The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 119 Warcraft

Xiao Tian turned to Yue'er with a smiling face. Yue'er's eyelids were not lifted, and she hummed in her nose and brushed it casually: Xiao Miaoer gradually withered, contracted, and finally returned to the appearance of hair.

The mercenary seemed to have just had a vicious fight, sitting on the ground with his buttocks.

People around are afraid for a while: What elemental formula is this? Several mercenaries who had crooked thoughts about Yue'er were even more cold sweating: Fortunately, they didn't do it just now, otherwise they would have become a bonsai now...

The mercenary leader smiled and said to Xiao Tian, "Thank you, brother. Then let's go, this elf?"

Xiao Tian asked him, "Do you sell this elf?" I bought it."

The mercenary leader hurriedly smiled and said, "Sell it, sell it. I think it's a burden. It was originally 15 gold coins. Just give me ten, and the rest is the medicine money just now."

Wen Xiang took out the money bag from his arms, counted ten and handed them to the mercenary leader, saying, "This price is reasonable. I'll pay for my little brother."

The people around him continued to walk into the depths of the forest in two groups. Before leaving, the enchanting red-haired woman waved to Xiao Tian and said with a smile, "Little brother, come here and I'll discuss something with you?"

Xiao Tian didn't know what to do. Looking at Wen Xiang, Wen Xiang smiled and said, "Beauty, you might as well say something. Our brothers don't shy away from each other."

The beautiful woman hummed from her nose, threw a wink at Xiao Tian, and then turned around and left.

Yueer also snorted from her nose, and a horizontal tree branch suddenly appeared in front of the red-haired woman. She was caught by the tree branch and stood there and couldn't untie it. She couldn't walk. She was extremely embarrassed.

The first few mercenaries returned to help, but they became more and more chaotic. Finally, they had to take out a knife and cut off a strand of red-haired woman's hair before they could escape.

The branch gently moved, and the wisp of red hair looked extremely eye-catching in the green leaves.

Gu Ke and others all guessed that it was Yueer's ghost. They wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. Seeing her with a straight face, they secretly sympathized with Xiao Tian: I don't know what punishment Brother Tian will receive?"

Xiao Tian seemed to be nothing. In fact, he didn't notice that the woman was being teased. He squatted on the ground and talked to the elf, "Little brother, where is your family?"

The elf looked alert, looked at him without saying anything, and shrank into Yueer's arms.

Yue'er's pretty face was like a layer of frost, and she didn't look at Xiao Tian. She stood up and took the elf's hand and said, "Don't be afraid, there is a sister here."

Lin Jie laughed.

Yueer looked at Lin Jie and said lightly, "Lin Jie, come and carry him behind your back."

Lin Jie's smile froze, and he came over dejectedly and squatted down. The elf shrank and did not dare to approach him. Yueer smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, little brother. This big brother is very honest." She gave Xiao Tian a white look: "It's not like some people, but they are not good people at first glance!"

Yan Duoduo covered her mouth and smiled gloatingly.

Xiao Tian touched his hair with a wry smile. He didn't know where he had offended the noble Queen.

Wen Xiang saw the embarrassment between the two, and the shrewd middle-aged man quietly changed the topic: "Little brother, it's very dangerous to take an elf in the forest. Where are you going next?"

Xiao Tian has made a decision in his heart, but he doesn't know what other partners, especially Feixuan and Qingwu, mean?

He hesitated for a moment and replied to Wen Xiang, "We will continue to walk in."

Wenxiang looked at the elf on Lin Jie's back and said, "Little brother, these little brothers and I are also in common difficulties. Don't mind. In fact, such a small elf is not worth much. You might as well let go. If you can't offend the elves in the forest, it's better not to offend them. ."

Wither Xiao Tian's words, Yueer, who was walking in front of him, turned around and said, "Oh, what does that mean?"

Wen Xiang has seen that Xiao Tian is the leader of this group, but the most difficult thing to provoke is this dazzling girl.

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "It is said that the elves can drive plants to fight for them. We have no grudge against the elves, and there is no need to take this risk. Besides, he looked carefully at Yueer's face: "This elf is so cute. Isn't it good to let him go back to find his family?"

Yue'er was expressionless and snorted and continued to move forward.

Xiao Tian saw Wen Xiang wipe the sweat on his forehead and laughed in his heart: Her Majesty's deterrent is really great...

Naturally, Yueer didn't know what he was thinking. As he walked, he said lightly, "There is a purple flower under the 300-meter palm tree in front of the left. Hurry up and go!"

Wenxiang looked at Gu Ke in disbelief. Gu Ke nodded to him with a smile and said, "Uncle, Yueer's elemental tips can find plants within 500 meters."

