The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 37 Swallow Menijian!

Rocky laughed and scolded him, "Don't you dare? Get up! Some time ago, when the orc offensive was not tight, I should have arranged for you to take a few days off and go back to see your family. On the one hand, considering that the Southwest Camp cannot be separated from you, and on the other hand, I am not thoughtful enough.

Xiao Tian listened to the emperor's words very sincerely and seemed to have no intention of asking for guilt. He left the southwest camp without approval and came back without authorization. He thought he was going to get a big crime, but he was indeed psychologically prepared. Unexpectedly, he could easily pass the test. The emperor also asked him to get up quickly, and Xiao Tian followed Rocky's words and stood up.

Rocky pointed to the opposite seat and motioned him to sit down: "It's really difficult for a young man to lead the army against the orcs in the southwest camp for several years. You left the camp and went back to Tianjiao first, instead of sneaking back to the Elf Holy Forest to see your family. I am very relieved and uneasy.

Since His Majesty talked about Tianjiao, Xiao Tian also brazenly said: "Your Majesty, Tianjiao has encountered a financial crisis and can't make ends meet. Weichen came back to deal with this matter."

Loki never mentioned the fat man and Luo Mu. Xiao Tian also didn't mention this trouble. He only said that Tianjiao had encountered a financial crisis. The implication of his words was obvious: "Boss, it's time to pay!"

Rocky was indeed worthy of a generation of famous kings. He immediately understood what his subordinates didn't dare to say: "Well, there is also a reason why the salary owed you was not paid. Tomorrow you go to the financial office to get it, and I will inform them to double it. After all, those orphans of Tianjiao are also the people of my Philpu Kingdom."

His Majesty suddenly looked very gossipy: "I heard that you saved the beauty and the princess of Menijian on your way back?"

The emperor won't open which pot today!

Looking at the curious joking eyes of the emperor, Xiao Tian blushed and defended himself in a low voice: "I just did it by hand. At that time, I didn't know that she was the princess of Menigan. Later, she showed her identity, but I was anxious to return to Tianjiao and did not identify whether the woman's words were true or false, so I didn't match at all. Pay attention to her. Now even your majesty knows about this matter. It seems that this woman's princess status seems to be true.

"Hahaha!" Rocky laughed cheerfully: "Your Highness has a big opinion on you!"

Xiao Tian was frightened, but his face was disapproving: "Sure enough, only women and villains are difficult to raise. I saved her life, but she still have opinions on me. They all say that Menijian's human nature is cold, and it is true."

Looking at Xiao Tian's indignant look, Loki laughed: "That's not true. The princess just blames you for I ignored her. A charming princess put down her air and condescending to find you, but you didn't say anything to her - did she really go to Tianjiao to find you?"

Xiao Tiancheng was afraid to kneel down and was stopped by Rocky: "Don't do this at any time. Today, you and I won't talk about the gifts of kings and ministers. You just treat me as Luo Bing's father."

The emperor's attitude today is very strange, very kind and amiable, really like Xiao Tian's classmate Luo Bing's father - but Xiao Tian didn't think so.

He knows the truth of accompanying you like a tiger, even if you are really the father of his classmates. He carefully explained to Loki: "The woman went to the minister, but the minister's affairs were so complicated that I didn't care about her."

The two gentlemen and ministers looked at each other and knew that the biggest reason why Xiao Tian did this was not to care about it, but to avoid suspicion. In any case, it is not a happy thing for the monarch to have private contact with foreign princesses in his private territory. In particular, this princess is not a vase, but a powerful and courageous master who can make waves in China.

Loki secretly appreciates that although the child is young, he knows how to advance and retreat, let alone be fascinated by beauty.

Thinking of this, he inevitably thought of his two sons. As long as they have one like Xiao Tian. The eldest brother is a fool and a waste. Although the second brother is talented, he is too cowardly and is not a suitable candidate to be a king. Fortunately, Binger has honed and improved in recent years. Otherwise, the foundation passed down by her ancestors and the foundation she ambitiously planned for half a day, but she doesn't know who to pass it on.

If there is an heir like Ao Chenkong, it's better not to have it. If you destroy yourself, don't say anything, but also destroy Menijian.

Rocky the Great looked at the young general who humbly lowered his head in front of him and was glad: Fortunately, Xiao Tian did not seem to have great ambition at present, and he and Binger had a good personal relationship. But ambition changes with people's age and status environment, and no one can guarantee that he will never change. No one dares to base the future and destiny of a country on trust in a certain person. Only when the situation is completely in your own hands is the safest.

For good, there is still the power of the Bai family.

Bai Shuang has almost tempered with his father in recent years, but he can appropriately cut Xiao Tian's power and shift the focus of power to the Bai family, but this scale needs to be well grasped and a good balance.

Or, why not take this opportunity to take his military power?

Loki shook his head and denied his idea: It's not impossible, but it's too risky. I'm afraid it will chill people to do this to loyal and meritorious ministers. What's more, that matter needs to be done with the help of the power of Tianjiao.

