The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 51 Cute Little Black


The sky is as blue as water, and under the undulating Daqing Mountains is an endless grassland.

In late autumn, the tip of the grass has turned yellow, and the leaves of the dwarf trees at the foot of the mountain have not yet fallen. In the autumn wind, there are dark yellow and light yellow brown and red colors, layered red.

A black horse is particularly eye-catching on the bright warm grassland. The horse rider is dressed in black silk and black calfskin boots, and the horse walks slowly with the wind.

More than ten meters behind him, more than a dozen people rode horses and followed him from afar.

The autumn wind blew, and the long grass as deep as the human waist lowered their heads, with a bleak smell, just like the mood of the passengers immediately.

The steed is a black horse with four hooves stepping on the snow, and the rider is the handsome son of Yushu in the wind. It's just that the good man frowned and his face was deeply sad.

The high and melodious song of the shepherd girl came from the distance. The sheep were sprinkled on the grass like snow-white pearls, bowing their heads and busy nibbling grass, rushing to grow the last layer of fat before winter.

The shepherd girl is tall and has long legs, and her skin is sunburned into a healthy honey color by the sun on the grassland. She is holding a small leather whip in her hand, and her tall figure looks vigorous and wild.

The rider of the steed looked at the girl from afar, with a smile on his face, and the horse galloped towards the girl.

More than a dozen followers also hurriedly followed: "Come on, keep up with Your Highness!"

"The girl on the grassland is wild and untamed. Don't hurt His Royal Highness Luo Mu!"

The sheep suddenly got up**. They stopped eating grass, moved their hoofs uneasily, and ran to a curved corner. The particularly tall sheep gathered around and squeezed into a ball tremblingly.

The shepherd girl put her hand on a pergola, looked at the sky alertly, and suddenly her face changed greatly. She thought for a moment, took off a whip as thick as an arm from her waist, stood in front of the sheep, and made a guard posture.

A black and white shepherd dog roared in a low voice, lying on the other side of the sheep, showing its sharp canine teeth and looking at the sky ready to go.

In the sky, a ferocious scorpion dragon stretched its wings and hovered silently in the air, as if it would rush down at any time to grab a sheep and go back to make a tooth sacrifice.

Looking down from the sky, the silvery river meadows through the pale yellow and colorful grassland, like the silver silk thread embroidered on the yellow silk handkerchief.

The snow-white sheep roll like pearls and gather together to form a large squirming white cloud. The shepherd girl in colorful clothes is like a small flower walking in public, dotted next to the white clouds. The whole picture is as beautiful as a brocade handker embroidered by a skillful craftsman.

"It's so beautiful, Xiaohei, go down a little more. I like the girl's clothes!"

"Real girl, please don't call me Xiaohei!" Scorpiosaurus's gray eyelids turned over, making an extremely depressed expression, and slowly fell down.

"Little black, little black! Why don't you like such a nice name? Honey, don't you think so?

The fat man smiled bitterly: "Please, I really can't vote for such a powerful man with such a bad name by you."

"Look, what's wrong?"

The appearance of a group of creatures destroys this harmonious beauty. A group of men in gray surrounded by a knight in black horse, like a group of gray mice carrying a piece of stinky meat and slowly moved away to the colorful flowers.

From the distant sky, this group of mice moved very slowly, but on the ground, their speed was extremely fast. The shepherd girl was alert to the dangerous monsters in the air, but she did not think of the real enemy, but these clothed beasts opposite.

A group of gray men hugged Luo Mu, and everyone approached the shepherd girl with a malicious smile on their faces.

Animals sometimes feel much more sensitive than humans, and shepherd dogs feel the danger close to their owners. The black and white shepherd dog jumped in front of the girl, covered the girl with its own body, and threatened to scream at the opposite "Wang Wang".

With a dull sound, the shepherd dog twitched and fell to the ground, spit out bright red blood foam from its mouth, and its amber translucent eyes were open, looking at its owner desperately and sadly.

"Ahua!" The shepherd girl squatted down, and a blood hole appeared on Ah Hua's forehead. The blood was mixed with white brain plasma and was flowing.

Seeing the tragic situation of her dog, the shepherd girl understood. She raised her head and stared at the people opposite angrily with tearful eyes.

The wind blew, and the grass bent down. The sheep trembled.

The beautiful girl held a long whip and confronted a group of robbers who broke into the grassland.

"Ahua, this name is not unpleasant, but is it an honor for me to know your name, a girl as beautiful as a flower? Your song is so beautiful," Luo Mu paused and smiled politely, "It must be better to wake up, right?"

"Hahaha!" The men behind Luo Mu couldn't stop laughing: "Yes, yes, Your Highness's skills are so good that he must make this girl hoarse!"

"No, no, Your Highness is a person who cherishes fragrance and jade. How can you have the heart to make this girl hoarse? Your Highness will make her unable to call out!"

