The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 144 Orc and Beast

As soon as he said this, he drank a bowl of ice water in a hot day, and every hair on his body swayed comfortably: my Kolya not only thought of me and the dwarf kingdom, but she also said that human beings are cunning and treacherous!

The first thing in this dwarf kingdom is that the most afraid of his wife does not dare to disobey the queen's words, but also feels that the dwarf prince really needs to practice. But he put forward a condition that Yan Dao must follow his lifesaver Xiao Tian.

No problem! Yan Dao agreed happily.

The father and son didn't want to ask for the advice of Xiao Tian, the life-saving benefactor, so they directly sent Yan Dao to Yaoxian Valley.

Unlike Her Majesty the Elf Queen, the dwarf prince did not travel with a companion.

It's not that he doesn't want to bring it, but because the tallest among the dwarves is about 1.3 meters, and the racial characteristics are extremely obvious. I'm afraid that he will be imprisoned in the zoo as soon as he gets to the mainland.

No matter how much makeup you wear, height is an irreparable defect. You can't let the dwarfs who accompany you go out on stilts!

In desperation, the noble prince had to go out alone and turn to Xiao Tian.

Looking at the sincere and warm light shining in his big eyes in front of him, Xiao Tianxin said, "It turns out that I am the head of the kindergarten. The elves are like this, and so are the dwarves."

But he was not disgusted with such an arrangement. Yan Dao was brave and resourceful when he chased the orcs under the ground, and gave him an excellent impression as a pioneer.

The dwarf prince with a shaved beard is handsome, graceful, and exudes a majestic spirit all over his body.

What is inconsistent with this spirit is his innocence. His Highness Yan Dao is like a child who has never seen the world. No matter what he sees, he will pull Xiao Tian to ask.

Xiao Tian remembered Qingqing's joke when he first arrived at Yaoxian Valley: country bumpkin.

But it's just a thought, and you can't even joke about it. For a race with a history of tens of thousands of years, the word "village" can never be described.

But unfortunately, Qingqing, the little bully, was also in front of him. Looking at Yan Dao's stupidity that he didn't understand anything, he said rudely, "Hey hey, this guy is the real countryman!"

Xiao Tian's cold sweat: Fortunately, the dwarf prince didn't eat Congling pills and couldn't understand Qingqing's words.

He hurriedly bowed to Qingqing: "Little ancestor, this is the prince of the dwarf kingdom. Don't say that!"

Qingqing was also shocked and looked at Yan Dao up and down for a while. He may feel that Yan Dao's wide shoulders are more comfortable. He flew over and squatted on Yan Dao's shoulder: "Dwarf Kingdom? His Royal Highness? Why is he so tall? Has the dwarf evolved now?

Before Xiao Tian could answer, the little guy's pink eyes turned around and thought of another thing: "If you are missing, do you go to him? It's a great harvest, isn't it?"

A small cyan claw stretched out, and the prince was still a little far away from Xiao Tian. Qingqing tilted her head and thought about it. The little claw rubbed, lengthened and magnified several times, reaching out in front of Xiao Tian: "Take it!"

Xiao Tian has subconsciously pressed the Black Ring: "No!"

Yan Dao watched his savior being held down by a bird and pour all Xiao Tian's harvest in the dwarf kingdom on the claw, and the slender claw became the size of a small round table in order to hold these things.

This proportion is too scary. It is like a bird the size of a plate, but its claws are like a small round table.

At first, Qingqing's heart was not black, and he only took a dragon ball spit out by an ichthyosaur.

Yan Duoduo was not so polite. She tossed and chose for a long time, choosing a half-length soft armor, a dagger and a pair of arms.

Xiao Tian just put away everything, and Yueer came late with two companions, Lin Jie and Gu Keshan.

Xiao Tian secretly congratulated himself that they were late, otherwise the loss would be more heavily.

As soon as Yueer met, she pulled Xiao Tian into the corner: "Are you now an elementist of the whole department?"

Xiao Tian felt strange: "How do you know?"

Yue'er looked disdainful and curled her pale cyan mouth: "Grandpa has arrived a long time ago. The scroll I gave you can only be cultivated by the whole department of elemental masters. What did Grandpa say is the upgraded version of Charming Eye?"

Xiao Tian understood that the thin elf old man saw his situation with charming eyes and brought new elemental tips to himself.

He can't help feeling a little cold on his back, which is a terrible ability. No matter who has an eye behind him who can see all his changes, he will feel a little cold.

But at the same time, his heart was also secretly moved: such a precious elemental formula was given to the old man without saying a word. Unfortunately, I have been in the Dwarves Kingdom this holiday, and I will kowtow to him next time I come back.


There was nothing wrong during the journey, but the dwarf prince Yandao gave Xiao Tian a great surprise.