Xiao Tian saw that the emperor was muttering and his face was uncertain. He could feel the emperor's mood, but he didn't know what the emperor was thinking?

Xiao Tian did not dare to say more. The room was silent, and there was a crisp sound of birds in the garden outside the window.

A knock on the door broke the tranquility in the room. The waiter just approached gently and whispered a few words in the ear of Loki the Great.

The two were far away from Xiao Tian. He didn't hear what the waiter said, but vaguely heard the words such as "Your Highness...wait..."

Rocky's face was slightly embarrassed and whispered angrily, "Then let him wait!"

The attendant bowed and retreated.

Rocky stopped for a while, as if he was thinking about something?

For a long time, he raised his head and said solemnly to Xiao Tian, "There is a big business. I don't know if Tianjiao is interested?"

"Ah?" Xiao Tian was stunned for a moment and looked at Rocky in surprise: The emotional economic crisis is not only arrogant, but also the emperor is going to do business. Is Philp really short of money to this extent?

This idea was just a flash, and Xiao Tian immediately woke up and laughed dumbly - no matter what the economic crisis is, it won't endanger the emperor. I'm afraid there are other reasons for Rocky? Xiao Tian calmed down and looked at Loki, waiting for his follow-up.

Loki put out the conditions he negotiated with Ao Yuning one by one:

Menijian borrowed 5,000 soldiers from Tianjiao at the price of one silver coin per person per day, including about 500 middle and lower-level officers.

The main task of these borrowed soldiers is to help Austen the civil strife. The task of middle and lower-level officers is to help train Menijian's army so that they can improve their overall combat effectiveness against orcs.

In fact, the latter one is an ancient martial art skill to help train soldiers.

After hearing what the emperor said, Xiao Tian reacted very quickly. If it was just this matter, the emperor would not be so cautious to find himself.

He lowered his head and muttered. It's not impossible, but after all, he still has the title of general. What to do depends on what the "owner" thinks.

Xiao Tian looked up at his "owner" and Rocky the Great was looking at him expectantly. Xiao Tian understood and immediately stated: "Tianjiao is short of money now, and this matter is not negotiable. However, after all, I still have the status of a general. Many proud students are now also members of the national army. Whether they can earn this money and how to earn it depends on what your majesty means? More than 30,000 members of Tianjiao are only the head of your majesty. We will do what your majesty says.

Rocky's well-maintained handsome face showed such an expression. He said solemnly, "I mean..." He paused for a moment and looked at Xiao Tian's face: "Let's take this opportunity..." His Majesty did not say anything, and his handsome face showed a murderousness and made a gesture of killing.

Xiao Tian was shocked and said in a trembling voice, "Kill her? Why?"

Rocky smiled, and there was an indescribable look in his smile: "No, swallow Menijian!"


Near noon, there was no wind in the sultry air, and the hot sun shone on the open space in front of the palace. A burst of heat rose, the air seemed to be distorted, and the wall in the distance seemed blurred.

Luo Mu stood in a sweat, annoyed and hot. A servant was beside him to help him put on a sunshade, and another wind elemental engineer moved out a small wind element array, placed it on the ground and blew it at him.

Luo Mu waved his hand to him impatiently and scolded, " put it away, in case my father sees it, he will be scolded again!"

The elemental master flattered the horse's leg, made it boring, and hurriedly picked up the element array.

The sun seems to be more poisonous and burning. Luo Mu's heart is like a pot of red charcoal burning.

I heard that Loki the Great was going to make his younger brother Luo Bing the crown prince. Luo Mu hurried to the palace to see his father despite that he was still in the forbidden period. Unexpectedly, when I arrived at the gate of the palace, I was rejected by my father.

Looking at the embarrassed expression of Su He, the eunuch who preached the decree, he knew that his father's attitude would not be good. Does his father really want to see him so much that he really wants to pass the throne to the weak and useless Luo Bing?

Luo Mu was thirsty and hot. Although some people shaded him with umbrellas, after all, there was only a small piece of shade. A full set of thick official clothes were covered layer by layer, sweating and heavy clothes. The sweat on my forehead was evaporated before it flowed down.

After waiting for nearly two hours, it was almost lunchtime. Rocky hasn't appeared yet. I don't know which minister he is talking to secretly.

No matter how important the minister is, his son is not important, is he?

Luo Mu remembered Su He's slightly cautious eyes. He asked for a long time, and Su He was also submissive, but refused to tell himself who the person inside was.

The things in front of them were covered with a layer of burning light, which made people's eyes dark. Even the guards standing under the shade of the palace gate not far away seemed to have some inexplicable, sarcastic and sympathetic in their eyes.

The longer he stood, the more Luo Mu felt that the guard was laughing at himself. His eyes, the shining sword on his waist, his straight and motionless figure, everything is laughing at himself and reminding himself that you are just an unfavored prince.

How dare a doorkeeper despise himself so much?