Wen Xiang was overjoyed, bowed to everyone with Dawen and Xiaowen, and hurried away. Li Zhi laughed, opened his arms and gave Gu Ke a bear hug, and said, "Little brother, see you later!" I caught up with several people.

Guge stood there with a depressed face: the smell of the man's sweat on Li Zhi made him breathless...

Several human beings went far away. Yueer walked behind Lin Jie and took the elf down from his back. She squatted on the ground and looked at the elf's eyes: "Tell sister, what's your name?" Where are your parents? At this moment, her eyes wonderfully returned to dark green.

The elf's name is Feng. According to Feng, there is a swamp in another forest not far from here. The area of the swamp is huge, with only a habitable land in the center, where he has lived with his parents since birth.

After two strange monsters came to the forest six months ago and sett down their homes on the edge of the swamp, the survival of the elves was greatly threatened.

Even elves who often live for thousands of years can't recognize what kind of warcraft these two are.

If the figure of about two meters is not too huge, the appearance of these two monsters can really be described as cute words.

The two monsters look almost exactly the same, with a pair of round black eyes, two round ears on both sides of the head, a pointed mouth, snow-white fur, and three yellow vertical stripes on the back. The triangular nose is very pink, and the two long snow-white front teeth under the nose are the most visually affected. A short tail hangs behind him. The forelimbs are extremely flexible and the hind limbs are extremely powerful.

One of the two monsters is slightly larger, the yellow stripes on the back are deeper than the other, and the other is slightly smaller.

The elves call these two monsters rhubarb and two rhubarb. What is inconsistent with the beautiful appearance of rhubarb and Erhuang is that their defense and combat effectiveness are extremely strong, and their survival ability is beyond the reach of many Warcraft strong men.

The recipes of rhubarb and rhubarb are very extensive, and almost all animals and plants are on their recipes. And it's very edible. Almost half of the day I see them eating.

At first, they only preyed on large and small animals in the swamp and various plant fruits growing in the surrounding forests, and they were at peace with the elves.

There are more than a dozen swamp crocodiles in the swamp, which once brought great trouble to the elves. Once alone elf children approached the swamp, and the crocodiles would come out and take a bite away and drag them into the water, leaving only a piece of blood red on the water.

At first, the elves tried to kill these crocodiles, but never succeeded.

The crocodile has thick skin and thick flesh and lives in the depths of the swamp. Long-range attack. The elf's arrows hit the crocodile like tickling others. Let's fight closely. As soon as it encounters a sharp attack, the crocodile immediately retreats into the depths of the swamp.

After several fights, the elves found that as long as they did not enter their territory, the crocodiles would not take the initiative to attack the elves. Although the elf hated these crocodiles, no one lost in the mouth of the crocodiles after restraining the clan. On the contrary, these crocodiles became the free guards of the elves, making all the humans who happened to pass by escape.

Not long after the arrival of rhubarb and Erhuang, this group of swamp crocodiles became the belly meal of the two monsters.

With the passage of time, a few months later, in winter, there was less and less food around the swamp, and rhubarb and Erhuang finally turned their eyes to the elves in the center of the swamp.

The dangerous swamp that the elf relies on has no effect on rhubarb and rhubarb. In the past few months, the secret way of the elves in and out of the swamp, the two cunning monsters have already been clearly explored.

Every few nights, Rhubarb and Erhuang quietly sneaked into the residence of the elf clan, biting an elf to death, and eating it separately. After losing 16 clans, the elves began to organize people to destroy these two hateful monsters.

The struggle between elves and warcrafts has lasted for nearly two months, but there is nothing they can do with these two warcrafts. Dahuang and Erhuang still take away an elf every few days, which seems to have used the elf as their food reserve base.

It's strange that they never touch young and powerful elves, and most of them are old, weak and sick.

A few nights, rhubarb and Erhuang took Feng's grandfather away. More than a dozen elves chased down the blood and shot Erhuang at the junction of the goblin forest and the swamp forest. However, the human mercenaries passing by found the elves and launched an attack. Da Huang and Erhuang took the opportunity to escape.

After weighing the pros and cons, the elves did not return to their homes, but retreated to the holy forest.

Feng followed quietly when his parents chased Lianghuang. On the way, he was found by the clan, but it was impossible to send him back to the swamp, so he had to follow him.

In the subsequent battle, Feng's parents were both in trouble. After Feng was injured, he was captured by human mercenaries.

Yueer took out a handkerchief, wiped off the tears on Feng's face, and said softly, "Don't cry. Take your sister to find your clan."

Feng stopped crying and took Yueer's hand and walked to the depths of the forest.