Although deep in the underground, there are a lot of books in the Dwarven Kingdom. His Royal Highness lives underground. In addition to practicing kung fu, he has been reading for more than 100 years. Speaking of rich knowledge, Yan Dao can throw Xiao Tian, who does not read much, out of several streets.

The more Xiao Tian talked with Yan Dao, the more he admired and liked this teenager. He thought to himself: Master said that it was not right for the dwarf beard to have a long knowledge, and Yan Dao's knowledge is much broader than that of the ancient science of the three good students. Later, on second thought, Yan Dao said that he had shaved his beard! If the beard is short, the knowledge will naturally grow.

Along the way, Xiao Tian learned many heroic deeds of his master Wu Yi from the mouth of the dwarf prince Yan Dao. Among them was the story of how Wu Yi heroized to save the beauty, saved Yan Dao's mother Kolya, and finally Collia fell into the dwarf kingdom.

It turned out that Yan Dao's mother, Kolya, was a princess of a small country on the mainland. Her mother was the queen of the king. Her mother died early, and the king married a new queen.

The new queen was a dark element envoy. Because she was jealous of Collia's beauty, she imposed a dark element formula on her when the king was out, but she dared not kill her in the palace, so she drove her out of the palace.

The elemental power exerted by the queen on Princess Collia is extremely vicious and will gradually confuse people.

Soon after being kicked out of the palace, the princess lost her way and walked into the forest in drowsiness. She met the then dwarf prince Napoleon and six dwarf heroes.

The bodyguard sent by the queen to hunt down the princess was simply vulnerable in the hands of several dwarfs and saved the princess from the bodyguards without much effort.

Seven dwarfs saved the princess, but they could not relieve the dark elemental power on her body.

At this time, the hero Wu Yi appeared. He helped the anxious and peach-colored Napoleon relieve the dark element power on her body, but he could not eradicate the sequelae caused by it: since then, the beautiful human princess has suffered from heartache. You must often live in a specific fog.

After learning from Lei Feng to do good deeds, Wu Yi waved his sleeves and left.

With the queen in the palace, the princess did not dare to go back. This is in the arms of Napoleon.

The dwarves took her in, and Princess Kolya fell in love with Her Royal Highness the dwarf prince for a long time and eventually became the first human queen in the history of the dwarf kingdom for tens of thousands of years.

Xiao Tian listened to this description and had a little more admiration for his master.

Master not only acts bravely for justice and saves beauty as a hero, but also can not be greedy for beauty and adult beauty. For men, the latter is a more rare virtue.

The most incomprehensible thing for Xiao Tian and Yan Dao is that such an upright hero, a good man who has done good deeds, can conspire with His Majesty the Dwarves, who is known for his sincerity, to put the orcs into the mainland?

Several people have come along the way, and the news of the orcs' invasion of the mainland has spread, and the atmosphere of terror permeates every city and small that passes by.

The group of orcs that rushed into the mainland were about 2,000, and about hundreds were killed by Yan Dao and Silver Mill, leaving more than 1,000.

This is more than 1,000 people, which has caused great losses to humans who have first come into contact with orcs in hundreds of years.

The town closest to the Porta Mountains is Lugou Town at the foot of the mountain.

In the calm and beautiful town, the residents are doing their daily work, and the children are playing carefree and do not expect a disaster at all.

The town was unpreparedly exposed to the orc's hooves.

When the orcs who have lived on the barren island for generations entered the town, they were shocked by the rich land, delicious food, and the quiet town: compared with their hometown full of hunger and ferocity, this is simply paradise!

The orcs from the overturned island turned heaven into hell in a few hours.

Unprepared residents were killed, houses were burned down, and food and livestock were robbed.

Except for the two grandfathers and grandchildren who went hunting in the mountains, they narrowly escaped.

When the grandfather and grandson returned to the town with their prey in the dark, they saw the rolling fire and thick smoke from afar.

The old hunter stopped Sun Tzu from rushing into the town to put out the fire. He first climbed up a big tree outside the town and saw the tragic scene in the town.

The house burned, the grain was poured down, and the blood on the ground convered into a stream, with incomplete bodies lying on the ground.

A group of black, brown, green-haired monsters sat drunk on the ground and sang. Some monsters had a circle of cyan things coiled around their necks and twisted and jumped around beside the fire. That was the intestines taken from the killed human corpse!

Several other orcs are playing football, but they are kicked as balls. They are a bloody head with two small braids on it!

The old hunter could see clearly that the blood-stained head with braids was Tang Douer, the granddaughter of his neighbor, Mr. Zhou, who was just seven years old. That's a girl who loves to laugh, always following old Zhou and greeting everyone she met with a smile.

The old hunter covered his grandson's screaming and crying mouth. The father and grandson climbed down the tree together, burst into tears, and stumbled to the nearest city.

The nearest city to the town is Wusu City.