The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 14 Little Boy Qingqing

Unlike the students in the branches of Tianjiao, most of the children in Tianjiao's headquarters are orphans. Even after coming to Tianjiao, they can have no worries about food and clothing, but there are still not many days like today when they can eat large pieces of meat.

Yan Duoduo stopped and looked at the black and thin boy pitifully, holding his back with one hand and going to his chest with the other hand to help him get along.

Sun Xiaoxue's hand on the hilt of the sword loosened. Somehow, she felt that this eldest sister, who was much taller than herself, was a good person and gave people a very intimate feeling.

The lion's mane teenager looked up and down at Yan Duoduo, and his eyes hidden in his messy hair gradually lit up. Finally, he cheered: "Are you long-legged Duoduo?" After he finished talking, he felt something wrong and added, "Your Excellency?"

Duoduo smiled and said no words.

Sun Xiaoxue looked at many students around and stopped their chopsticks and looked this way. She couldn't help complaining about the lion: "Wow down, what kind of long legs? What's the big deal..." Without finishing her words, her eyes also lit up: "Are you General Yan? The legendary General Yan?"

Yan Duoduo nodded with a smile and asked the lion, "How do you recognize me?" She looked at herself: when she came out, she deliberately changed into casual clothes, and there was nothing on her body that could tell her identity. And I haven't returned to Cannes for nearly five years. This teenager looks 16 or 17 years old. Five years ago, he was 11 or 12 years old. How could he know himself?

The lion's mane teenager had an unconcealed admirable face: "I saw the mainland element elite competition five years ago. General Yan passed five levels and killed six generals, and General Xiao, who was the first in the competition that year! The first place in the whole continent!

Oh, my God! At that time, my ideal was," Speaking of this, the rough lion's mane teenager scratched his head shyly and smiled, "General Yan, can you sign me?"

Yan Duoduo smiled and said, "Okay!" After saying this, the heroic heroine seemed to think of something and solemnly told her, "Don't call me General Yan in the future, call me Sister Duoduo."

The little boy's rice basket was already stunned. Two oily hands rubbed their clothes and frowned at Sun Xiaoxue next to him, but he didn't care about this and rushed over and asked loudly, "Oh, my God, are you really General Yan Duoduo?"

Yan Duoduo smiled at him dotingly: "It's like a fake replacement. Also, call me sister, little brother of rice basket.

The rice basket's face turned red. He held his hands on his chest, and his big blue eyes sparkled brightly: "Is General Xiao back? I really want to see him! I admire him so much!"

Their words have attracted the attention of some students. Hearing this sentence, many students whispered: "General Xiao is back?"

Seeing more people put down their chopsticks and look this way, some people have begun to move. Yan Duoduo has to clarify: "The front line war is urgent, and General Xiao can't leave."

"Oh..." A sigh of disappointment with one voice.

Yan Duoduo smiled and said, "Children, grow up quickly and study hard. One day, we will completely drive the orcs out of the mainland, and then General Xiao can come to see you every day!" The young general squeezed her mouth and smiled: "General Xiao likes to buy you delicious food!"

seemed to be a footnote for her words. Bai Rui, the team leader of the three groups, laughed proudly and said, "I have seen General Xiao, and he still hugged me!" Every time he gives me more delicious food, because... I'm more handsome!"

"Hahaha..." The students laughed, and some people laughed and sprayed the rice on the table.

A handsome and beautiful little boy stood on the stool at some point, his face was red, he sprayed with alcohol, and shouted in a shrill voice, "Xiao Tian hugged you?" Because you are handsome, he will give you delicious food? What is your relationship? Ah?"

At the end of this sound, the boy deliberately turned a corner and dragged it long. After saying this, he looked around proudly.

The surroundings suddenly quieted down, and countless angry eyes stared at the boy. If he hadn't been too young, at most three or four years old and couldn't stand a fist, I'm afraid these students would have rushed up and beat him.

Stared by so many fierce eyes, the handsome little boy did not have a trace of fear. He still stood on the stool and said nonsense: "Yeah, don't look at me like this, I will be shy. This is the truth. You said that Xiao Tian had hugged him, and because he was handsome, he gave him more food. Let me see. He is also very ordinary. Xiao Tian's vision is not good, and he doesn't choose to be a man..."

After he finished speaking, Yan Duoduo covered his mouth, pulled him off the stool, and whispered, "Qingqing! You are running around again! Lord Yao Sheng is looking for you everywhere!"

The young general looked up awkwardly and smiled around: "Well, this, don't listen to his nonsense. This little guy drank too much."

Seeing General Yan coming forward, all the students let go of their fists and dispersed. Only the rice basket and a few people nearby heard Yan Duoduo's whispered words.


Today's luck is so, so, so great!

Is this little boy the legendary young hero who killed orcs without blinking and burning 30,000 orcs in conversation and laughter?

Oh, my God!

