The element king of the descendants of the traveler

Chapter 53 Overturned Stone Island

In the surprise, envy, strangeness, inquiry and other eyes of the soldiers, the shining little lantern came over. Qingqing pushed the protective face on the elemental armor and asked Xiao Tian with a smile, "Brother Tian, how do you think of my armor?"

Yan Dao quietly pinched Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian's face was expressionless: "It's very beautiful. You don't need to bring a torch when you go out at night."

Yan Dao was anxious and looked at Qingqing worriedly.

A happy smile on his face: "Brother Tian, do you think so too? It's true that heroes have similar opinions!"

Xiao Tian: "..." Who looks the same as you!

Qingqing didn't notice Xiao Tian's strange face and smiled like a treasure, "Brother Tian, there are two good news. Which one do you want to listen to first?"

The little boy is like this again! Xiao Tian said quietly, "Listen to the first one first."

"Good!" Qingqing did not realize the problem in this sentence: "The first good news is that the dwarf sent another 1,000 elemental armor." He hooked his thumb upside down and pointed to the lantern on his body: "This is not a specially made for me."

Qingqing stopped for a moment, saw that Xiao Tian had no reaction, and another good news broke out: "Luo Mu is dead!"


Seeing that Xiao Tian did not have any surprise or surprise, the little devil reluctantly added, "Do you know who killed him?"

"I don't know."

"Fat brother."

This time, Xiao Tian was slightly moved: "The fat man chased Luo Mu?"

Knowing that the fat man met Luo Mu and killed Luo Mu with a few monsters, Xiao Tian couldn't help sighing that the fat man was indeed Luo Mu's nemesis...

"Where is the fat man now?"

Qingqing's little face was full of a cunning smile: "Where is it? Where can it be? I was placed under house arrest by your two masters for fear that he would escape again. I said that this fat man is really good. Isn't he just killing Luo Mu? He had to go back to show off. As a result..."

When he heard that the fat man returned to Tianjiao, a stone in Xiao Tian's heart finally fell to the ground.

Although he knows that the fat man is good and smart now, he is deeply brotherly, and Xiao Tian is still a little worried about him: he has been outside for more than half a year, and I don't know whether the fat man is doing well.

On the other hand, no matter how the fat man lives or not, without the fat man's pride, his two masters are really not doing well. Among other things, the financial problem alone is enough for the two old men to worry about.

This is indeed the case. When Wu Yi and Xiao Tian saw the fat man, they were overjoyed, as if they had caught a life-saving straw, which was incomprehensible to outsiders.

Although the fat man asked for a raise on the grounds of becoming a family, compared with the huge profits he created, his salary increase was insignificant at all. Without informing Xiao Tian, Wu Yi and Hei Qiao happily agreed to the fat man's reasonable request and quickly transferred all the affairs of Tianjiao to the fat man at the first time. Zi.

In fact, fat people are also secretly happy. Ye Zhenzhen was pregnant and in poor spirits, and the two had to come back.

I didn't expect to see two old people who cared so much about themselves as soon as I came back. The fat profiteer smartly proposed a raise on this opportunity. Sure enough, it passed smoothly!

Luo Mu died, Luo Bing ascended the throne, and the fat man also returned to Tianjiao to take charge of economic power - except for the damn orcs that have not been eliminated, almost everything else can be described as perfect.



Looking down from the sky, the overturned stone island is like a scab growing on the blue sea.

At this time, on this scabies beach, there is a small team of soldiers with ragged clothes, dark hair and thin skin and bones patrolling.

It is more appropriate to say that they are patrols, but in fact, it is more appropriate to say that they are food collection teams. If they hadn't held a unified weapon - a mace made of several nails on a wooden stick, no one would have seen that this was a group of soldiers.

The soldiers walked carefully along the beach with their waists. Occasionally, someone stopped, cheered and picked up a shrimp or crab from the beach, and hurriedly peeled it and put it into his mouth.

The soldiers are mostly teenagers or old people. They are thin, dark, dull and slow to move. Compared with the tiger and wolf soldiers who invaded Philpu, if they are not the same in appearance and hair, it is hard to believe that they are of the same race.

But compared with the orcs hiding behind the reef in the distance, these orcs are already very "strong".

Several pairs of big eyes are exposed behind the reef, saying that it is big because the owners of the eyes have the same characteristics - thin.

They only have a thin layer of animal skin wrapped with bones, and the shape of the bones can be clearly seen through the animal skin. The hair on their bodies and faces has fallen off a lot, black and white. There was a little orc with a squed stomach and could see something wriggling - that was his intestines.

A burst of cheers suddenly broke out on the beach.

A big fish half a man turned over its white belly and was washed to the beach by the tide.

