The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 195 Revenge

The last time Xiao Tian appeared in front of Leifu, Lei Shengyuan knew that this volume of elemental formula would never be in his own hands.

Xiao's weather appears again. The young men and women who follow him are elegant and have the legendary Qingwu as pets.

Lei Shengyuan can be sure that Xiao Tian must have found his master, and his master is not very strong.

He suddenly regretted his original behavior - if he hadn't been dizzy for plotting Xiao Tian's elemental formula, now this powerful teenager was his son-in-law.

By the way, he may also be able to attach the powerful teacher behind the teenager, so as to get the element formula that suits him. Lei Shengyuan felt that he had lost an excellent opportunity and was extremely depressed, and he was not even in the mood to accompany Xiao Tian to finish dinner.

But he was a smart man. Seeing that Xiao Tian did not find the past, he resisted from doing nothing to Xiao Tian.

Soon after, Lei Shengyuan received a signal from the local people in Menijian. Qin Fangliang, a talented teenager in the clan, proposed to Lei Shuang. The bride price is an elemental formula of a roll of stairs!

Although the elemental formula is not the water or wood system he needs, Lei Shengyuan was still very happy. After asking for his daughter's opinion and learning that Lei Shuang and Qin Fangliang had a good impression on each other, he readily agreed.

I thought this matter had ended so satisfactorily. Unexpectedly, a few months ago, my daughter suddenly went home alone with a sad look.

Everything is unexpected.

Qin Fangliang lost to Xiao Tian in the elemental elite competition and lost the first place.

Lei Shuang met Xiao Tian in Linghai City.

Qin Fangliang's plot to murder Xiao Tian was captured by his master.

Xiao Tian released Qin Fangliang and Lei Shuang.

Qin Fangliang was suspicious of Lei Shuang and abused Lei Shuang.

Lei Shuang was pregnant and escaped from unbearable abuse.

Looking at the thin daughter's slightly raised belly, the regret in Lei Shengyuan's heart was beyond any more.

I killed two people in vain and hurt my best daughter's life.

After Lei Shuang came back, he was often in a trance and sat in front of Xiao Tian's parents' tomb all day long without moving.

It's like this again today. Early in the morning, Lei Shuang disappeared. Lei Sheng estimated that she had come to the back mountain of the Xiao family. He rode a fast horse to chase her, but Lei Shuang was not there.

The sky is cloudy, and the cold wind blows cold all over. My daughter's sellect recently is not very clear, and I don't know whether the clothes she wears are thick or not?

Lei Sheng stood far away in front of Xiao Tian's parents' tomb and looked at the path when he came, but he didn't see Lei Shuang. I don't know whether it was affected by the ghost weather or the tragic situation of my beloved daughter, Lei Shengyuan suddenly sighed.

"Don't worry, your child is excellent now. I've seen him," thunder muttered far away. He doesn't know what's going on today. Why did you say this here?

But there was an impulse in his heart that made him want to say something: "Don't blame me. You can only blame a civilian in your family, but he has a heavy treasure. Even if I don't come to kill you, someone else will kill you..."

Xiao Tian and the fat man hid in the woods and saw the long-so-seeing enemy killing his father in front of him. The fat man's eyes were so angry that his eyes were angry. But he was held down by Xiao Tian and couldn't move.

Hearing the thunder and saying to himself that he had killed Xiao Yuanzhong, the fat man finally couldn't help roaring and rushing over with his dagger.

Xiao Tian was helpless and pulled out the Taiji Sword and rushed out of the bushes.

The thunder was sighing inexplicably, complaining that Xiao Yuanzhong should not be carrying a heavy treasure but was found by him, but he heard a sad roar. A chubby guy came out of the tree opposite and rushed over with a dagger in his hand.

This is that fat boy!

Lei Shengyuan recognized the fat man at the first time. He didn't take the smelly fat cub seriously at all. He pulled out his sword and stabbed the fat man's throat first.

The tip of the sword trembled like a poisonous snake and stabbed at the fat man's throat, but Lei Shengyuan's eyes stared at somewhere behind the fat man. There was an inexplicable feeling that made him intuitively that there was a very dangerous person there.

The gaffe you just made should also have something to do with that person. Who is it?

A gray sword was born, cut horizontally from the bottom up, and then came first. With a ding sound, the long sword in his hand was cut off, and the fat man took the opportunity to stab the dagger into Lei Shengyuan's heart.

The thunder sounded slightly and didn't pay attention to the dagger at all. His broken sword slid down the sharp gray sword and cut to the hand holding the sword.

At the same time, a green branch came out of Lei Shengyuan's chest clothes and wrapped around the fat man's wrist. The fat man suddenly felt that his whole arm was sore and numb. His hand was loosened, and his dagger fell down. He rubbed it into the ground and almost cut off half of his feet.

The cuffs of the thunder were drilled out of the same green branch, but smaller than that one. The branch trembled around the broken sword, like a spiritual poisonous snake, about to choose someone to eat.

Xiao Tian was shocked: Isn't thunder far away the attribute of water element?

