The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 133 Paid Tourism and Big Fish

"Wait for me!" He was the only one left at the seaside. Xiao Tian only felt that the sea of clouds seemed to suppress him and swallow him, and hurriedly took off his legs to chase the copper hammer.

There seems to be no difference between night and day. I feel that it has been six or seven hours at the seaside, but the sky is still so bright. Xiao Tian sat on the beach, soaked his feet in the sea, and kicked the waves boringly.

Do carpenters and blacksmiths have anything in common?

Xiao Tian's eyes were full of this idea.

If the dwarfs knew that he called the four famous casters in the dwarves blacksmiths in their hearts, they would probably be angry to kill him first.

What Xiao Tian saw was that without a carpenter, the four blacksmiths in front of him took half a day to create a good-like sailboat!

The copper hammer found a very thin animal skin from nowhere and put on the mast, even the sail!

Although there is no sun in the sky, according to the human body's biological clock, it is certain that a day has passed.

Xiao Tian took out food and water, and several people sat around the remaining wooden pier of the shipbuilding, ate and drank enough, and slept separately.

When I woke up, the world was still the same, and I couldn't tell whether it was day or night.

Xiao Tian muttered in his heart, "Is this what you call the sun, moon and stars? I can't even distinguish between day and night. What about the sun, moon and stars?

The dwarfs also realized that something was wrong, but the other three cherished their words as gold, and only the copper hammer was talking: "Why can't you see the sun, moon and stars? Is it?" He looked at the clouds that had been rolling tirelessly in the sky: "Because of the cloudy sky?"

"Puff!" Xiao Tian laughed, and then realized his rudeness and covered his mouth. The copper hammer was really cute. If he didn't say anything, I don't know how boring it was all the way.

If only Yueer was around, it wouldn't be so boring!

Xiao Tian, who realized that he had this idea, couldn't help but be stunned: When did he think more about Yue'er, but rarely thought of Lei Shuang?

The sailboat went into the sea.

I have to say that the dwarves' craftsmanship is really good. The boat runs smoothly on the sea, the wind makes the sails flutter, and a long white wave rolls behind the boat.

The boat didn't go far away. The iron stove standing in the bow shook and almost fell down.

The steel teeth next to him were quick and pulled the dwarf's short and thick arm.

"I'm seasick..." The iron furnace said the first sentence of his colleagues in a few days.

Dizzy! How can an iron stove like an ore get seasick?

Xiao Tian looked for it in the Black Ring, and he didn't know what medicine could cure seasickness, and the iron stove had already lay on the port of the ship and vomited in the dark.

When he did this, the rest of the people also felt dizzy, their throats were itchy, and er, er, er, sounded.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Tian first found a calming medicine from the black ring and stuffed it into the mouth of the iron stove and asked him to sit down against the mast.

After a while, the iron furnace fell asleep.

Several dwarfs silently do their own things.

Only Xiao Tian stood in the bow, opened his arms, let the oncoming sea breeze blow on his face, and then thought of the eight rings on his fingers wearing the best soft armor.

This is not an adventure, it's simply a paid trip! If there are a few fish and a fishing rod, it would be perfect.

Paid tourism will be over soon.

Although there is no fishing rod, there is a fish.

This comes whatever you want, but it's too fierce, far greater than expectations.

A fish.

A big fish.

A frightening fish.

Strictly speaking, this can no longer be called fish, because it is too big.

This big fish, which is almost 30 meters long, is covered with brown scales, and even its head is covered with golden scales. In addition to the eyelids, the two red eyes the size of a small bucket mouth are covered with two huge transparent scales. The most horrible thing is a large mouth, and both sides of the corners of the mouth almost extend to the body. In the middle section, if it is large, not to mention a few people in this boat, even this boat is not enough for it to swallow.

"Did you attract this fish from your own idea just now?"

Xiao Tian thought of the fishing rod he was still missing just now, and then looked at this ridiculously big fish, and slapped himself in the face.

There is a huge white wave rolling behind the big golden-headed brown fish, following the boat slowly, and there seems to be no hostility?

Several dwarfs took off their armor and tied them together to the mast.

Xiao Tian watched their actions with wide eyes.

What's the situation? Are you afraid that the fish will have their teeth when they eat them? Or is the armor difficult to digest, afraid of causing gastrointestinal diseases of big fish, so take off the armor in advance?

He looked at the soft armor on his upper body for only two or three days and made up his mind: even if he wanted to enter the fish's stomach, he would not take it off! If a person is in the armor and dies, he will have indigestion!

The dwarves took off their armor with their hands and feet. Looking up, they only saw Xiao Tian staring at them in a dumb manner.

