The Accidental Imperial Concubine

Chapter 36 Sad

"Lan Yuxi, do you know what you are talking about?" Zi Yaoling said this sentence with anger.

Yuxi never thought that Zi Yaoling would call out her full name. No matter how stupid she was, she knew what he meant.

Such a noble, such excellent, such a fascinating evil, is actually jealous of other men. He likes her as the marquis said. However, she can't afford this feeling! When the marquis told her just now, she just vaguely guessed, but now, the protagonist...

Hold your fist tightly and try to calm yourself down. Yuxi made her voice sound calm, "Of course I know what I'm talking about. The marquis is your good brother, and I also regard him as the same brother as Xiluo. I feel the same way about you, but the marquis is better than you. You always bully me. After saying that, Yu Xi spread a big smile and covered up the surging inside. It really made her unbearable to say such words.

She couldn't figure out her feelings. She knew that even if she liked him, the two of them would be impossible. Not only are they separated by time, not only across the sea, but also across a difficult world between them, so she is just a timid person who can't bear such feelings. She knows that people like him will not let go if they love, so only by withdrawing from this relationship at the beginning can the damage be minimized. Evil, I also said that I can't stand being used. After that incident, I also said that I couldn't even be friends with you, so take a step back.

Yuxi ignored the inexplicable sadness in her heart and continued, "Demon, although you have been bullying me, I still regard you as my brother." Continuing to spread a smile, she raised her head and met Zi Yaoling's angry eyes mixed with pain.

"You mean, you have always regarded me as your brother?" Zi Yaoling said this sentence almost word by word.

Yuxi hid from his inquiring eyes, calmed her breath, and opened a hypocritical smile, "Yes, I think of you as my brother Ling, but it's better to call you evil."

"Lan Yuxi, very good, you did a very good job." After saying that, Zi Yaoling let go of Yu Xi's hands and turned away without mercy.

Yuxi looked at his back and laughed at himself. Lan Yuxi, you really pissed him off this time. The night wind blew, "Sneeze--" Yuxi sneezed, which was really self-shou shou shou shou shou shou. Shaking his head, Yu Xi walked into Liuyun Pavilion.


ling feng ge.

Ziying lowered her head and drinking wine, thinking about the scene that happened in front of Liuyun Pavilion. Her brother's scream made him scared. He had never felt such a feeling. Even if he fell from the snowy mountain with the master practicing martial arts, the pain was less than one ten thousandth.

He didn't know when he fell in love with her. Maybe he planted the root of love when he first saw her. After seeing her kindness, she was sometimes a fragile person, but she tried her best to hide herself and try her best to become stronger. When did he start to look at her changed? He wanted to protect this awkward girl, to see her grow up happily under his wings, and to see her defenseless smile, as if the sun warmed his heart.

Looking up and pouring another glass of wine, Zi Yaoling laughed. Fortunately, he thought that there was nothing to defeat him in his life, but he was defeated by the word love. It's really ridiculous. "Brother" hehe, "Brother", how ironic.

He still remembers that every time his father came to his mother's place when he was a child, every time he looked at them like ordinary husband and wife, he would be very envious, and he hoped that such a woman would let him do the same in the future. Because the father and mother are really golden boys and girls in the eyes of everyone.

But unintentionally, he saw his mother's concubine crying alone. He tried his best to ask, but his mother's concubine always told him nothing. Later, the longer maid secretly told her that his father had always loved others in his heart for the woman and for more than 20 years. Only then did he understand the reason why the mother concubine often frowned. It turned out that the mother concubine's beloved father gave deeper feelings to the unknown woman.

So, he met Lin Yufeng in the secret room that day. He knew that such a woman was worthy of his father's suicide.

So, he thought that he was also looking for a woman who could be loved and unforgettable. He could go to the spring and wait for 20 years like a teacher, just for the person he loved.

But now, his love tells him that she doesn't love him. Zi Yaoling has never been so disappointed and sad in his life.

With a crack, he crushed the white jade cup in his hand, and blood flowed out, but he did not feel pain at all. Seeing that Yuan was so close to her, his anger gushed out, making him unable to suppress it at all. Hearing that she was from another world, his heart couldn't help hurting. He wanted to keep her, but he just wanted to keep her, but she said mercilessly, and her brother sent her away.

Now, he found that he was deeply involved in the mud. Did he love her so much?

The bright moon outside the window was covered by dark clouds, and the night became deeper.


Liuyun Pavilion.

In the dark night, Yu Xi hadn't fallen asleep yet. She sat ** with her knees in her arms. Zi Yaoling's evil face flashed in front of him, and he teased himself, worried about himself, and accompanied her to watch fireworks. Scene after scene were played back in her mind like a movie. Finally, the picture was fixed on the lonely back when he left angrily.

There was an unexplained pain in my heart. Yuxi doesn't know what kind of feeling this is, maybe it means that he likes it. She intuitively rejected such strange feelings.

The marquis's words sounded in her ear, and there has always been protection around her? What exactly does it mean? She doesn't understand.

She always felt that the marquis's words had a deep meaning, but she had no way to explore and didn't want to explore. She was afraid that she would really fall in love with Zi Yaoling. So how can she return to her own world if she is hindered here?

She is glad that she hasn't fallen in love with him yet. She just likes it a little. She is also emotional. No matter how much she rejects it, she can't block the attraction of such an excellent man. When she heard Zi Yaoling's jealous words, her heart was uncontrollably happy. He also liked her! However, the situation is better than others, and she can't be with him. Fortunately, she can bury this love in her heart and never show it.

"I'm sorry." Yuxi spit out this sentence into the air and buried the layer of love in the deepest part.

He thought quietly in the dark, and Yu Xi's heart calmed down.

The window is wide open, and the night outside the window is getting quieter and quieter.

Slowly, she fell into ** and fell into darkness.

Two people enjoy the same night, the same pain, the same sadness.