The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 2 Menijian is over

It is no wonder that he is proud. In the past five years, Xiao Tian has devoted almost all his time to the education of orphans. With the support of him, a rich man, more orphans have been sent to Cannes from all over the country.

Xiao Tian was worried that they would not learn well with Liang Jucai, so he simply established a standardized organization, personally took over the care of these children, and named their organization "Tianjiao".

He wants to let the parents who abandoned these children know that their children are not waste, but the proud son of heaven.

On that day, when he reached a certain scale and reached thousands of people, Wu Yi also came to Cannes and became the proud guest teacher.

Black Qiao, another master of Xiao Tian, came to Cannes on the first day of Tianjiao's establishment and taught Dan Dao and medicine to these children who were abandoned by their parents and did not have any elemental talent.


Two years ago, what Napoleon and Wu Yi were most worried about happened.

The orcs got large timber from nowhere, or did not know what nerves they had, built a large number of large sea ships, continuously transported soldiers, and attacked the mainland.

But unexpectedly, the landing site they chose was no longer a single Porta beach, but two routes, one landed from Porta, and the other from Loman Beach in the Kingdom of the United Kingdom.

Unprepared, the Kingdom of Meni was attacked and plundered by orcs. Seven cities were captured one after another overnight, and half of the land fell into the hands of the orcs.

In fact, only two cities were conquered by the orcs, and the defenders of the other five cities fled with the wind of the orcs.

The news came, and the whole continent was in an uproar.

Aubama, the emperor of Menijian, was not in good health. He was so anxious and angry that he died.

In the face of the national disaster, the Menijian Empire was not in the mood to do a funeral. It hastily restrained Obama, and the crown prince Ao Chenkong hurriedly took over the throne.

When Wu Yi heard the news, he shook his head gently and sneered at the corners of his mouth: "Menijian is finished."

As expected, the first thing Ao Chenkong did after taking office was not to organize and arrange the defense line, but to send people to negotiate with the orcs.

I don't know what's going on, but the wind of peace leaked out, and Menijian immediately set off an uproar in China, and the people were boiling.

First, students took the lead, and then almost all citizens threw away their work and took to the streets to petition. The royal family is required to give up peace and resist foreign aggression.

The streets are full of flyers and banners of various colors:

"The crisis of subjugation and extinction is just around the corner!"

"Resist! Resist! Resist!"

"Don't be a slave to orcs!"

"If you are not free, you'd rather die!"

I don't know whether the military police who were ordered to come to suppress were scared out by the excited crowd or were already dissatisfied with the decision to make peace. Unexpectedly, he put down the weapon in his hand and merged into the flow of people and became a part of the petition.

The sculpture by the roadside was pushed down from the base, and the excited students stood on the high stone platform and said passionately: "This is a war between different races, either the death of orcs or the death of human beings! There is no possibility of compromise..."

On the bench in the street park stood the conductor of the white-haired elderly choir, and a group of elderly people in plain clothes sang solemn songs under his command: "Let's not be subjugated slaves..."

The school was closed, the factory was shut down, the shops were closed, and the farmers threw down the crops to be harvested, wore mud-stained shoes, and gathered in front of the government with plow hoes to sit and demonstrate.

Without waiting for Ao Chenkong to take further measures, the hawks of the Menijian Empire launched a coup, driving him off the emperor's throne and exiled him to the city of Dejo, which had been occupied by the orcs.

Don't you like to talk to orcs? Then you can talk about it by yourself.

Unsurprisingly, the orcs did not show mercy to this "peace-loving" former king.

It is still hundreds of meters away from the city occupied by the orcs. In the distance, you can see the orc figures of all kinds of long hair on the city. The soldiers who escorted him to Ao Chenkong left him and fled.

Just kidding, are you really sent to the city for a handover?

"Hello, Mr. Orc, this is the former king who was exiled to your city. Please accept it. In addition, please stamp this * to indicate that my task has been completed."

The orc politely stretched out his fur claws stained with red clay and pressed a fingerprint: "Okay, leave it to us. We will take good care of him. Please rest assured."

Is it possible for such a dialogue to happen? The answer is no.

The real situation is:

As soon as the soldiers fled, the gate had already opened. Dozens of smelly beasts were wrapped in short human clothes and ran out with weapons.

The riding team of soldiers has run so much that there is only one riding yellow dust, leaving an unlucky man in the middle of the empty road.

Several orcs tidy up their clothes, clenched their weapons, and reminded each other:

"Beware of ambush..."

"Humans are very cunning..."

"Is this human? Why do I think his face is so long and looks like a donkey-headed man?

A dog soldier teased another donkey soldier: "Is he your family member?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" The donkey soldier was indignant: "My people don't have such a short face!"

He seemed to be stimulated by this sentence. He picked up the long knife snatched from the human city, ignored the shouting of the human in front of him, and cut off the head of the cool donkey.