The other dwarves silently picked up their weapons and faced the stern. The copper hammer still spoke:

"Take off, silly boy, in case the boat capsizes, won't your armor drag you to the bottom of the sea? Or are you hanging a chain on your body as an anchor?

Who said that dwarves have no humor?!

In extreme depression, Xiao Tian took off the valuable armor. He took the Taiji sword in his hand, stared at the big fish behind him, and was ready to poke the fish in the eye.

Looking at the dwarfs, in addition to the copper hammer at the helm, other people are also facing the enemy, and the finger joints holding the weapon are white in brown.

Xiao Tian suddenly found that the seasickness of the iron furnace was miraculously cured?

The copper hammer said, "Don't take the initiative to attack. As long as it doesn't attack us, we will treat him as non-existent." His hand at the helm was still steady, and his voice was as usual.

This old guy is not simple! Is he still a dwarf? The words humor and old treacherous and slippery are not too much to be used on him.

The ship is still moving forward rapidly, and the big fish is still swimming leisurely behind the boat more than ten meters.

Xiao Tian and the other three dwarves looked at the huge thing holding their breath.

After following for a while, it seemed that this guy was impatient. He shook his little tail that was incomparable with his huge body and suddenly spun forward more than ten meters. His mouth, which was twice as big as his body, opened his mouth was densely covered with sharp teeth, extending to the depths of his throat, and all the eyes were teeth!

Dare this fish's mouth is full of teeth, and there are no other organs at all.

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly: With so many teeth, even if he didn't take off the armor just now, it was not enough for it to bite.

The ship shook violently, and a very smell filled everyone's respiratory system.

No wonder it stinks so much. Even if this fish maintains a good habit and brushes its teeth every day, it will inevitably miss it.


Half of the hull has flowed into the mouth of the big fish with the sea, and its sharp teeth scratched the bottom of the ship with a sour squeak.

The meteor hammer, the mace, and the sharp-billed hammer hit the depths of the fish's throat.

It's not that the dwarfs don't want to attack the fish's eyes. The fish is ridiculously big and opens their mouths. No one knows where the fish's eyes are except the fish itself.

Xiao Tian is still lucky. He is tall. If he can pierce the fish's eye, his eyes will be more fragile than this tooth.

Xiao Tian raised the Taiji Sword and carried it with all his strength. The Taiji Sword emitted a dazzling gray light, shining on the nearby sea.

The big fish also seemed to notice the light. It shook its tail and retreated sharply. The open mouth did not close, but carefully continued to open.

The boat and sea water flowed back out of the mouth of the big fish, and the sea water mixed with smelly saliva watered everyone into a drowned chicken.

I don't know what this fish thinks, and the food in its mouth spit out again? Did you get scared by Xiao Tian's move?

The light is dark!

The highest-level attack Xiao Tian can make at present!

The black and white light flowed on the gray sword, and the front end of the sword head burst into a two-long sword light, and the sword light soared and split into the head of the strange fish.

No response.

The strange fish didn't blink their eyes.

The strange fish stared at Xiao Tian without blinking, and the sword in his hand.

The copper hammer pulled the rudder hard, took out a large wind element array from somewhere and placed it in the center of the cabin. The wind blew from the element array, the sail bulged, and the speed suddenly accelerated.

I don't care about the crooked dwarfs around me, wiped a handful of smelly and sticky ** on my face, and took out a tonic Yuandan from the black ring and ate it.

Xiao Tian raised his sword again and used the elemental power of his whole body again:

The light is dark!

No response.

The scales of the strange fish are not generally hard. The sword light pierced the fish's head and didn't even burst out a spark. The only effect is that the strange fish's eyes are wider, like seeing a stunning female fish that is convex and upturned, and the red eyes stared at Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian once again. Medicine, lift the Taiji sword;

The strange fish slowly and quietly retreated more than ten meters, and its big red eyes were full of excitement, like two shining rubies.

Xiao Tian put down the sword weakly and sat down: the distance was too far to reach. It's better to take a break than to work hard.

Several dwarfs held their weapons and did not dare to stare at the big fish carelessly.

The boat is flying fast on the sea.

Half an hour later.

The big fish followed the boat at a safe distance. The so-called safe distance is the distance that Xiao Tian's light and darkness can't reach.

This guy is not stupid. Although it doesn't hurt, he is always unhappy, isn't he?

An hour later.

My nephew lit the lantern as usual.

The dwarves have already sat down, and the elemental array has also been put away by the copper hammer.

I don't know how long it has passed. Xiao Tian only felt hungry and guessed that the day had passed on the ground.

He took out dry food and water from the Black Ring, and several people sat down and began to eat.

The big fish still follows them as usual. If he is not afraid of the blame of the hammer, Xiao Tianzhen wants to throw him a piece of beef jerky to see what this guy means?