The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 23 The Enchanted Eye Shows His Power

Hearing the noise of two living treasures, Ding Yifei's thin face showed a smile for the first time. The smile involved the scar on his neck, making his face look painful and ferocious.

No, Ding Yifei seems to be really painful. Xiao Tian looked carefully at Ding Yifei's scar, went to him and stretched out his hand to press it and stroke it.

Ding Yifei's smile froze. He trembled uncontrollably and slowly raised his hand, as if to grab Xiao Tian's hand pressed on his scar.

Xiao Tian's words made his hand go again: "Don't move, I can cure your injury."

Ding Yifei's face twitched, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Really?"

Xiao Tian did not answer, and his fingers were pinched around his neck.

The two living treasures over there also stopped fighting and ran over and stared at Xiao Tian's hand in a daze. Liu Xiaogang muttered and exclaimed in a low voice, "How dare he touch Brother Fei's injury? Is Wang Lei tired of living?

Zhihui covered his mouth: "Don't talk nonsense! Wang Lei must have something to do, maybe..."

Xiao Tian put down his hand and looked at Ding Yifei's eyes with a smile: "Your wound affects the muscles on your face. Every time you smile, you will have a headache and face pain, right?"

Ding Yifei nodded in a daze.

Liu Xiaogang covered his mouth like a girl and whispered to Zhihui, "No wonder Brother Yifei will never laugh. So that's it is, but what's wrong with Wang Lei...uh..."

Zhihui covered his mouth again.

"Are we going to cure it now? Or should those guys be put away before curing them?" Xiao Tian asked Ding Yifei, "Because this is an old injury, it may recover more slowly. For the sake of safety, it is better to treat it in a relatively calm environment."

The muscles on Ding Yifei's face twitched uncontrollably. He looked at Xiao Tian in a daze and suddenly seemed to make a big decision: "Ok! As long as you can help me heal, when they come to hurt you, I will help you deal with them!"

Liu Xiaogang opened Zhihui's hand and said loudly, "I've also helped you. I've had enough of it. I've been unpleasant for a long time!"

Zhihui hesitated for a moment: "Isn't this good? In case we can't beat them, we will all die. Even if you don't die, I'm afraid in the future..."

His young and young face had a painful and struggling look, and his eyes looked helplessly at the opposite wall: "If I am kicked out, there is no place to go."

A moment of silence.

Xiao Tian patted Zhihui's hand with a smile: "I don't need your help, but the treatment needs a relatively quiet environment. When I send those people away, the martial arts hall returns to normal, and it will be more appropriate to treat the wounds."

Liu Xiaogang looked at Xiao Tian admiringly: "Brother Wang Lei, you can both issue sound insulation barriers and heal injuries. It's simply a god. Where did you learn this?"

Xiao Tian smiled and looked at the oldest but most immature boy: "Tianjiao Headquarters."


Hao Ba's two small eyes lit up: "In addition to giving you two gold coins, he also has a hand axe set with jade? That hand axe," he pondered, "Does it look good?"

Lao Qi's face was full of excitement: "Yes, yes, not only is the hand axe good, but the jade embedded on it, although it has not been polished, I dare to be the best! I have never seen that kind of jade. It not only has a moist color, but also seems to shine.

"Shining jade?" Hao Ba's sweaty black face showed a trace of doubt: "What kind of jade is that?"

He settled down and turned to ask other questions: "What's the point of that boy?"

Lao Qi suffocated and did not answer. He talked to Xiao Tian twice and didn't ask anything except to know that the teenager's name was Wang Lei, who was from Lei Wang City. Now Hao Ba is so cold that he can't answer this question.

Seeing Hao Ba's face gradually gloomy, Lao Qi's crooked mouth was worried and hurriedly said his guess: "This boy is a child of a large family and has been spoiled by his family. I suspect that he sneaked out."

"Oh?" Hao Ba tilted his head and looked at Lao Qi with a crooked mouth with great interest: "What do you say?"

"The material of this boy's clothes is very good, but it is stained with dust, which shows that he comes from a good background, either rich or noble. He doesn't have much luggage, but he is very generous. He doesn't think about spending money at all. As soon as he takes action, he has two gold coins. At first glance, he is used to big hands, which shows that he The family spoiled him very much; they spoiled him so much that they didn't arrange an attendants for him when they went out. According to this, it is estimated that he ran out secretly.

Hao Ba listened and said, "Well, it makes sense. The hand axe you mentioned and the jade on the hand axe, will he give it to us if we ask him?"

Lao Qi shook his head, thinking of Xiao Tian's faint but resolute look at that time, and directly denied Hao Ba's idea of going to go again.

"What should I do?"

The two discussed for a while and decided to follow the old method. The so-called old method is actually very simple: kill their people and seize their treasures. It's just that this can't be done in the museum. Lao Qi made a trick again. Tomorrow, he will cheat Xiao Tian out of the city and end him in the valley outside the city.