I don't know how long the fish has been dead, and the fish emits a bad smell. The orcs no longer maintained their formation and tore up around the big fish.

An orc untied a thin, sharp stone from his waist and scratched the fish.

The orcs hiding behind the reef swallowed, looked at each other, shouted at the same time, and rushed over and squeezed into the circle.

Everyone took off the stones and other things around their waist, cut off the fish, and hurriedly fed them into their mouths without washing away the sand on them.

The circle was too small, and an orc squeezed outside anxiously for a long time and couldn't squeeze in. He was anxious, opened his blood-red eyes, lifted the gray hairy orc in front of him, and the stone in his hand slammed into his neck.

The gray orc just grabbed a piece of fish and fed it into his mouth. Before he could swallow it, the sharp stone blade had cut his throat.

Half a scream choked in his throat, and the gray orc's eyes were full of unwilling anger.

The orc who killed him took out the fish from his mouth and fed it into his mouth. Make up for the empty position and start to eat a lot.

Except for the sound of waves, there is only the sound of chewing on the beach. Everyone only cares about eating, and it seems that no one cares about the body on the ground.



"Those orcs actually eat fish raw!" Xiao Tian stood on the bow, his face white and his throat was vomiting.

Yan Dao smiled and said, "The boss's eyes are very good. He is even better than me. I can only see a piece of land in front of him." His hand set up a pergola and looked at the beach: "However, eating raw food is a hobby of orcs, not that orc brothers are too lazy to make a fire. Orcs have a particularly famous delicacy called sashimi, which is to cut raw fish into thin slices and eat them with various seasonings.

The sea breeze blew, the sails bulged, and the fleet drove quickly on the sea.

The overturned stone island is near.

The fleet slowly slowed down and lined up to move closer to the shore.

The orcs on the shore also found the fleet. Suddenly, the orcs dispersed as birds and beasts. It was strange to see such a huge fleet that they did not escape and waved their hands excitedly to the seaside.

"What are they shouting?"

I don't know when, Qinghe also walked to the deck and stood next to Xiao Tian. Seeing these orcs very excited, he asked Xiao Tian puzzledly, "These orcs look very happy?"

Xiao Tian smiled at the corners of his mouth: "They said that the savior is coming and there is no need to starve."

"Oh? They are too confident, aren't they? With these old, weak and sick, can you kill us all with seasonings and eat them as strangers?

It seems that the fourth uncle also heard Yan's words just now. Xiao Tianhe is happy: If you eat the fourth uncle, I'm afraid it's not a biological film, but a bird slice.

Of course, Xiao Tian dares not say this funny idea. If he dares to say it, the end must be very miserable: Qinghe's big feet are not vegetarian.

Xiao Tian said quietly, "I think the orcs and you are wrong. The orcs think we are the fleet that delivers food to them, and they are our own beasts." And you think the orcs are going to eat you.

Ah? Hahaha!" Everyone on the deck laughed: "Don't orcs have eyes?"

"The orcs are so stupid, can't you see that we are all human beings?"

Yan Dao said in a solemn voice, "First, they can't see so far. If it weren't for the General's Vision Superman, could you see each other clearly? Second, and most importantly, haven't there been human beings serving orcs before?


There is silence on the deck.

There are not only humans serving orcs, but also a few...

Fortunately, during this period, Xiao Tian led a large army to clean the orcs in Menijian, otherwise, we don't know how many humans will continue to serve the orcs.

Under the blue sky, the overturned island is getting closer. The waves turned white foam and hit the fine sea sand. The top of the circular mountain in the distance is covered with white snow all year round. From a distance, the overturned island is very beautiful.

The only thing that destroys the beauty is the furry orcs on the shore.

The orcs have found that the fierce boat on the opposite side is not their own beasts, and they have already dispersed. There was only a thin orc who looked * years old, still squatting next to the big fish, tearing the internal organs in the fish's stomach with both hands and filling those disgusting things into his mouth.

Seeing that the ship was about to dock, the little beast staggered away with its bulging stomach.

Only a large fish skeleton and a dead body were left on the beach.

The human beings on the ship had no desire to attack. All the people stared at the thin figure, and no one said anything.

Is the national strength of the orcs so weak? What on earth happened?

The scene that was expected to be resisted by a large number of orcs did not appear, but was replaced by a group of refugees and countless peeping eyes behind the reef.

I don't know if anyone else has found that Xiao Tian has found that behind the reef on the beach, there are countless cold and hungry eyes staring at the people on the boat.

The big boat approached the beach, and the small ssam full of soldiers was put down and rowed towards the shore, like countless big fish with sharp teeth suddenly appeared on the water.