes, he saw the man holding Yueer's hand and teaching her to stab the sword; Yueer stood still and held her hands in front of her chest. The man pretended to correct his posture and came over from behind to smell her hair with an intoxicated expression.

Xiao Tian's face was so gloomy that he could drip: "Is he a teacher in the college?"

Qing Wudao: "He is an ancient martial arts teacher of the college, named Wang Jialei. Somehow, he was told that Yueer applied for ancient martial arts. Today is the eighth day."

At this time, the two people in the field also felt their sight. Yueer turned around and saw Xiao Tian, cheered, threw the sword in her hand, ran over, rushed into his arms, and said annoyanly:

"Brother Tian! Why did it take so long to come out?!"

Xiao Tian's belly fire was extinguished by her.

He touched the hair of the little fool in his arms and said, "If I don't come out again, you won't know if you have been eaten!"

Qing Wu turned his head and smiled at the wall.

Yueer hit him with her pink fist and said angrily, "Who can eat me!" Look at me..."

She covered her mouth and looked around with a smile.

Wang Jialei came over with a gloomy face. He was enjoying the wonderful feeling of beauty in his arms, but he was disturbed by the sudden appearance of two teenagers, and his heart was very unhappy.

He looked up and down at the two teenagers:

Qingwu has a simple face and wears the school uniform of Locke College.

Xiao Tian is also wearing a school uniform. He is plain-looking and slightly taller than Qingwu. He is holding Lan Yueer's hand and talking. Looking at Lan Yueer's extremely happy expression on her face, it is obvious that the relationship between the two is unusual.

Xiao Tian also looked at the "corpse" with cold eyes: thin, not tall, fleshless cheeks, many pimples on his face, a pair of glasses on his nose, a white coat, and a obscene expression on his face.

When the two met, Wang Jialei's small eyes were full of resentment and stared at Xiao Tian fiercely.

Xiao Tian's heart moved, and the attack formula of the charming eye was launched, looking at Wang Jialei's eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Wang Jialei only felt that his eyes were sore, and then the pain was unbearable, and he couldn't help crying.

He knew something different, but he was extremely unconvinced. He stretched out his hand to pull Yueer: "Lan Yueer, go back to class!"

Xiao Tian pulled Yueer behind him, stopped him and Yueer, and smiled, "Old corpse, please wipe your tears first. Yueer can't attend today's class!"

Yueer opened a pair of beautiful eyes and didn't know why: "Why didn't you go? Brother Tian, do you want to take me out to play?

Waiting for Xiao Tian to answer, Wang Jialei took a step forward with his left foot and hit Xiao Tian's chest with his right fist.

Xiao Tian didn't look at him. He stroked his fist casually, put his fist aside, and shook his fist in front of his face with his right hand. Wang Jialei stretched out his arms to fight. Xiao Tian withdrew his fist and cut off his left calf. With a "plop", Wang Jialei fell to the ground with a standard dog pooping action.