The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 44 Rebels

Iron Eagle's heart gossiped: The general is really different. In the normal order, the emperor should be first and the princess behind. But when he thought about the princess he had just seen, he was immediately relieved: since ancient times, heroes love beauties, and it is normal for the general to care more about the beautiful princess.

Thinking like this in his heart, his face did not move at all. Tie Ying respectfully reported in a low voice: "In the back." He made a gentle gesture.

The crowd separated on both sides, surrounded by a group of soldiers, and the tightly protected Oyuning and Oxun came side by side.

For a moment, all eyes focused on this beautiful and calm princess. Xiao Tian secretly praised in his heart: According to the report of the soldiers just now, the rebels have invaded the city master's mansion, but the princess is still calm and calm, her pace is stable, her clothes are neat, and her hair is meticulous. Even the exquisite makeup on the face does not look dirty.

It seems that the legend in the upper circle is true, and the princess is really not simple.

The two approached, and a pungent smell of alcohol came. Xiao Tian frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on the young emperor Oxun - dirty clothes, red and swollen eyes, messy and tangled hair on his forehead, and light blue eyes looked forward without focus, and his eyes were blank. As soon as he came into contact with Xiao Tian's eyes, his eyes flashed and lowered his head.

Iron Eagle suddenly realized: No wonder the general just put the princess in front of the emperor, and the emotional princess is the backbone of this temporary court. As for the crying nose? He can't even compare with a small finger.

In fact, not to mention the ruthless Qingqing, even the poet's temperament and sentimental Luo Bing is not a little better than him.

Seeing Xiao Tian, Ao Yuning Yingying saluted: "Ao Yuning thanked the general for his assistance!" Behind her, the young emperor bowed as a courtesy: "General Xie!"

Xiao Tian opened his body and did not accept his salute, and then bowed back: "Please forgive Xiao Tian's armor for not giving a big gift. Menijian and Filp have been friendly for generations, and helping friends is the meaning of Filp. Just because of the recent heavy rain and difficult roads, the army delayed the trip and shocked the emperor and princess. Xiao Tian was very uneasy!"

This is not all polite. Xiao Tian didn't expect that Menijian, or Ao Yuning, was in such a bad situation, but he came three days late and even the city master's mansion was broken. If you come half a day later, I'm afraid you will have to collect the bodies for the two aunts and nephews.

After saying the polite words, Ao Yuning looked solemn: "General, there is one more thing I need your help."

"Your Highness, please order."

"I don't dare to order anything. Huodong personally led the team to attack the city this time. Please ask the general to go down and be careful not to let him go.

She took a figure from the hands of the soldiers beside her: "This is the shape of the man. Please ask the general to spread it widely to his subordinates."

Xiao Tianchao nodded to the iron eagle, and the iron eagle came forward and took the figure with both hands. Xiao Tian issued a military order: "If the order goes on, the whole city will search for the rebels and not be plundered without authorization. Those who violate the order will be killed!"

Looking at the release of Xiao Tianjun's order, Ao Yuning said understandingly, "Please follow me to the city master's mansion to rest."

In the city lord's mansion after the war.

When the rebels attacked the city's mansion, they were stubbornly resisted. There were broken walls and ruins everywhere. Several places were still on fire. Fortunately, it just rained a few days ago. The fire was not big and the smoke was lingering. Some of the surviving servants carried buckets to put out the fire, and some were busy carrying a body to the roadside open space.

The bodies of the guards in black were carefully placed neatly and covered with white cloth. The blue-shirted rebels were not treated so well. The servants dragged them like dead dogs and threw them on a flat carriage on the road, which was already full of corpses.

A small leader-like man is loudly ordering the servant: "Come on, it doesn't matter if you pile it up higher. Just pull it into the field outside the city and throw it away."

Ao Yuning stopped, and the group looked at the high bodies piled up in the carriage with complicated eyes.

"These were once the people of my Menijian!" Ao Yuning said in a sad tone. Xiao Tian stood beside her and could feel the fluctuation of her emotions - he clearly felt that this beautiful woman was really attacking the city lord's mansion and almost killed her rebels at this moment.

Xiao Tian curled his lips in his heart and said, "Women's benevolence! If I hadn't come in time, you would have been killed by you so-called people!" His face also had a worried and touching expression: "Yes, if it weren't for those traitors, the soldiers at the bottom would not have made trouble."

Ao Yuning bit her lips with hatred: "When Huodong is caught, he must be smashed to pieces!"

Several people returned to the living room of the city's mansion, which also underwent a baptism of war. There are traces of sword cuts everywhere on the walls and furniture, and there are water marks on the ground that have just been washed, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood. It can be seen how fierce the battle just took place here.

Most of the chairs in the hall can't sit, either missing a leg or the surface of the chair has been split in half. The servants brought several chairs of different shapes from nowhere, and the guests sat down.

Ao Yuning looked embarrassed and blushed: "I'm sorry, General, it's too messy here."

Xiao Tian smiled carelessly and said, "As a soldier, what's wrong with me? If you go to the Southwest Camp to have a look, you won't know what chaos is!" I'm afraid you'll laugh at me then."