He is the idol of all junior students!

Yan Duoduo pulled the drunken Qingqing, made a silent gesture to the surrounding teenagers, and whispered, "Don't be silent. Lord Yao Sheng is looking for him for something. He has to go now!"

The black and thin face of the rice basket seemed to be shining. He stared eagerly at Qingqing, as if he wanted to carve Qingqing in his mind, but he dared not speak.

Lord Yao Sheng has something to do with Qingqing Xiaoxia, which must be a big deal. He must not waste Qingqing Xiaoxia's time.

Although Qingqing was drunk, she noticed the teenager's eyes, which were mixed with desire, respect, worship and a trace of fear.

The blue of a three- or four-year-old boy grinned, took out a pure white dagger and handed it to the rice basket: "Here, here you are! When you grow up, you want to do one, er," he hiccuped and found that he suddenly forgot what to say: "Just be yourself!"

The rice basket took the dagger with both hands with an excited face. The dagger was extremely heavy. The teenager's hand sank and he almost couldn't hold it and fell to the ground.

The rice basket put a dagger on his chest with his hands, and his greasy black and thin little face looked solemn: "Be yourself."

Qingqing broke away from Yan Duoduo, jumped on the stool again, and patted the shoulder of the rice basket on tiptoe: "Well, good job!"

Several teenagers around looked enviously at the shoulders of the rice basket.

Qingqing smiled, and an understanding smile appeared on the little boy's delicate and beautiful face. He quietly hooked his fingers at several other students, and the students quietly surrounded them.

Qingqing took out a few sabers that looked rough and gave them to the students one by one: "This is the captured orc equipment for you as a souvenir. He is a masterpiece of the short master, which has different meanings. You won't be jealous of him, will you?

"No!" The students were unisonous and excited.

Although the weapons of the enemy captured on the battlefield are rough, they are more memorable than the fine works of the dwarf master. The students held sabers, and their faces turned red with excitement.

Yan Duoduo smiled apologetically at several students and pulled Qingqing, who was unwilling to turn her head back, out of the door.

When they came out of the noisy canteen, the refreshing cool breeze outside hit their faces, and both Yan Duoduo and Qingqing were refreshed.

Looking back at the bustling canteen, looking at the headquarters with lights everywhere, thinking of the Tianjiao branches all over the mainland. Yan Duoduo sighed in her heart: Who would have thought that Xiao Tian just wanted to help these orphans, but achieved such a big career and created so many talents?

Yan Duoduo pulled Qingqing, who refused to leave, and walked to Chopin's office. Heiqiao and Wu Yi are waiting for them there.


Southwest Camp.

Yan Dao returned to the camp with the soldiers who got up early for training, and they were all wet and sweaty. He simply took a shower and walked to the handsome tent where Xiao Tian lived.

Recently, I don't know if the orcs are afraid of being beaten or for some other reason. In short, they are much more honest.

In the past half month, there has been almost no large-scale war between the two sides except for the occasional harassment of a small group of soldiers.

Taking advantage of this rare leisure time, Yan Dao is ready to go back to Bayannor.

Since the orcs caused a large sea boat two years ago and landed on Menijian and gained a firm foothold, the pressure of the dwarves at the foot of the Porta Mountains has been reduced a lot - a large port and a perfect logistics mechanism have been established there, and the human resistance of Menijian is far less resolute and brave than that of the dwarves in Porta. .

After being ambushed by Xiao Tian six months ago, nearly 30,000 orcs were killed by a fire. The orc headquarters learned to be obedient. They adjusted their strategy. Most of the orc soldiers landed from Menijian, only a few from Porta Mountain, and most of these orc soldiers carried out harassing tasks.

Orcs are not fools, and they also know the principle of eating persimmons and picking softly. With Meni's large and spacious dock, perfect logistics, and responding friendly forces, the orcs will continue to use oil-adding tactics to send achievements to the dwarves to the Porta Mountains unless they are crazy.

The war is not tight, and the materials sent by the human world are extremely rich. In addition, with Xiao Tian sitting in the southwest camp, the old treacherous and slippery His Majesty Napoleun and Wu Yi discussed: "It's just right that I'm idle. The dwarves have withdrawn. Let's go to rebuild the Dwarves Kingdom."

The great green mountain in the Kingdom of Bayannor is the former land of the Dwarf Kingdom. In the mainland peace agreement, the Kingdom of Bayannor has officially transferred Daqing Mountain to the Dwarves Kingdom and promised to support it as much as possible when the Dwarves Kingdom is rebuilt.

After knowing the Philpu Kingdom and the Bayannor Kingdom, overnight, the vast dwarfs poured out of the underground cave and ran to the birthplace of their ancestors: Daqing Mountain.

There, they will rebuild the once glorious kingdom of dwarves.

The Kingdom of Bayannur was happy to implement the content of the mainland peace agreement and tried its best to help the dwarves rebuild.