The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 125 The road is of the same origin, and the road is the same

Wu Yi took a cotton swab from the table next to him and reached into the cage to tease the two little guys. The little guy held the cotton swab with his two front paws, and his snow-white front teeth were exposed and nibbling with relish.

The buzzing sound of high-voltage current came, and he subconsciously looked back:

Ice Lily connected the bronze knife to the two ends of another bronze tripod of about the same size with high voltage, and the knife and tripod emitted a dazzling light.

Wu Yi became serious, and he felt the smell of danger from these two objects.

Ice Lily does not seem to have such awareness:

"Are you from the Five elements sect?"


"Come and work on them and use your strongest power!"

Wu Yi walked over ten thousand reluctantly. He would rather go to the 51st district of the United States and be chased by the Yankees like last time than do even the simplest move in this small laboratory.

But the leader said that this is the task.

"Why did all the bad things fall on me?" While complaining in his heart, he stretched out his hands to work.

The dazzling light was bright, and the unhealed wound on his hand suddenly burst. The blood was filled with the small tripod, and a blood line was drawn to connect to the knife.

The deafening explosion...

Wu Yi came to his senses and looked at the teenager who looked at him doubtfully. His eyes involuntarily had some other smells. This was the child of the ice lily, which caused him to cross the ice lily child who came here.

But he has a different and wonderful life on this continent.

He handed the notebook to Xiao Tian and said:

"Your mother and I are from the same place."

Xiao Tian asked:

"Master, are you also from the earth?"

Wu Yi's eyes condensed:

"Did your mother tell you?"

Xiao Tian lowered his head and wet the ground with tears:

"My mother died when I was very young, which is what my father told me."

Wu Yi doesn't know how to comfort this poor child.

For good, Black Joe spoke at this time, and he had been studying with the dark blade:

"Brother, this dagger is really unusual."

Black Joe has pulled out the dark blade from the scabbard and put it on the table, and there are still some medicine bottles, ores, strange metal products and so on the table.

Heqiao has this ability. No matter where he goes, no matter what kind of room looks like an elixir room.

At this time, he was gently cutting a silver ore with the dark blade, and the extremely hard-looking ore fell black powder under the dark blade.

Xiao Tian looked straight.

Hei Qiao and Wu Yi's two heads gathered together and muttered for a while, and then took a dagger to ask Xiao Tian:

"Have you ever used this dagger?"

Xiao Tian nodded:

"I have used it, but I can't use elemental force. As long as I use elemental force, it won't listen."

Black Joe smiled and said, "It can only use the elemental force of the dark system. You stupid boy must have used all the strength of his whole body, right?"

Hei Qiao told Xiao Tian that the dagger was indeed made of deep sea heavy iron, but a small amount of ink and black crystals were added to it, which made it have dark attributes in addition to sharpness.

Only driven by the power of dark elements can this dagger give full play to its real strength: ignore all physical and elemental barriers, and double the damage caused, which cannot be cured with elixir or healing elemental formula.

Xiao Tian understood that he did not use the elemental force separately at that time, so the dagger trembled and did not listen to it.

Wu Yi handed him the dagger and told him:

"Don't use this dagger easily against the enemy. In case of accidental injury, even the black master has no rule of law."

Black Joe is very unconvinced: "Who said I can't cure it? But this dagger always makes people feel that something is wrong. What seems to be missing? Your master is right. Try to use it as little as possible.

In the next few days, Xiao Tian received the gift and his hand was soft.

As early as during his sleep, the elves had sent a large number of rare herbs for the need of his life-saving benefactor from time to time.

I don't know if Xiao Tian used these herbs, but he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, making Bai Yang almost jump off Yuping Peak in pain.

Bai Yang knew in his heart that it was no different from seeking something from Hei Qiao.

In a hurry, the old man went to Qingqing: "Qingqing, you little devil, why don't you introduce Xiao Tian to me at that time, but you want to introduce him to that damn old black?"

After staying in Locke for more than half a year, Qingqing also learned to be obedient: "Master Bai, Uncle Bai, Brother Tian went crazy at that time. Uncle Bai, you are alchemist, and Master Yaosheng is the master of healing. Who should I look for? Oh, I forgot that you are still the elemental envoy of the space system, but so what, did you move him to a different space?

Qingqing's sharp teeth and mouth are sharp, and Bai Yang is not his opponent at all. The old man changed his strategy and smiled: "Well, don't call me uncle. I can't afford it. What do you think we should do? How can I get that black guy to give me some points?"

Qingqing didn't buy it. A wing bent into the shape of a hand and waved: "Go find Brother Tian. The owner of this medicine is Brother Tian!"