Ao Chenkong set a record for the shortest time in the emperor's reign - he reigned for only 21 days, and his buttocks did not have time to heat up the throne.

The right-wing prime minister of the Menijian Empire set another record. He was the first minister in the history of Menijian to successfully rebel and was warmly supported by all the people of the country.

Huo Dong drove Ao Chenkong off the throne, but he did not sit on it. He was convinced that it didn't matter what position he sat in, and what he could do was important.

Huodong did not establish another emperor, but established a wartime democratic management office, which set up various departments, with in office ministers serving as ministers of various departments of the unified management office and deciding national affairs after consultation by ministers.

Democracy is sometimes synonymous with chaos.

Peace has been too long.

It wears away the sharpness of some people, and some people have no perception of the cruelty of war. Even Huodong, a determined main fighter, is a little confused about what to do next.

When the whole country is calling for war. The bosses of the General Administration don't know how to fight?

Should we go forward, take the initiative to attack, give the orcs a head-on attack, and drive them back to the sea?

Or build a strong defense line, turn the unoccupied area into a piece of iron, and wait for the orcs to invade and give them a devastating blow?

Some of the ministers of the General Office supported the former opinion and some supported the latter opinion. The two factions quarreled endlessly, and the grand conference hall of the General Office was brightly lit and noisy day and night. The two factions quarreled with each other. I said that you were a traitor to human beings, and you said that I was living secretly.

When the argument was fierce, he picked up the documents on the table and threw them at the other party, while the other party also took hot tea.

Although Ao Chenkong was exiled and his concubines and children were executed, the eldest prince, His Royal Highness 16-year-old Oson, did not know how to escape. He ran to a small city on the western coast of the empire and pulled up a group of people.

They re-established the small court, accusing the General Administration of weak resistance and losing fighters, claiming that their side was the backbone of the real support for the "anti-beast".

Ao Chenkong himself has no talent, but this His Royal Highness Oson is a material for political work.

He issued an announcement, claiming that Ao Chenkong's peace proposal was a delaying plan;

In order to win time for the resistance of the national organization, the beloved Aochenkong Emperor did not hesitate to sacrifice his reputation and temporarily make peace with the orcs. However, this act of enduring humiliation for the country and the nation was used by a small group of villains with ulterior motives, who plotted against the crime and killed a generation of famous kings.

The announcement describes in detail the experience of the Aochenkong Emperor's struggle against this small group of sinners of the country and nation. He claimed with indignation that our beloved Emperor Aochenkong did not die at the hands of the orcs, but at the hands of the important ministers he trusted and entrusted with heavy responsibilities! This treasonous criminal who goes back on his head, the sinner of the country and the nation is Huodong!

The announcement describes the sad deeds of the Aochenkong Emperor with delicate and sensational strokes.

It is said that until the moment he was exiled to the enemy-occupied city, the Aochenkong Emperor was still fighting with the orcs unyieldingly. However, there were orcs in the past and the rebels of their own country, and a generation of great men were killed in this way! The savior of the country and nation died like this!

As soon as the announcement came out, did the people feel that it was really like this? After all, the former king only said peace, but he didn't say no resistance? Is it true that Huodong murdered His Majesty the Emperor?

Thinking of the fact that since the establishment of the Democratic Control Office, there has not even been a serious 800 battle, those bigwigs just drink tea, chat and quarrel every day, and some of the ordinary people who have already been stunned by fear and humiliation anger are angry: "Complaint! The General Administration will do nothing!"

Another part of the people support the General Administration: "Support! The General Administration is the real democratic institution!"

Menijian, from military aircraft ministers to cooking cooks, is in a mess. Everyone claims to be for the future and destiny of the country and nation. The whole country is in a mess, and all affairs are paralyzed.

It really answered Wu Yi's words: "Menijian is over."


Compared with the chaos on the human side, the orcs are step by step.

Contrary to human beings, orcs act with extreme caution. They are not as stupid as they seem.

After occupying seven cities, they stopped and stationed troops in these cities. Collect food and grass and replace soldiers with new human weapons. Train soldiers to learn human language and culture.

Orcs without their own words even bought some shameless anthropologists with the threat of seduction and deprivation of life by high officials to create orc words on the basis of human words.

In addition to two massacres in two cities of resistance, in the other five cities, the orcs only stationed troops in the city and posted notices to comfort the people.

However, there is no public heart to appease them - the people in the city have almost run away. What is left are the old people who are hard to leave their hometown.

On the one hand, these old people can't run, and on the other hand, they don't want to leave their hometown. The orcs did not resist when they entered the city. Of course, it can also be understood that they have no strength to resist.

So there are also several old, weak, sick and disabled "shun people" in the fallen city, which looks peaceful on the surface.