"Little girl, are you still holding a whip? Do you like to play that tune? Hahaha, Your Highness, look at this girl. She wants you to whip her..."

"Bang!" The shepherd's leather whip accurately hit the speaker's face, and his face was bursting and swollen. He opened his mouth and spit out two big yellow teeth.

"Is this girl quite hard under her?"

Luo Mu laughed: "But I like it!" He ordered the men in gray, "Be careful and don't hurt her. Even one less hair will kill you!" Oh, by the way, I like that thin whip!"

The men roared and rushed up.


The scorpion dragon in mid-air suddenly shook.

He said slowly, "Real girl, if you don't call me Xiaohei in the future, I will tell you a secret and help you realize a wish."

"Oh?" Ye Zhenzhen, sitting on the back of the scorpion dragon, became interested: "Xiaohei, what secret do you have? And how do you know what I wish?"

Scorpion Dragon still has a slow tone: "Are you willing to exchange?"

"Okay," the fat man interrupted: "What's the secret I promise you instead of Zhenzhen?"

Ye Zhenzhen pouted: "If your secret can't satisfy me, I still have to call you Xiaohei!"

Little Black... Oh no, the Scorpion Dragon said in a low voice, "You will be satisfied. The man in black on the ground is Luo Mu!"

"Luo Mu!" Ye Zhenzhen almost fell off the Scorpion Dragon, and the fat man almost pulled her with his eyes: "Is it Luo Mu underneath?"

It is also Luo Mu's bad luck. Since Luo Bing was appointed as the crown prince, he began to plan to kill Luo Bing. However, Luo Bing was protected by unknown masters, and several groups of assassins sent were like meat buns beating dogs, all disappeared without a trace.

Luo Mu felt that he had done this unconsciously. But somehow, Loki learned about this and called him to the palace to scold him, telling him that he had arranged a large number of ghost guards in Luo Bing's house.

No wonder the assassins sent didn't come back. It turned out that the father was so biased that he sent his own personal ghost guard to Luo Bing!

Luo Mu was both wronged and afraid.

The most hateful thing is that Loki scolded him and ordered him to immediately close the door to introspection and not come back for ten years.

Luo Mu has a great hatred. His fief soil is fertile and rich in products, but there is one of the biggest shortcomings in that place: there are no beautiful women. Somehow, all the women have short legs and hunchbacks, and their faces are yellow and short, and they can't find a beautiful woman on the street.

How does this make you live? Besides, even if everything is safe now, Luo Bing will not let him go if his father dies in the future.

Will my father die in the future?

This reminds Luo Mu that if he kills Loki, those ghost guards will not continue to stay by Luo Bing's side, right? As long as Rocky dies and Luo Bing has no support, it will be much easier to assassinate Luo Bing.

Luo Mu did it as soon as he thought of it. Because the ghost guards around Rocky were sent to Luo Bing, this matter was really done by him!

The killers hired by Luo Mu to kill Rocky were all born in a famous underground killer gang: "God Kill".

Loki's funeral!

Before the smile on Luo Mu's face faded, a large number of officers and soldiers had poured into his house. The officers and soldiers held the order of His Royal Highness and turned the prince's mansion upside down.

Originally, Luo Mu should have been 100% in the house that day, but by mistake, a subordinate contributed his sister to him, and he went to a secret place of pleasure.

Moreover, because he had just sent a killer to assassinate his father, Luo Mu felt a little guilty. The only thing left was Tianliang that he had no intention to walk through the gate blatantly, but changed his bodyguard's clothes and took more than a dozen people there.

Luo Mu narrowly escaped the search and arrest.

Then, he began to flee with dozens of loyal subordinates. Until it stopped in Bayannor, this sparse grassland town.

Luo Mu and his subordinates settled down and soon became local hegemons. Although sometimes he is sad, whenever he sees those vigorous and wild grassland girls, Luo Mu will be in a better mood.

Now, the exotic shepherd girl in front of her has made Luo Mu feel much better.

Listening to the shepherd girl's hoarse scolding, a ferocious and twisted smile appeared on his face: this girl is really wild. At this level, she still hasn't shed a drop of tears. I guess it will be exciting for a while.

He looked around leisurely and thought to himself: Will he do things here later? The curtain and the cool breeze are also fresh and interesting.

A strong wind blew, the grass fell to the ground, and the sheep hised and fell to the ground.

The corners of Luo Mu's eyes twitched, thinking that these animals were also spiritual and knew that a big disaster was coming.

A huge shadow covered the sky, and the shadow on the ground quickly became bigger, accompanied by a clear shout: "Luo Mu, bring your life!"

This is a real disaster.

The scorpion dragon closed its wings and landed steadily on the grass. The strong wind with its wings made the people on the ground stand unsteadily and turned over.

The fat man and Ye Zhenzhen both slipped off the neck of the scorpion dragon, the Warcraft badge in the fat man's hand started, and the two kings and the female scorpion dragon suddenly appeared on the grass.