Bai Yang really wanted to hold Qingqing's neck and brush the hair on the stinky bird's wings.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to do it. He accompanied his smiling face: "Brother Qingqing, please think of me a way. When Xiao Tian wakes up, I'm afraid that half of the medicine is gone, and I don't want more. Just three of them. Oh, no, I haven't found two for a long time. Just give me a few leaves. If the fluorescent stone, as long as Just knock down a small piece."

Qingqing slanted his eyes: "Three kinds do you want?"

Bai Yang smiled: "Three are needed."

"Well, Master Bai seems to be the sage of space elements?"

"Uh, this is just a false name."

"Did you give him that ugly ring?"

"Yes, yes, it's a thing he used to play. He used to go out and gave it to him."

The green and thin bird's claws stretched out, wearing a ring on its claws: "Master, how about my ring?"

Bai Yang looked carefully and smiled flatteringly, "Good thing, the dual protection function of physics and elements, the level is not low, the Qingqing brothers are worthy of... Well, the Qingqing brothers really have good things in their hands."

"This was given to me by Brother Tian!" Qingqing finally couldn't help walking around with the old man: "The ring you gave Brother Tian is good, but it's ugly. I like the more beautiful one."

"Oh," Bai Yang suddenly realized: "I see, the Qingqing brothers like more beautiful things. No problem. I will send it to you in a few days. That medicine?" Bai Yang's old face smiled like a flower, and the old dirt on his face fell down.

Qingqing didn't think he was disgusting: "It's on me. I'll give you half of all the medicinal herbs, and I can still do it! Even if I can't make a decision, I guess Master Black will give me some face, right?

"Hey, that's it. Who are you!"

In the treacherous laughter of an old man and a young man, half of the medicinal herbs that Xiao Tian fought for his life fell into Bai Yang's waist bag.


By the jade belt river, the river is still clear to the bottom, and all kinds of fish in the river swim leisurely among the water and grass. The sky is blue and there is no wind.

"The weather in Yaoxian Valley is still good! The damn weather in Cannes is so hot that it can freeze people's fingers when it's freezing!"

Xiao Tian accepted the work, listened to Qingwu's complaints, and said with a smile, "Each year has its own characteristics. Don't you think that kind of weather is more interesting?"

Qingwu, who was fishing, smiled and said, "That's true." He pointed to the fish basket soaked in the river: "Brother Tian, bake the fish quickly. After a while, the fourth uncle and Uncle Wu came back and couldn't eat the fish, and they were going to curse again."


The sunset set a golden-red halo on the distant Porta Mountains, and Wu Yi's handsome face seemed to have a golden halo. He silently looked at the continuous mountains in the distance and frowned with his mind.

Wu Yi has maintained this posture for a long time.

Qinghe stood next to Wu Yi and still looked lazy. He looked at Wu Yi and then at the sunset in the distance: "What's the matter? What's the point of this? I haven't been back for decades. Have you forgotten the scenery here?

He laughed thily: "You don't like the princess of the Napoleon family, do you?"

Wu Yi was happy with his words: "Don't talk nonsense. Napoleon has only one son. Where did the princess come from?"

Qinghe still smiled thieves and said nothing.

Looking at the thief's smile, Wu Yi couldn't help but be angry. He shouted angrily, "Don't think nonsense. I'm thinking about my apprentice!"

"What's wrong with the sky? He gives you a long face. You didn't see the way I walked. I was moved by the tears! Speaking of this, I almost forgot that the batch of medicinal herbs I brought were divided up by two old men in black and white. I didn't bother to pay attention to them in those days. Now that the sky has woke up, I have to trouble them!"

Wu Yi ignored Qinghe's words. He looked at the sunset in the distant mountains and said calmly but clearly, "The sky is fine. I'm not talking about this. I mean, Tian'er's mother and I are from the same place. I told you before that that place is called Earth.

Qinghe is still tired and lazy: "What's the matter? Isn't it just another continent? I'm also from another continent. What's so rare?"

Wu Yi was defeated by his mess: "The place I came from is different from your place..."

Qinghe interrupted him, and a rare serious look appeared on his face: "Don't pester these, okay? You told me about the earth. I know that you call it a planet, and we call it the continent. In fact, the content is not all the same?

Isn't that the place where the mechanical power is more developed? What machinery can do, elemental force can also do, it's just that you can't practice at home! On the continent where I came..."

He shook his head impatiently: "Forget it, I won't tell you. Do you understand the principle of the same origin and the same way!"

Wu Yi was shocked, turned his head and stared at Qinghe in surprise: "The road is the same origin, and the different paths are the same? Where did you hear this?"

"That's the case. You're the one who drilled the horns!"