Before he came, he and the fat man had studied everything about Lei Shengyuan countless times.

Thunder is far away from the attribute of the water element, and it is estimated that it is now between level 8 and 9 of the elemental division. This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Tian never thought that the murderer would be far away.

He is Lei Shuang's father, and it should be impossible for him to plot his own elemental formula. Moreover, the murderer is obviously a wooden elemental attribute, because Xiao Tian has been tied by a demon vine, and the hole where he was imprisoned is also planted with elemental plants to catch tigers, which are the characteristics of powerful wooden attribute masters.

When the fat man told Xiao Tian that the murderer was Lei Shengyuan, the only thing Xiao Tian thought of was that there was a powerful wooden element attribute master guarding Lei Shengyuan, either his accomplice or his accomplice.

He reminded the fat man to pay attention when taking revenge and try to break it when they are not together, otherwise he and the fat man will never be an opponent.

What I never thought of is that thunder is far from a water attribute but a wood attribute.

It's hidden deep enough! Seeing the demon vine flying around the fat man's neck, Xiao Tian had to carry out his hand to grab it.

I learned to be obedient from Lin Jie's Ruyi, and Xiao Tian knows very well what this kind of elemental plant is most afraid of.

His palms are red, and it can be faintly seen that the red fire flowing sand flows happily under his skin. As long as this crystal-looking and strange hand catches the hemp demon vine, Xiao Tian is sure to immediately lose its mobility.

Xiao Tian miscalculated - Lin Jie and Lei Shengyuan can't compare at all, and Lei Shengyuan's demon vine is obviously more than one grade higher than Lin Jie's wishes.

This strange vine flies and hides flexibly while continuing to wrap around the fat man's neck without stopping. Looking at its flexibility and cleverness, it makes people suspect that it is not a plant but a thousand-year-old snake spirit.

The front end has two thin branches, like a letter spit out by a snake, and it is indeed like a snake. No, it is more flexible than a snake. The front end is like a snake's head while hiding little by little while waiting for the opportunity to entangle Xiao Tian's wrist. The back end stops to move to the fat man's neck. The fat man's whole body is numb and fat face. He was so anxious that his face was sweaty, but he couldn't move at all.

Xiao Tian was anxious and dared not act too rashly. He knew the temperature in his hand. If it fell on the fat man, he was afraid that the fat man would immediately burn his skin and bones.

At this time, the broken sword of Lei Shengyuan had been cut to Xiao Tian's right hand holding the sword. That thin hemp vine can also match Xiao Tian's wrist.

Save people first or save yourself first?

Xiao Tian has made a decision. His right hand completely ignored the threat of the little demon vine. The Taiji sword lifted it up and cut the shoulder far away with his backhand. His left hand even grabbed the fat man's arm with the marijuana demon vine.

Zhu Huo and Liu Sha gathered in Xiao Tian's right palm with a smile. The fat man opened his mouth but couldn't make a sound, and a big drop of sweat dripped on his face.

The marijuana demon vine made a creaking animal-like cry in Xiao Tian's palm, twisting and trying to escape.

How did you allow you to run away? Xiao Tian hated it so much that he was the one who tied me up in the hole and let the thunder come to search!

He grabbed the marijuana demon vine with five fingers, which broke away from the fat man's body, screamed, twisted and struggled to escape.

The fat man's hands and feet can move, but they are obviously not as flexible as before. He didn't care about the charred skin on his arm. He pulled out a long sword from his waist and stabbed away at the thunder.

The thunder took a step back to avoid the fat man's sword. The fat man was about to catch up, and his feet tripped - the yellow dead grass on the ground turned green crazily and grew up, entangling his legs.

The fat man roared crazily and chopped off the grass roots under his feet, but more grass became longer and thicker crazily, reaching over and wrapping his legs, twisting up and extending. Some have been wrapped around the fat man's waist.

This time was enough. Xiao Tian held the marijuana demon vine tightly, cut it off his waist, and threw it out from afar. Feeling the horror in his hand, the little devil vine creaked back into the sleeve of the thunder and dared not show his head again.

Lei Shengyuan was anxious. He didn't expect to meet the enemy in this place, so he only wore an ordinary sword. I didn't expect Xiao Tian to be so tricky, not to mention the sharpness of the weapon. There was such a high temperature in his hand that the devil vine, which was not afraid of ordinary flames, would be burned by him.

When the marijuana demon vine was broken, he only felt a tight heart and a dizziness in his mind - these two hema vines were cultivated by secret methods and fed with animal blood mixed with his own blood. It is closely related to yourself.

However, the man-eating grass he is usually best at has no effect on Xiao Tian. All the plants attack the fat man who doesn't pose much threat, but they don't attack Xiao Tian.

Lei Sheng didn't know it, and Xiao Tian himself didn't know it, but it was stained with Yue'er's light.

Because he often hangs with Yueer, his body is stained with Yueer's breath. All plants, except for plants raised by themselves like the thunder of the hemp demon vine, will not attack Xiao Tian.