Ao Yuning's eyes lit up: "I have long heard that the general is rigorous in governing the army. If there is a chance, I will really go to the Southwest Camp to learn from the experience." She covered her mouth and smiled, and her eyes were bright: "General, what I just said is that you invited me. When the rebellion is put down, I must follow you to the Southwest Camp to see the demeanor of the First Iron Army in the mainland!"

"Good to say..." Xiao Tian said as he wanted to slap his two mouths - his military power had long been cut off, and the Southwest battalion had nothing to do with him for a long time. Why did he have so many mouths? Looking at the appearance of this princess, it is really possible to go to see it.

Xiao Tian was thinking about how to change the topic, and there were shocking cheers outside:

"I got it! I got it!"

"I caught the thief chief!"

"Eat this one to see the general!"

Everyone was refreshed: "Have you caught the fire?"

An officer hurried in and knelt down: "General, Huodong, the leader of the rebel party, has been captured alive and is now outside."

Ao Yuning looked eager and excited: "Have you caught Huodong? Bring him up!"

After saying that, she realized that she was very rude - before the soldier's officer could speak, she rushed to the front and gave orders. She blushed and looked at Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian smiled and said, "Don't you hear the princess's words? Go!"

Huo Dong's hands were cut back, and several soldiers pushed him into the hall. The officer who came in to report also followed. He pushed Huodong and shouted in a low voice, "Why don't you kneel down when you see your majesty and the general?"

Xiao Tian looked at the legendary figure.

Huodong is 40 years old, with a strong face and two extremely short thick eyebrows. His body is straight and his head is high. A pair of eyes looked at the people in the hall as sharp as eagles. When he saw Xiao Tian, he was obviously shocked and his expression was complicated. He stared at Ao Yuning angrily: "How dare you and other ignorant women and children lead the wolf into the room and damage my century-old foundation!"

Xiao Tian is not annoyed by Huodong compared to a wolf. When he came, he had already received Loki's will to take this opportunity to eat Menijian. I really have bad intentions, and I don't have to care too much about the words of a prisoner.

The officer couldn't listen anymore. He kicked fiercely in Huodong's knee, staggered Huodong and scolded, "Let go*..."

Halfway through the words, I suddenly realized that there was also the princess of Menijian who was present. She spoke indecently and disrespectfully. He hurriedly pulled back from the cliff, swallowed a word "fart" back into his stomach, and scolded: "At the invitation of His Majesty and the princess, the general came to Menijian to help the friendly neighbor catch you, a rebel thief, you... ”

Xiao Tian interrupted him: "Be polite to Mr. Huodong." He turned to Oyan and Oson: "I'm here. What should I do with him? I listen to your majesty and the princess."

He motioned to the officer, "Give this rebellion to Your Majesty's army."

The officer took a step back, and several guards in black came forward to hold the fire. These people were not so polite. They punched and kicked, and one of them kicked Huodong's knee with his big scalp boots, and the sound of bone cracking was clearly heard.

Huo Dong finally couldn't hold on and fell to his knees. He knew that he would die, but he still scolded loudly. Shameless villains, traitors and other words kept coming out.

This man was so arrogant in front of foreign friendly forces that several bodyguards felt ashamed. A bodyguard in black who looked like a leader found a stool leg from nowhere and swung it up and hit the fire: "You're still talking nonsense! Tell you to talk nonsense!"

" Stop." The calm woman's voice sounded, and the bodyguard was stunned and stopped his movements.

Xiao Tian looked at Ao Yuning with great interest.

The beautiful exotic princess Yurong was calm. She looked directly at Huodong and said in a voice: "Your Excellency Huodong, do you really think you are not responsible for the country to such a point?"

Huo Dong was stunned, and his voice was obviously much lower: "Your Highness, please forgive Huo Dong's rudeness, but Aochen sold the country first. He wants to talk to the orcs..."

O Yuning interrupted him: "This is just an idea that has not been implemented yet. Besides, you have sent my brother to talk to the orcs. I believe you know what will happen to him.

Huodong was obviously discouraged. He looked at a certain point in the void and stopped talking.

Ao Yuning's words became excited: "Even if my brother wants to talk to the orcs, he is guilty. What about you? He treats you well, and you just send him into the hands of the orcs. What crime did his family commit? Do you put them all to death?

Huodong's chest slowly ricked down. In order to eradicate the grass, I believe that everyone will do this. If you kill the old one and let the small one go, there will be endless troubles in the future. But no matter what, Ao Chenkong is his own monarch. No matter how nicely he is, he is a rebel.

Ao Yuning continued to question, and his tone became calm: "What about you? I admit that he has the idea of making peace. It's my brother's fault. You killed him. How many times have you won with the orcs yourself?

Xiao Tian secretly praised: This sentence came to the point, not to mention winning the battle. After Huodong came to power, he had not even fought a serious battle with the orcs once. He said that he wanted to resist the beast, but in the end, he let the orcs attack the city and plunder the land, like a broken bamboo.

Huodong raised his head to argue, and his eyes were blank: "I... I want to fight, but my soldiers are not agreeable..."

The young emperor Oxun suddenly said, "Are they disappointing? They are very powerful in attacking their own people! Look at the bodies outside. They killed them all. They even killed my last bodyguard!"