The valley outside the city is full of greenery, and the strong green covers the whole mountain. The breeze blows along the valley. In this fiery summer, it is like a beautiful summer resort.

At this time, Xiao Tian was looking west in the valley, with a very confused look on his face: "Seventh brother, this place is really nice and cool, but where is the rare thing you told me about?"

He suddenly bent down and picked up a stone on the ground and praised: "How can there be pebbles in this valley? Isn't this thing only in the river?"

Behind him, Lao Qi, with a crooked mouth, was staring at Xiao Tian, who seemed to be intentional or unintentional: Did this boy happen to avoid this move? Or is he an unrehesive master?

Xiao Tian just turned around at this time and saw the crooked old seven holding the knife fiercely. He was looking at himself eagerly, as if he wanted to rush up and didn't dare.

Looking at his fearful and fierce look, Xiao Tian decided to pretend to be stupid for him to the end: "Seventh brother, who are you going to cut with such a shining knife? I'm so afraid of people! I see. Are you going to hunt here?

The sneak attack was found by the other party. The crooked-mouthed old seven was thinking that it was time to tear his face and rush to kill him? Or should we wait until next time we have a chance?

was hesitantly. It was rare that Xiao Tian gave him such a good step. Lao Qi didn't care whether he was really pretending. He hurriedly lowered his knife and smiled and said, "There are a lot of beasts here. It's really a good place for brothers to hunt."

Xiao Tian smiled secretly: Just pretend to be you!

Ding Yifei is right. This martial arts school is indeed a veteran who seeks wealth and death. Thinking that the martial arts hall he created by himself fell into the hands of such people and became a tool for them to kill and accumulate wealth, Xiao Tian was furious and couldn't wait for a fire dragon skill to burn the ugly crooked mouth on the opposite side.

Xiao Tian did not do this. He followed Lao Qi to this remote place, but not only to test whether Ding Yifei's words were true or not. There is another more important thing waiting for him - to avenge the old hall with injustice. Correct the punishment of these two guys and return a clean reputation to the Shiyang City Martial Arts Museum.

Xiao Tian agreed and looked around curiously: "But shouldn't you take bows and arrows when hunting? What kind of prey should I use with a knife? Is your prey not an animal but..." Xiao Tian stared at the crooked eyes of Lao Qi: "Me?!"

Lao Qi's heart was stunned, and the black eyes of the young man opposite him stared closely. His deep and blurred eyes were as deep as a deep pool, shining with starlight.

It is said that only one person on this continent has black eyes. Is this young man in front of him? Lao Qi dared not say the name of that person, but the age and appearance of "Wang Lei" in front of him is also very similar to that person. How could he and Hao Ba ignore this?

With a sound, Lao Qi with a crooked mouth let go, and the ghost knife fell uncontrollably and inserted tremblingly on the grass. Lao Qi only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and a stream of heat surged up in his heart, and suddenly thought of his elderly mother in his family.

How long has it been since you came home? Or did you go home last month and put down a bag of rice? I don't know if my mother has finished eating? If you help Hao Ba kill so many people, you will eventually be punished, right? When that day comes, I don't know if the white-haired old mother at home will be heartbroken? Can she survive this disaster?

She has advised herself countless times not to do it for the tiger, but she just doesn't listen. She must be very disappointed, right?

Xiao Tianshen stood on the opposite side of the crooked-mouthed Lao Qi, and the stars flashed in his dark eyes. I don't know whether the expression on his face is regret or hatred.

The most important thing in the heart of this evil-hearted and heinous guy is not his desire for money, but his attachment to his mother. The matter of the old restaurant owner has no place in his heart at all. This is what Xiao Tian didn't expect.

It seems that I had to ask him in person.

The starlight flashed and rotated, gradually converging into a brilliant whirlpool in Xiao Tian's black eyes. The whirlpool turned faster and faster, and starlight splashed out of his eyes, forming a gorgeous galaxy pattern in mid-air.

Not only the crooked Laoqi, but also Ding Yifei and others secretly lying in the grass in the distance were stunned.

Ding Yifei was the most mature of the three people. He pressed the other two people's heads: "Don't look! It's dangerous!" He also lowered his head quickly and withdrew his head back into the grass.

Over there, Xiao Tian has begun to interrogate. Lao Qi looked at the star map in mid-air in a daze and knew everything about the questions raised by Xiao Tian.

The old museum claimed that He Tao was killed by Hao Ba. He put a small dose of chronic toxins in Zhang Hetao's diet and killed his own brother in the same way. Although the other brother died in the water, he was also unable to escape from Hao Ba - if he took that medicine for a long time, people would be weak. It was for this reason that Hao Ba's brother drowned.

The medicine that killed the old museum owner and Brother Hao Ba was in Hao Ba's secret room, where there were many money and jades he cleverly seized.

The starlight in Xiao Tian's eyes gradually dissipated, the brilliant star map in the air gradually disappeared, and the valley returned to deep silence.